Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais faire ?
A presentation about future plans using the structure 'je voudrais'. Based on the edexcel textbook.
Que fais-tu le matin? Reading Comprehension
DIscover the morning routine of Vicky Pollard and Borat and answer the questions in French.
Work Experience routine - imperfect
A presentation to introduce how to describe your daily work experience routine using the imperfect tense. Based on the edexcel textbook.
Possessive adjectives
A table to fill in in order to introduce possessive adjectives.
Genres de films - Expo 3 rouge Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 1
An introduction to different types of movies in French. It includes a writing template.
1941 - La seconde guerre mondiale
An outline of what happens in 1941 in France, Europe and Russia. No presentation available for this one unfortunately.
Je joue a / Je fais du
Presentation on different sports/activities using Je joue a and je fais du/de la.
Les participes passés - Crosswords
Infinitives in French are used as cues. Students have to put the verbs in their past participle forms in the crossword.
1939 - La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation of the main events in Europe and Russia leading to WW2.
Instructions, Commands and Target Language
An activity on classroom commands and encouraging students to use target language in the lesson whenever an opportunity presents itself.
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes lire? Expo 3 Vert Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A presentation about different types of books and several activities around the topic.
Décris ta journée scolaire
A presentation about describing your school day. It also includes a presentation about regular -er verbs and how to form them in the present tense.
la télé-réalité - Expo 3 Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 1 (Extra) A lesson on the reality TV programme called 'Les colocataires'.
Interview of a sports celebrity
Based on Edexcel Textbook
Questions and Answers using il/elle
Answers are to be revealed using the rubber on Smartboard software
Quel est son nom?
Quel est son prénom?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Quel est son lieu de naissance?
Comment ça s'écrit?
Quelle est la couleur de ses yeux?
Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
Que fait-il/elle de son temps libre?
Perfect tense - negative and agreement
An interactive whiteboard presentation on how to form the negative of verbs in the perfect tense as well as raise awareness of the agreement between the subject and the past participle of etre verbs.
Quelle est ta matiere préférée ?
A presentation to introduce school subjects along with likes and dislikes and opinions with a few practice activities.
Le weekend dernier - Expo 2 rouge module 2
Based on Expo 2 rouge module 2
A presentation to introduce / revise perfect tense of regular -er verbs. It includes a nice interactive dice game.
Asking a question - Expo 2 Rouge Module 5
Based on Expo 2 Rouge Module 5. An introduction to questions words and how to ask a question using est-ce que or subject-verb inversion.
Colour agreement - Crossword
An interesting crossword about colour agreement. Cues are the colours in English and the gender/number the students have to write them into in the crossword.
Work Experience routine - je devais
A presentation introduce vocabulary about work experience routine using the structure 'je devais'. Based in the edexcel textbook.