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AQA 7701 CLA English Language- Introduction Bundle
A half term (7 weeks) worth of lessons covering the basics of CLA.
Includes an optional SOW and revision sheet

7701 CLA English Language - Lexical and semantic development
An introduction to lexical and semantic development. Looks at holophrases, Nelson, Rescorla, Aitchison.
Various activities along the way to check understanding including looking at a small transcript.

7701 CLA A Level English Language- Pragmatic Development- Halliday and Dore
Introduction to the functions of language according to Halliday and Dore. Students complete grid and transcript annotation selecting functions before producing their own transcript. Answers included.

AQA English Language A Level 7701- CLA-Intro to phonology.
An introduction to phonology looking at A01 terminology types of error, IPA and relating ideas back to theory.

A Level English Language CLA- Nativism-Chomsky
An introduction to Nativism and Chomsky. Includes A01 and A02 information- Wug Test, Poverty of stimulus, inborn faculty. Transcript activity.

A Level AQA CLA- Introduction to Piaget
Introduction to Piaget with knowledge for A01 and A01. Printable worksheet to accompany slides and activities to check learning. Includes critique of theory. I found this covers 2 lessons.

A Level English Language AQA- An introduction to 7701-CLA and intro to CDS
Used as the first two lessons with Y13. Contains an intro to the course with quick quiz. Leads the students to consider existing knowledge of language and CLA.
Moves onto a transcript and a straightforward analytical task introducing students on how their answers should be structured, followed by a peer assessment activity.
Contains information on CDS satisfying A01 and A02.
Includes further reading.

AQA A Level Child Language Acquisition 7701-Introduction to behaviourism
Introduction to behaviourism including:
Key terminology
Reference to A0s
Model Answer
Writing activity
Starter for following lesson
Further reading

AQA English Language Paper 1A- Focus on gothic horror.
This PP was used over a week with Y9 students as an introduction to 19C literature. The unit looked at skills needed for both the language and literature exam.
There is a mixture of individual and group work.
Extracts are available from the AQA KS3 19C resources pack, available from their website under teaching resources.

AQA English Language Paper 1A questions focusing on Nicholas Nickleby extract
AQA English Language Paper 1A questions focusing on Nicholas Nickleby extract.
Used as part of a unit named “An Introduction to 19C literature” looking at both lang and lit skills.
The PP and activities lasted me 4-5 lessons.
Covers some context
Extract available from AQA website in KS3 resource pack under teaching materials

Suggested essay plan for English Language AQA Paper 1A Q 3
Suggested essay plan for English Language AQA Paper 1A Q 3

AQA English Language Paper 1A- Structure. Using videos to introduce structure.
English language Paper 1A. Students watch a series of clips to help them understand structure. In the following lessons students used extracts and found this much easier as they had applied their skills to video clips first,

Being more perceptive- focus on structure-uses clip from Pride and Prejudice.
Resource on how to be more perceptive with a focus on structure. Relates to AQA English Language Paper 1 Q3.

AQA English Lang Paper 1A- Design your own exam paper
Booklet that I created to allow students to understand the exam paper through creating their own questions and mark scheme.

AQA English Lang GCSE Paper 1 Heart of Darkness
A range of lessons (lasted me around 2 weeks) talking Y10 students through their first attempt at language exam paper 1. Could be edited to become more challenging.

Language Diversity- Scheme on Language and Occupation
Unit of language and occupation lasting around 10 lessons (planned for 2 lessons a week).
Ensures that all terminology required by the exam board is given. Includes example assessments.
Bundle Sale

Creative writing KS3
A variety of engaging activities aimed at Y7-9.
Includes 5 weeks of homework.
Looks at skills needed at GCSE

Writing from another perspective- creative writing.
Practice on writing from another perspective, focus on a butterfly flying over London. Includes a potential image for a class model answer.

Using extended metaphor to develop language
Student must use extended metaphor to develop a piece of writing. Includes examples and materials for a class model.
I used a Life of Pi clip to engage students.

Descriptive writing- Chernobyl-Creating atmosphere.
Students learn about Chernobyl with the aim of completing a piece of creative writing. There is a link to a useful clip and self assessment grid included.