All resources

Departmenal Audit MAGT
A template for conducting an audit of departmental provision for MAGT students.

French Gifted and Talented - Extension Activities
A bundle of resources to be used as series of lessons and/or standalone lessons at KS3 and KS4-5.
It comprises a Harry Potter Challenge Day for year 7, a News and Media Challenge Day for year 8 and a French literature series of lessons for KS4-5 students on Le Petit Prince.

Past Present Future
A lesson to recap the use of past present and future (using time markers as well).
Based on Expo 2 rouge p102
(can be used with KS4 students)

A2 Edexcel Oral introduction
A presentation for year 13 to explain how the oral works and to help them chose an appropriate issue to discuss.

KS3 IEP for Gifted and Talented
A template for an IEP for More Able, Gifted and Talented students at KS3.

Que fais-tu ?
Based on 2012 Olympics. A series of lessons and activities based on the sports/activities using je fais and je joue, including strategies for students to improve the content of their writing.

Décris ta maison
A presentation about rooms in the house, based on the Simpsons house (video of a tour of the house is included).

Le Francais dans la vie professionelle
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 2 A lesson focused on the importance of French in the professional environment.

Genres de films - Expo 3 rouge Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 1
An introduction to different types of movies in French. It includes a writing template.

Que fais-tu pour aider a la maison ?
A presentation to introduce vocabulary of chores based on the edexcel textbook.

Choisir un hotel
A presentation about facilities in a hotel in French. In includes a listening activity.

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton sac ?
A presentation to introduce what there is in a student's bag. This includes introduction of the contextualising question, introduction of new vocabulary along with an introduction to connectives and how to make more complex sentences (year 7 level) and in the negative.

Revision on school
A lesson for my year 7 to revise for their assessment on school inluding school subjects, opinions and time.

Ou es-tu allé(e) ?
Recap of vocab using aller in the perfect tense and the difference between a / en / chez.