This ready-to-use, top quality set of resources allows teachers to easily teach the Year 3 Maths topic of turns and angles to a mixed ability class.
This lesson forms part of a series of lessons on geometry which include coverage of the objectives:
• Recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn
• Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
• Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines
• Draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials
• Recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them.
The editable teaching presentation effectively models concepts to children and is accompanied by a lesson plan and tasks.
The tasks and lesson plan are both editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
#Y3 #Geometry #PropertiesofShape #Y3G #LKS2 #Maths
These ready-to-use worksheets allow teachers to provide tasks to Year 3 children on the maths topic of Hundreds.
They form part of a series of lessons on Number and Place Value which include coverage of the objectives:
• Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
• Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
• Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit numbers (hundreds, tens, ones)
• Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
• Compare and order numbers up to 100
These worksheets are available as part of the Hundreds lesson pack.
The worksheets are editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
This ready-to-use game allows teachers to provide tasks to Year 4 children on the maths topic of what is area?.
It forms part of a series of lessons on area which include coverage of the objective:
• Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares
This game links well with White Rose Maths – Measurement: Area. It is available as part of the what is area? lesson pack.
The game is editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
#Y4 #Measurement #Area #Y4M #Y4M-A #LKS2 #Maths
This multiplication grid is drawn to scale to help children to visualise multiplication facts. It represents multiplication facts from 1x1 to 10 x 12.
The resource includes a full colour version (shown in the preview) and a black and white version.
These ready-to-use worksheets allow teachers to provide tasks to Year 4 children on the maths topic of kilometres.
They form part of a series of lessons on measurement which include coverage of the objective ‘measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure and convert between different units of measure.’ They are available as part of the kilometres lesson pack.
The worksheets are editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
This ready-to-use, top quality set of resources allows teachers to easily teach the Year 3 Maths topic of Hundreds to a mixed ability class.
This lesson forms part of a series of lessons on Number and Place Value which include coverage of the objectives:
• Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
• Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
• Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit numbers (hundreds, tens, ones)
• Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
• Compare and order numbers up to 100
The editable teaching presentation effectively models concepts to children and is accompanied by a lesson plan and differentiated worksheets (with answers) – catering for the needs of most Year 3 children.
The worksheets and lesson plan are both editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
A set of differentiated worksheets for answering word problems for Y3 children.
HA: answering mixed addition and subtraction including carrying (+) and exchanging (-).
MA: addition problems, including carrying and adding three 3-digit numbers
LA: addition problems, including carrying.
Also available from
NC Y3: Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
Uh oh! Somebody hid all the lines needed to make the pharaoh’s new pyramid! Can you be a super sleuth and find them?
A set of lines for children to hunt for around school. When children find the lines, the powerpoint can be clicked through to show the Pyramid growing.
A timeline ordering activity which features events from prehistoric Britain. The focus of this activity is ordering numbers up to 1000 (Y3 maths objective).
It uses abbreviations kya for thousand years ago and ya for years ago to make the numbers manageable for the age group.
Includes an activity for HAPs which is split into two parts - one featuring numbers to 1000 and an extension with numbers beyond 1000 and an activity for MAPs/LAPs which just features numbers to 1000. Also includes a PowerPoint which gives a brief introduction to the different parts of prehistoric Britain and guidance for children on how to compare and order numbers.
A multiple choice answer card which can be used for very rapid AfL. Print and laminate the cards and children can then fold them and hold them up to show the correct answer (a, b, c, d). Great for quickly checking children’s understanding in maths and other subjects with objective answers (eg SPaG, science). I have also included a few PowerPoints with example questions in which I have used very successfully with classes to be able to quickly decide who needs more input, extending etc.
A lift the flap booklet children can make to remind them of different mental multiplication strategies.
Includes counting in multiples, repeated addition, number line and arrays.
A set of printable 1-15 cards, a PowerPoint to introduce the problem and an accompanying activity plan.
I printed the cards onto different coloured cards so they could easily be sorted back into packs.
Great for a standalone / interview lesson!
Also available from
A lift the flap booklet children can make to remind them of different mental division strategies.
Includes sharing objects into groups, grouping, arrays and division with remainders.