Pedagogy and professional development

Gifted and Talented underachievement plan
A template for an underachievement plan for More Able, Gifted and Talented students.

NACE Challenge Award Action Plan template
A template for an action for school considering applying for the NACE Challenge Award based on the 2008 framework (easy to adapt for the 2011 framework)

Complete Display for encouraging use of Target Language in the classroom (with case study) French.
This is the result of a case study on how to improve and increase the use of spontaneous target language in the classroom by students. In this set of resources, you will find the rationale behind it (without videos for CP reasons) and the whole original display used based on "est-ce que je peux/nous pouvons..." as well as routines such as register, absence, lateness, justifications and comparatives.
It's great to mount the display progressively as you introduce the different elements to the students.
The other displays are posters for Time Markers (past, present and future), Opinions (positives and negatives), Quantifiers, Days of the Week, Months and Numbers from 1 to 100 that students can use as well during routines.

Teaching and Learning Classroom poster display
A poster to be displayed in each classroom to show the values of outstanding teaching and learning in the classroom.

Template for Gifted and Talented register
A template for a MAGT register at KS3 including formulas and condtional formatting.

NQT presentation on Gifted and Talented
A presentation about our More Able, Gifted and Talented provision in the school delivered to NQTs.

Departmenal Audit MAGT
A template for conducting an audit of departmental provision for MAGT students.

KS3 IEP for Gifted and Talented
A template for an IEP for More Able, Gifted and Talented students at KS3.

Gifted and Talented Differentiation
A presentation about different types of differentation delivered as part of INSET day in association with the school SENCO.