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Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Scene 1 for LA- Friar Lawrence
A lesson on Friar Lawrence in Act 4 scene 1 used with a Y8 LA class.
Bundle Sale

Preparing for Crafting Language Coursework- Full Unit
Full mini scheme on preparing for Crafting Language- Edexcel. Could also be adapted for A Level AQA English Language coursework.
This looks at:
Scripted presentations
Dramatic monologues
Travel Writing.

Crafting Language- Scripted Presentations
Lesson used as part of a unit of preparing for Crafting Langauge coursework Edexcel- could easily be adapted for other exam boards/ ages.
Uses Everybody’s Free and J K Rowling’s Harvard speech.

Crafting Language- Writing Narratives
Looking at narrative writing as part of a unit on preparing for the Crafting Language coursework- Edexcel A Level English Language.
Resources (extracts) mentioned found at file:///E:/KS5%202018-19/Edexcel%20English%20Language/Coursework-%20Crafting%20Language/New%20Scheme/Narrative/Examples%20of%20narratives%20to%20annotate.pdf

Crafting Language- Understanding and creating monologues.
Lesson created for a unit on preparing for Crafting Language Edexcel coursework. Could easily be adapted for other exam boards or topics.

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 2 for LA
Lesson aimed at helping LA KS3 students access Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet Act2 -2 for LA KS3
Lesson (perhaps 2) focusing on Act 2:2 with LA students. A variety of activities to increase confidence with Shakesperian language.

English Language KS5 Independent Study tasks. 3 half terms.
These were made for Y12 Edexcel, however could easily be edited for AQA.

Crafting Language - Travel Writing.
Lesson (or may last for more) looking at the features of travel writing. Was used with Y12 Edexcel student though could have other uses.

Dystopian writing lesson- London- Punctuation focus- LA
Lesson on using punctuation used with a LA class.
Part of the PP was printed as a worksheet.

Descriptive writing worksheet based on ACC- includes structure strip
A creative writing worksheet using a structure strip to build a description of a scene from A Christmas Carol. Includes starter and peer assessment grid.

Act 5:1 Macbeth exam question and walk through for MA
Act 5:1 exam question on Lady Macbeth and ‘Purple Pen’ lesson to follow including key learning points, context of the supernatural, spellings and redrafting.
Bundle Sale

Macbeth Act1 to Act 5- Half term of work- LA
Half term of work on a Macbeth unit used with a LA though motivated Y11 class. Covers walk throughs for most scenes however not each one due to the needs of the class at the time. The bundle includes a focus on literacy and opportunity for independent reading.

Macbeth walk through Act 5 LA
Macbeth Act 5 walk through with LA. Between the slides we read and annotated. This was used to walk through Act 5 quickly in preparation for a formative assessment. Includes work on the tragic hero.

Macbeth Act 3
A range of lessons on Act 3 of Macbeth. Looks at scenes 1,2 and 4. Includes activities considering imagery as well as opportunities for extended writing. Used with LA-MA KS4.

Macbeth Act 2 collection of lessons
A collection of lessons looking at Act 2. Includes opportunities for extended writing and activities focused around questioning. Used with a LA-MA KS4 group.

Complete Macbeth Act 1- At least 10 lessons
Lessons to accompany teaching of Macbeth Act 1. Includes opportunities for extended writing. Used with a LA-MA KS4 class.

KS5 English Language terminology and theory quizzes- 3 x Teacher sheet and answer sheet.
Lesson starters. I used these after the holidays to check that students had been revising. Can be used for any exam board. Emphasis on low stakes testing.