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Traditional Tales - Reception Literacy planning for the Three Little Pigs
A week of planning based on the Three Little Pigs story. Includes: retelling the story, writing letters and sequencing the story.

Maths - Planning with a focus for a number a week.
Maths Planning based on White Rose Maths. I covered this planning in the Autumn Term.
The planning includes:
Numbers 1-5.
One more than/ one less than.
Comparing groups.
My Day.

Reading Rockets
These are the Reading Rocket bookmarks I have made for my Reception class. Each child starts with Rocket 1 and when they know all of the words they move to the next Rocket. There are 12 rocket bookmarks that go from phase 2-5, they include all high frequency and tricky words. Much easier than flashcards!!

Reception Literacy plan based on Naughty Bus.
1 week Literacy plan for Reception - The Naughty Bus.
Plan includes:
drawing and labelling a bus.
Making a story plan.
Writing own story.

Geography Staff Audit/ Questionaire.
Great questionaire to help subject leaders audit resources, staff knowledge and skills.

Design and Technology staff audit/ questionaire
Great questionaire to help subject leaders audit resources, staff knowledge and skills.

Geography Progression of Skills, Vocabulary and links to EYFS
This resource is used for an infant school, so only covers Rec-Year 2.

History Progression of skills, vocabulary and links to EYFS
This resource is used for an infant school, so only covers Rec-Year 2.