Here’s a fun memory game for children to play to help them learn irregular verbs.
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Two Power Point games. For on line lessons.
The 1st part of the game to practice and consolidate the names of English ABC letters.
Part 2 of a p pt game to revise the alphabet.
I hope it would be useful.
Large collection of tasks for the Valentine.s Day . Games, cards, tasks, quizzes, worksheets, text etc … This set will help make an interesting lesson.
Students in groups (3-4) discuss which the answer to the question is. They can also post question if it´s agreed with the teacher.
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Cut, laminate , match the pairs of adjectives opposites. Thanks to all for downloading and the nice comments! :-)
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Reading-comprehension with moral.
This ws is very instructive and useful to teach students not to be lazy and laid-back.
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This is a resource bank for BUSY TEACHERS. It contains a wide variety of activities, vocabulary, grammar, game rules, writing tasks, conversation tasks etc. A BOARDGAME AND A VOCABULARY POSTER INCLUDED.
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This is a collection of 16 word games to use during lessons to motivate reading in English, collected from various sources and developed from classroom situations. The rules for each game are explained on 3 basic levels - elementary, intermediate and advanced, and the games can be used with all vocabulary groups, all ages (from preschool to adult) and in any part of the lesson.
This one is concentrated on speaking and contains 20 games, with elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Each game can be used with any vocabulary you decide. Bear in mind that every good word game is made up of listening parts and some reading or writing as well. The games are compiled from various sources and own experience. You can use them at any point in your classroom.
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You cut out the cards (laminate them for stronger hold) and pass one for each student. When teacher says "Hello" the chain reaction starts. The students must listen and carry out the task given to them on the card. They cannot carry out their task until the previous is done by the former student.
You cut out the cards (laminate them for stronger hold) and pass one for each student. When teacher says "Hello" the chain reaction starts. The students must listen and carry out the task given to them on the card. They cannot carry out their task until the previous is done by the former student.
2 0 Valentine s Day puzzles to help child build short words. Print on cardboard, laminate and cut on the dotted lines. Ideal for beginner readers who put the picture together and form the word.
INSTRUCTIONS-Students color the ghost face and its body (if they want). Then they cut the ghost and the lines along it.Punch the four holes at the top. Bring the two sides together and put some glue. Pass a string though the holes and hang up the ghost.