All resources

Introduction to the British Empire
British Empire
an Introductory 1-2 hour lesson. complete set of resources including presentation, activities and learning map.
Aimed at KS3 Y8

Year 7 Multicultural foods Nutrients and Vitamins
Full set of lesson resources for a 2 hour or 100 minute lesson.
Theme: Multicultural (Nutrients, minerals and vitamins)
Includes a learning activity mat.

Roman Gods
Roman Gods- Lesson plan, presentation and resources including homework
Aimed at KS3- Year 7

Life in the Trenches WW1
Life in the trenches WW1
A full set of lesson resources including a powerpoint an activities, looking at the conditions of life in the trenches during WWI. Aimed at KS3 Year 9

Tudors Bloody Mary Lesson and Resources
Bloody Mary
A full lesson powerpoint and resources for the topic of Bloody Mary.
Based on 1 hour lesson which could also go into a subsequent lesson with the Rhyme activity.

The Black Death Lesson and resources aimed at year 7
The Black Death
A complete set of resources- Powerpoint and activities.
Aimed at KS3-Y7

Bundle of PRET Textiles Homework
A range of PRET home learning sheets.
Practice- Extend- Recall- Think
Monster Mania/creatures
Grand prix/Sewing Skills
Bottle coats

PRET homework Textiles Ugly Creatures
PRET- Practice, Extend, Recall and think
Textiles KS3 weekly home learning activities.
This one is based on an ugly creature project.
I also have others available and a bundle of KS3 Textiles ones.

PRET Homework Crime and Punishment 18th 19th century
PRET- Practice, Extend, Recall and Think
6 Weekly home learning activities that stretch and challenge.
This one is based on the GCSE EDEXCEL Crime and Punishment Unit- 18th & 19th centuries.
I also have made some KS3 versions available.