1943 - La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation about the main events that took place in Europe, Russia and Northen Africa in 1943 in the context of WW2.
1942- La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation about what happens in Europe, Northern Africa and Russia in 1942 in the context of WW2.
1941 - La seconde guerre mondiale
An outline of what happens in 1941 in France, Europe and Russia. No presentation available for this one unfortunately.
1940 - La seconde guerre mondiale
An outline of what happens during 1940 in France, Europe and Russia. No presentation available for this one unfortunately.
1939 - La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation of the main events in Europe and Russia leading to WW2.
1933-1939 La Montée d'Hitler
A presentation about the rise of the Hitler in Germany and its influence in Europe before the seconde world war.
1925-1933 La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation about France and Germany between 1925 and 1933 with the rise of the National Socialist party and its influence in Europe.
Mes vacances (future tense)
Presentation about holidays in the (near) future tense including a smartboard presentation (with an embedded video) and the worksheet for the listening (fill-in the gaps of the script) and the reading comprehension (find the French for...). I used it with my year 11 lower ability but it could easily be adapted to a higher ability group.
Mes vacances (Past tense)
Presentation about holidays in the past tense including a smartboard presentation (with an embedded video) and the worksheet for the listening (fill-in he gaps of the script) and the reading comprehension (find the French for...). I used it with my year 11 lower ability but it could easily be adapted to a higher ability group.
Comment ca s'écrit ?
A presentation of the alphabet and the ability to spell words.
Simpsons Catwalk
A stimulus for writing/speaking. A presentation of the simpsons dressed by designers. (pictures courtesy of Vogue, Condé Nast France).
A presentation on the verb avoir and different activities, including an interactive dice game at the end.
Animals - Adjective agreement
Introduction of adjectival agreement of colours based on animals.
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes lire? Expo 3 Vert Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A presentation about different types of books and several activities around the topic.
Je suis comme ca - Expo3 Vert Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1, For a very low ability year 9 group - a presentation that leads to describing someone incuding name, age, where they live and what they look like.
Angelina Jolie et les films
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A reading comprehension activity based on Angelina Jolie's favourite types of movies (including opinions justifications).
Si je strutcture followed by future simple
Based on Expo3 Rouge Module 5. A lesson based on the future simple and si clauses (e.g. si je gagne a l'Euromillion, je ferai le tour du monde).
Il faut visiter - Expo 3 Rouge Module 5
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 5. Introduction of the Imperative and revision of Il faut and On doit structures
Un crime au Chateau - Expo 3 Rouge Module 4
A complete series of lessons based on the Crime au Chateau offered by Expo 3 Rouge Module 4. I have tweaked a couple of activities to make them fit better with my classes. They really enjoyed this type of Whodunnit type of activity.
The imperfect tense / L'imparfait
An interactive whiteboard presentation on how to form the imperfect tense in French, Activities are included in the presentation.