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Our Day Out detailed Powerpoint-Willy Russell
A large PP on Our Day Out Willy Russell. Used with Y8 but flexible. Includes assessments.

Martin Luther King- Freedom. Information retieval, creative writing. Two PP MA and LA.
A range of tasks on Martin Luther King focusing on Freedom. Looks at information retrieval and creative writing. Two separate PPs of varying ability. Lower ability includes some Polish translations.
Thinking hats task for differentiation.

Stone Cold Robert Swindells Extensive PP and resources
A collection of activities based on Stone Cold by Robert Swindells.
Includes assessment plans.
Looks at dual narrative, descriptive writing, punctuation, P.E,E,

WORD OF THE WEEK COMPLETE SCHEME (and punctuation of the week). Whole School Literacy
Complete plan and Powerpoints for 13 weeks of WOW and POW (punctuation of the week). Once set up this format can easily be copied for further. The plan covers 2 1/2 full terms.
Whole school literacy.

KS5 English Language Child Language Acquisition (developing language) sentence opener card.
Sentence opener cards for Child Language Acquisition. Laminate and use in class to help students improve their answers.

AQA A level English Language- Regional Variation
A collection of activities and short unit of work on regional variation.

Creative and descriptive writing AQA image stimulous
Introduction to creative and descriptive writing. Used with KS4 but could be used with ks3

Gang riots/ gun crime. Full Scheme PP and articles.
A series of activities on gang riots, aimed at Y9. Focuses specifically on language analysis.

A Level English Language Child Language Acquisition Revision- Developing Language
Child language acquisition revision worksheets and answers. Includes short tests/quizzes.

VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) triangles wall display
VCOP triangles wall display. Can also be laminated as placemats.

The influence of the Inspector's final speech in An Inspector Calls. Includes role play.
Looking at how the Inspector's speech influences other characters in An Inspector Calls

Priestly's message An Inspector Calls Writer's Intention- new AQA lit
Differentiated card sort looking at Priestly's message. Students can choose the basic match activity or one with a gap fill. Students must match cards with character.
Grid to be printed on A3.

CLA- Key theorists, what to look for in data and criticisms.
Three sided revision sheet for A Level English Language looking at key theories, what to look for in data and critique of theory. Students use this as a reference resource in lessons. I have tried to use dual coded symbols and more unusual critique.

Shakespeare Sonnet 18 Shall I compare
A detailed collection of resources looking at pathetic fallacy and iambic pentameter.

Curley's Wife Cause and effect - Hands on activity. Make links.
Resource encouraging students to engage higher level thinking to make links between themes and characters. Shapes are cut out and fitted back together and an explanation is formed.

Reading challenge cards
Perfect for reading lessons, tutorial reading time or challenge extensions.
I have a set of small cards laminated.

Intro to spoken language
Work on spoken language to be used with Yr 9-11
Accommodation Theory
Spoken Language bingo game
Formal and informal language