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The Full English : English teaching resources, ages 10- 18!

Average Rating3.63
(based on 31 reviews)

High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.




High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.
Essay plan for Shylock

Essay plan for Shylock

This is a clear handout designed to support the essay question : 'More sinned against than sinner.' Is this a fair assessment of Shylock? You might like to also buy the three views of Shylock presentation I made which reinforces this handout.
Staging Shylock: how should we interpret him?

Staging Shylock: how should we interpret him?

Full PowerPoint presentation which covers all the main three ways in which Shylock is viewed by academics, with textual examples and supporting analysis for each stance. Lots of detail. Makes ideal characterand play revision.
Blood Brothers: Act One questions

Blood Brothers: Act One questions

A good set of questions of Act One, enough to fill a lesson and set rest for homework. Great for helping students get their grip on the play and practise finding quoted examples.
What is The Gothic? Full PowerPoint!

What is The Gothic? Full PowerPoint!

A slideshow with detailed definitions, examples, historical context and lots of good images. Ideal for anyone studying or teaching Jekyll and Hyde, Dracula, Frankenstein...any Gothic texts.
Macbeth GCSE: 23 full  focus scenes for revision - 8  fully  annotated covering all  key frameworks

Macbeth GCSE: 23 full focus scenes for revision - 8 fully annotated covering all key frameworks

Aimed at GCSE students, this pack of 23 of the 'most likely' scenes zooms in on the key contextual background, suggests key cross-scene links, analyses language, character, theme and also related out to wider contexts such as witchcraft, religion or treason. Basically, these are 23 key revision scenes with 8 mini essay revision notes on the first 8 speeches. Handy if you are sitting Monday's exam and haven't a clue where to start revision!
Merchant of Venice revision pack

Merchant of Venice revision pack

This pack focuses on all the difficult aspects of each scene, Language, character and theme. Lots of demanding questions and certainly an ideal pack for revision.
Simply Divine Dorian Gray revision bundle

Simply Divine Dorian Gray revision bundle

3 Resources
Here we have some more sample anonymous student essays, a really thorough and demanding set of revision questions on chapters 2 and 3, plus a revision overview of Dorian's character. The chapter focus questions make ideal cover, extension or homework tasks.
Decadent Dorian Gray Revision  Bundle!

Decadent Dorian Gray Revision Bundle!

4 Resources
This aesthetically pleasing bundle contains sample anonymous student essay responses to use with your own students, a useful contextual overview handout on the role of the portrait, plus an excellent handout on the Victorian Gothic in 'Dorian Gray'.
Excellent full Macbeth revision pack

Excellent full Macbeth revision pack

This is an ideal revision pack for GCSE students. Less able learners will appreciate its comprehensive and thorough use of scene to scene links and well-chosen quotations and the most able will get a lot from the extended analysis and inferred points. It is very thorough and detailed, doing a lot of the cross-textual linking and contextual analysis for you. Students can download the pack to their 'phones and refer to the scene summaries as part of revision. When printed out, it's good to highlight best contextual references and their favorite quotations, so they can customise the pack further. Saves you hours of revision note-making!