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AQA new A Level English Language - World English- Revision PP 7702
A collection of slides, activities and video links looking at World English including theorists, colonisation, MLE, pigeons and creoles, immigration and glossary. Great for revision.

Language Diversity- Scheme on Language and Occupation
Unit of language and occupation lasting around 10 lessons (planned for 2 lessons a week).
Ensures that all terminology required by the exam board is given. Includes example assessments.

Half term worth of work on Macbeth- complete with extracts.
A range of activities based around Macbeth. Used with Y11 MA. Includes extracts. Most work is my own, though some bits are taken from excellent ideas that have been shared with me.

Shakespeare's Sonnets KS3
Looking at Shakespeare and his sonnets (an introduction).
Particularly looks at Sonnet 18 and 130.
Looks at iambic pentameter and pathetic fallacy. Information on Shakespearian context.
Two version of PP, one for M-HA y8 the other used with LA Y8 (nurture group).

KS4 Persuasive writing
Persuasive writing KS4. Originally used for IGCSE though skills are transferable to other exam boards.
'Take Me Out'- Ethics
Persuasive devices
Animal Rights
For or against school bell
Travel writing
Could also be used with KS3

AQA Lit Macbeth extract revision
A collection of extracts for MA students to work on as revision. My class find the language very difficult therefore I have underlined key quotes and added a glossary down the side to help them.
Extracts taken from Sparknotes and I have built this into an activity.

KS4 Descriptive writing
A range of descriptive and narrative tasks for use with KS3 or 4.
A number of pieces focus on using an image as writing stimulus (new AQA)

An Inspector Calls PPs for full schemes. PPs for each 9 10 and 11 for differentiation
KS4 An Inspector Calls resources, also used with KS3.
Extensive collection of activities.

15 PPs unseen poetry practice
Extensive resource pack for IGCSE Literature poetry and unseen poetry practice

Edexcel- English Language A Level-detailed 2 year long term plan.
A detailed LTP for co-teaching Edexcel English Language A-Level. A good starting point for anybody who is new to the course.
Bundle Sale

Persuasive writing mini scheme bundle
Contains mini- schemes on engaging issues such as capital punishment, the homework debate, sexism.
Some was used for IGCSE coursework but is transferable to exam skills.
Bundle Sale

AQA 7701 CLA English Language- Introduction Bundle
A half term (7 weeks) worth of lessons covering the basics of CLA.
Includes an optional SOW and revision sheet

AQA A level English Language- Regional Variation
A collection of activities and short unit of work on regional variation.
Bundle Sale

Romeo and Juliet
A thorough look into Romeo and Juliet. Includes differentiated resources for HA and LA students as I taught two Y10 classes.
Bundle Sale

Preparing for Crafting Language Coursework- Full Unit
Full mini scheme on preparing for Crafting Language- Edexcel. Could also be adapted for A Level AQA English Language coursework.
This looks at:
Scripted presentations
Dramatic monologues
Travel Writing.

KS3 Macbeth resource pack
- Act 1 Scenes 5 and 7 PEE plans
-Match up Activities
-Whole play PP looking at Act 1, 2 and 5 predominantly.
-Spelling List
-Agony Aunt Template
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AQA English Language Paper 1A
A variety of activities focusing on improving students’ skills for GCSE Paper 1A,
Includes small wall display on structure.
Students show understanding of the mark scheme through designing their won exam paper.

A Level English Language Child Language Acquisition Revision- Developing Language
Child language acquisition revision worksheets and answers. Includes short tests/quizzes.
Bundle Sale

Descriptive and creative writing
4 years worth of creative writing resources, anything from Y7 to GCSE, includes new AQA image stimulus.
Also includes lessons on creating a character and mini schemes.
Bundle Sale

AQA English Language Language Change
A collection of resources looking at various aspects of language change. Used for AQA but could be equally used for other exam boards.