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How History is taught in the EYFS
Document linking to new Developmental Matters and ELG statements and how they match the National Curriculum for History.

White Rose Maths Planning - Reception Spring Term - weekly plans for the term
Whole term of weekly planning; covering White Rose Maths 2020-2021:
Phase 4 - Alive in 5!
Phase 5 - Growing in 6,7,8
Phase 6 - Building 9 and 10

White Rose Maths Planning - Reception Summer Term - weekly plans for the term
Whole term of weekly planning; covering White Rose Maths 2020-2021:
Phase 7 - To 20 and Beyond
Phase 8 - First Then Now
Phase 9 -Find My Pattern
Phase 10 - On The Move

How subjects are taught in the EYFS
A page for each subject and how the Developmental Matters and ELG match the subject.

New Developmental Matters 2021 and ELG statements on one page. 3-4 year olds, Reception, ELG
New Developmental Matters 2021 statements - 3-4 and Reception age and ELG statements on one page view/ checklist.

Reception Maths Assessments for each phase - White Rose Maths - Autumn Term
One page assessment to complete when White Rose Maths phase has finished, including a Baseline assessment.

Reception -- Autumn, Spring and Summer Curriculum Maps
Curriculum maps based on expectations from the EYFS throughout each term. Document links to Reception Curriculum and my planning.

Reception Curriculum Progression Document
This document includes every area of the EYFS and splits it into expectations of what will be taught when throughout the year.