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AQA 14.1 Survival and Response

AQA 14.1 Survival and Response

AQA A level biology: first lesson of the topic ‘Response to Stimuli’ introduces the ideas of taxis, kinesis and tropism, and gives students the opportunity to practice using exam questions. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Exam questions and mark scheme Ready to use in classroom.
AQA 20.1 Gene mutations

AQA 20.1 Gene mutations

AQA A level Biology (new spec): First lesson of the Gene Expression topic explores the different types of gene mutations and discusses their impact. Students then apply their knowledge by answering exam questions. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Exam questions and mark scheme Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 20.3 Regulation of Transcription & Translation

AQA 20.3 Regulation of Transcription & Translation

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Third esson of the Gene Expression topic explores how the processes of transcription and translation are regulated in a cell. Students then apply their knowledge by answering exam questions. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Exam questions and mark scheme Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.3 Types of Microscopes

AQA 2.3 Types of Microscopes

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Third lesson of the Cell Structure topic explores the advantages and limitations of different microscopes (light, SEM and TEM) and describes how they work. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.4 Measuring Cells (Graticules)

AQA 2.4 Measuring Cells (Graticules)

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Fourth of the Cell Structure topic looks at what a graticule is and how to use it (step-by-step). Can be combined with a microscopy practical and link to CPACs. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Student powerpoint to annotate Ready for use in the classroom.
AQA 2.2 Cell Fractionation

AQA 2.2 Cell Fractionation

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Second lesson of the Cell Structure topic explores the process and purpose of cell fractionation. Students then apply their knowledge by answering exam questions. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Exam questions and mark scheme Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.8 Mitosis

AQA 2.8 Mitosis

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Fifth lesson of the Cell Structure topic explores the stages of mitosis and how to identify them from micrographs. Students then apply their knowledge by answering exam questions. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Exam questions and mark scheme Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.7 Prokaryotic Cells

AQA 2.7 Prokaryotic Cells

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Fifth lesson of the Cell Structure topic explores the structure of a prokaryotic cell and their functions. Students then apply their knowledge by completing worksheets. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Worksheets Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.6 Cell Specialisation and Organisation

AQA 2.6 Cell Specialisation and Organisation

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Sixth lesson of the Cell Structure topic recaps the different levels of organisation within an organism and what cell specialisation is. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Ready to use in classrooms.
AQA 2.7 Viruses

AQA 2.7 Viruses

AQA A level Biology (new spec): Seventh lesson of the Cell Structure topic explores what viruses are the structure of a HIV virus. Includes: Powerpoint presentation Ready to use in classrooms.