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The Full English : English teaching resources, ages 10- 18!

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(based on 31 reviews)

High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.




High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.
Thomas Hardy's poetry: full study pack with summaries, tasks and contextual points

Thomas Hardy's poetry: full study pack with summaries, tasks and contextual points

This Is a very through and detailed learning pack which gives students a lot of background biographical detail on Hardy and works through a large amount of his poems. Full textual notes. It is ideal for A level or IB students. It is also great for extending GCSE students and is an equally good resource if you’re looking for unseen poems to do with your GCSE students in preparation for the Literature exams, as the Hardy poems have come up a lot at GCSE and are in easy to compare themes such as relationships, war and nature.
Poe: gothic vocabulary glossary for Tell Tale Heart...poecabulary!

Poe: gothic vocabulary glossary for Tell Tale Heart...poecabulary!

This is a handy glossary sheet of the more difficult language in this excellent short story. It is a real favourite with students of all ages and IDEAL year nine preparation for the GCSE set novel Jekyll and Hyde, as it introduces kids to the main generic features and the complex vocabulary. Stevenson is easier, if anything, so it will really prepare your students for the demands of the Victorian horror story. Also included is a copy of the story.
Henry V focus questions on Act 1, including key speeches

Henry V focus questions on Act 1, including key speeches

Henry V is such a great play to teach students. This worksheet enables them to get a grip on the many ideas about loyalty, patriotism and honour which dominate the first Act. Aimed at GCSe students but could work well with able KS3 learners or even with A level students studying the play for coursework.
Thorough revision test for Act V of Macbeth, v good revision assessment tool

Thorough revision test for Act V of Macbeth, v good revision assessment tool

I spent a while devising this as the final Act has so many scenes and elements tying together. The two side resource is bound to keep your students occupied for a whole period in your lesson. Or, set a few in class and get them to do the rest at home as a self-test. I found it really helped students identify areas of weakness in term s of plot knowledge, understanding patterns of language and analysing Macbeth's character.
A Scouser glossary- at a glance

A Scouser glossary- at a glance

Eh dis is dead good! Ideal resource for supplementing student understanding of 'Blood Brothers' or for any lesson on regional dialect language and accents. Gerrin!
Focus text work on 'Lord of the Flies'

Focus text work on 'Lord of the Flies'

This is a great extract to consolidate student understanding of the novel, particularly for AQA GCSE, as it is the scene when the three boys climb the mountain and encounter the dead airman. Lots of testing questions to help them understand the text. For younger students, it works equally well as a stand-alone comprehension. Bargain resource! Please see my other resources on the novel.