This pack includes the five lessons required to teach the Year 3 topic of Measurement: Money.
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 3 of the Year 4 Number and Place Value unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 11, 12 and 13.
11. Round to the nearest 1000
12. Count in 25s
13. Negative numbers
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 4 of the Year 3 Number and Place Value unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 16, 17 and 18.
16. Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number - exchange
17. Estimate answers to calculations
18. Check
This pack includes the three lessons required to teach week 2 of the Year 3 topic of Measurement: Length and Perimeter.
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
Includes flash cards for graphemes (with and without sound buttons), high frequency words, tricky words, non-words.
It also includes a set of flash cards for phase 6 suffixes.
Please note there is not a set of phase 4 grapheme cards as phase 4 does not introduce any new graphemes.
This set is designed for southern accents as the word put is included in phase 5. For a version designed for northern accents with put included in phase 2, please see
Includes flash cards for graphemes (with and without sound buttons), high frequency words, tricky words, non-words.
It also includes a set of flash cards for phase 6 suffixes.
Please note there is not a set of phase 4 grapheme cards as phase 4 does not introduce any new graphemes.
This set is designed for northern accents as the word put is included in phase 2. For a version designed for southern accents with put included in phase 5, please see
Includes flash cards for graphemes (with and without sound buttons), high frequency words, tricky words, non-words.
It also includes a set of flash cards for phase 6 suffixes.
Please note there is not a set of phase 4 grapheme cards as phase 4 does not introduce any new graphemes.
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 3 topic of Multiplication and Division
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 1 of the Year 3 Number and Place Value unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Add and subtract multiples of 100
Add and subtract 3-digit numbers and ones - not crossing ten
Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10
Subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number - crossing 10
Add and subtract 3-digit numbers and tens
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 1 of the Year 3 Number and Place Value unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Represent numbers to 1000
100s 10s 1s (1)
100s 10s 1s (2)
Number line to 100
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 1 of the Year 4 Addition and Subtraction unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s
Add two 4-digit numbers - no exchange
Add two 4-digit numbers - one exchange
Add two 4-digit numbers - more than one exchange
Subtract two 4-digit numbers - no exchange
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 3 topic of Multiplication and Division (2 - Spring Block)
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack contains all lessons and associated resources for Week 1 of the Year 4 Number and Place Value unit of work. This includes lesson plans, worksheets and presentations for lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Roman numerals to 100
Round to the nearest 10
Round to the nearest 100
Count in 1000s
100s, 100s, 10s and 1s
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 4 topic of Multiplication and Division
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 4 topic of Multiplication and Division (2 - Spring Block)
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 3 topic of Measurement: Length and Perimeter.
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack includes the five lessons required to teach week 1 of the Year 3 topic of Geometry: Properties of Shape
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks
This pack includes the four lessons required to teach week 2 of the Year 3 topic of Geometry: Properties of Shape
It includes editable:
lesson plans
teaching presentations
differentiated worksheets/tasks