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Pour ou contre le fast-food.
A reading comprehension about opinions on fast-food in french.
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes lire? Expo 3 Vert Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A presentation about different types of books and several activities around the topic.
Quelle est ta matiere préférée ?
A presentation to introduce school subjects along with likes and dislikes and opinions with a few practice activities.
ER verbs introduction
Lesson focused on the introduction of regular ER verbs
Cuisine du monde - Expo 2 Rouge Module 4
An extension of expo 2 rouge module 4 to talk about food from around the globe in French and justifying why they prefer that kind of food.
KS4 Gifted and Talented Questionnaire
A template for questionnaire for KS4 MAGT students.
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain?
A lesson focused on saying what they are going to do next weekend according to the weather (e.g. si il pleut, je vais regarder la télé).
Que fais-tu le matin ?
Describing your morning routine using the time.
NACE Challenge Award Action Plan template
A template for an action for school considering applying for the NACE Challenge Award based on the 2008 framework (easy to adapt for the 2011 framework)
Christmas Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension
A presentation about Christmas vocabulary and includes a listening comprehension about le Pere Noel's self introduction.
Je joue a / Je fais du
Presentation on different sports/activities using Je joue a and je fais du/de la.
The weather
A presentation to revise the weather with my lower ability year 11 group. Based on the edexcel textbook.
Comment es-tu ?
A presentation about description of characters. Also includes introduction to il/elle est.
Self Introduction Questions and Answers
Quick Recap on self introduction using Pixie Lott as an example.
Comment tu t'appelles ?
Quel âge as-tu ?
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ?
Où habites-tu ?
Tu es comment ?
As-tu des frères et soeurs ?
As-tu un animal ?
Introduction to Translation French 2016 GCSE (Reading Paper C)
This is a lesson to introduce students to Translation from French into English. This is based on the current (not yet Ofqual approved) 2016 Edexcel GCSE French, Including a Full lesson plan. The lesson is a notebook file (using Smart Board).
This is based on a Spanish town (Madrid) as we have studied so many French towns already that it gives the students no prior knowledge advantage.
Texts and resources are derived and adapted from various sources.
Le passé simple
A presentation (NOTEBOOK) to introduce (only) the past historic in french.
UPDATE: after much demand, I am also enclosing the PDF export of the notebook for those who can't open it.
Studio 1 Vocabulary Board Game
A board game to be printed.
The board is standard and is available as a PDF, a picture or a PowerPoint Slide (if you need to change or adapt).
The cards are available for Modules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as separate lists or as a whole list for an End of Year game.
Enjoy :-)
A template for IEP for More Able, Gifted and Talented students at KS4.
Ou j'habite - Expo 2 Rouge Module 1
Based on Expo 2 rouge module 1 - talking about where you live.
NB: answers are on the presentation - you just need to use the rubber to make them appear.
Nous / Notre
Lesson dedicated to verbs in the nous form as well as using notre and nos.
Based on Expo 2 Rouge page 96