Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Telling the Time - Year 3
In 'Telling the Time - Year 3’ pupils practise reading and writing time from analogue clocks, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of these objectives with 5 accompanying worksheets
1 further worksheet with answers
‘Telling the Time - Year 3’ can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 time measurement resources:
Comparing and Calculating Time - Year 3
Units of Time - Year 3
Year 3 Measurement Bundle
Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 5
This KS2 maths teaching resource covers the curriculum objective in the year 5 maths programme of study (Number - fractions, including decimals and percentages).
This maths teaching resource is a colourful and animated PowerPoint presentation with 10 accompanying worksheets. It is ideal to use when introducing pupils to comparing and ordering fractions and is also useful as a review of the subject. Content includes:
A recap of what are fractions
How to compare fractions with the same denominator
How to compare fractions with the same numerator
Comparing fractions with the same numerators and denominators activity and a differentiated worksheet
How to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators
Comparing fractions with different denominators activity and a differentiated worksheet
Comparing pairs of fractions activity
How to order fractions with the same denominator
Ordering fractions with the same denominator activity and worksheet
How to order fractions with different denominators
Ordering fractions by converting to an equivalent fraction with suggested common denominator activity and worksheet
Ordering fractions with different denominators activity and worksheet
Comparing fractions word problems and worksheet
A link to a comparing fractions game
2 further differentiated worksheets
‘Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 5’ is fully editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 5 fractions resources:
Equivalent Fractions - Year 5
Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Year 5
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Year 5
Thirds - Year 2
In this maths teaching resource, pupils practise recognising and finding a third of a shape, object, length or quantity and begin to use the notation 1/3. This Year 2 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for year 2 - Spring - Block 4 - Fractions. The resource consists of 2 lessons, including a PowerPoint presentation and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 maths programme of study (number - fractions). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning.
Content includes:
Varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving interactive class activities
6 differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving worksheets with answers
‘Thirds - Year 2’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 2 Fractions resources:
Fractions - Year 2
Equal Parts - Year 2
Halves - Year 2
Quarters - Year 2
Unit Fractions - Year 2
Non-Unit Fractions - Year 2
Equivalence of One Half and Two Quarters - Year 2
Equivalent Fractions - Year 2
Finding Three Quarters - Year 2
Counting in Fractions – Year 2
Counting in Halves, Thirds and Quarters - Year 2
Measuring Angles with a Protractor - Year 5
In this KS2 geometry teaching resource, pupils develop their understanding of acute and obtuse angles and use a protractor to measure angles (acute and obtuse) for the first time. This lesson covers the year 5 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shape) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 5 - Summer - Block 2 - Geometry - properties of shape. Content includes:
Acute and obtuse angles recap
Recap of degrees
How to use a protractor correctly explanation
Measuring acute and obtuse angles activities designed to reinforce and consolidate children’s learning
6 differentiated worksheets with answers
Angles spinner activity with cut-outs
‘Measuring Angles with a Protractor - Year 5’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 5 geometry resources:
Measuring Angles in Degrees - Year 5
Drawing Lines and Angles Accurately - Year 5
Calculating Angles on a Straight Line - Year 5
Calculating Angles Around a Point - Year 5
Quarters - Year 2
In this maths teaching resource, pupils practise recognising and finding a quarter of a shape, object, length or quantity and begin to use the notation 1/4. This Year 2 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for year 2 - Spring - Block 4 - Fractions. The resource consists of 2 lessons, including a PowerPoint presentation and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 maths programme of study (number - fractions). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning.
Content includes:
Varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving interactive class activities
6 differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving worksheets with answers
‘Quarters - Year 2’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 2 Fractions resources:
Fractions - Year 2
Equal Parts - Year 2
Halves - Year 2
Thirds - Year 2
Unit Fractions - Year 2
Non-Unit Fractions - Year 2
Equivalence of One Half and Two Quarters - Year 2
Equivalent Fractions - Year 2
Finding Three Quarters - Year 2
Counting in Fractions – Year 2
Counting in Halves, Thirds and Quarters - Year 2
Dividing Fractions by Integers - Year 6
In this KS2 maths teaching resource, pupils are introduced to dividing fractions by whole numbers. They begin by focusing on fractions where the numerator is a multiple of the integer and then move on to dividing fractions where the numerator is not a multiple of the integer. This lesson covers the year 6 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Number - fractions) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 6 - Autumn - Block 3 - Fractions. Content includes:
An animated teaching PowerPoint presentation with class activities
3 differentiated worksheets with answers (numerator a multiple of the divisor)
3 differentiated worksheets with answers (numerator not a multiple of the divisor)
‘Dividing Fractions by Integers - Year 6’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 6 fractions resources:
Fractions on a Number Line - Year 6
Simplifying Fractions - Year 6
Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 6
Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Year 6
Adding Mixed Numbers - Year 6
Subtracting Mixed Numbers - Year 6
Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers by Integers - Year 6
Multiplying Fractions by Fractions - Year 6
Money - Year 3
In ‘Money - Year 3’ pupils practise adding and subtracting money to give change. This teaching resource covers the Year 3 curriculum objective in the maths programme of study and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 3 - Spring - Block 2 - Money.
Content includes:
1. Pounds and Pence
2. Converting Pounds and Pence
3. Adding Money
4. Subtracting Money
5. Giving Change
6. Activities to support the teaching of these objectives with 13 accompanying worksheet
‘Money - Year 3’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Halloween Adding and Taking Away Bundle - EYFS
This EYFS maths teaching bundle contains the following 2 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets:
Halloween Adding - EYFS
Halloween Taking Away- EYFS
These cute Halloween themed teaching resources introduce children to adding and subtracting.
All our PowerPoint teaching resources are completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
This bundle gives you a saving of 25% when compared to buying each resource individually.
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images above.
Year 3 Statistics Bundle
This year3 maths teaching bundle contains the following 3 PowerPoint activities with accompanying worksheets and one assessment worksheet:
Pictograms - Year 3
Bar Charts - Year 3
Tables - Year 3
Statistics Assessment - Year 3
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the Year 3 maths curriculum objectives as outlined in the year 3 maths programme of study (Statistics).
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images below.
This bundle gives you a saving of 50% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Year 1 Halloween Number and Place Value Bundle
This year 1 maths teaching bundle contains the following 6 PowerPoint activities with accompanying worksheets:
Halloween 1 More or 1 Less
Halloween Comparing Objects
Halloween Counting Objects
Halloween Counting to 20
Halloween Numbers to 20
Halloween Ordinal Numbers
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the Year 1 maths curriculum objectives as outlined in the year 1 maths programme of study (Number - Number - number and place value).
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images below.
This bundle gives you a saving of 63% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Geometry (position and direction) Teaching Pack - Year 4
This Year 4 geometry teaching pack introduces pupils to the curriculum objectives of the year 4 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction). It contains 3 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets. These include:
Coordinates - Year 4
Translations - Year 4
Drawing Shapes on a Grid - Year 4
This teaching pack gives you a saving of over 30% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Year 1 Division Bundle
This Year 1 maths teaching bundle contains the following 5 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets:
Beginning to Divide - Grouping - Year 1
Dividing by Grouping - Year 1
Beginning to Divide - Sharing - Year 1
Dividing by Sharing - Year 1
Dividing Using a Number Line - Year1
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the Year 1 maths curriculum objectives as outlined in the year 1 maths programme of study (Number - division).
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images above.
This bundle gives you a saving of 47% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Number and Place Value - Year 5
Numbers to 10,000, Roman Numerals and Rounding Numbers up to 1000
This Year 5 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for week 1 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. The resource consists of 5 lessons, including a PowerPoint presentation and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 5 maths programme of study (Number and Place Value). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning.
Content includes:
Lessons 1 and 2: Numbers to 10,000 with accompanying worksheets
Lesson 3: Roman numerals to 100 (M) with accompanying worksheet
Lesson 4: Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 with accompanying worksheet
Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards
‘Number and Place Value - Year 5’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 5 place value resources:
Place Value - Year 5
Year 4 Geometry (properties of shapes) Bundle
This Year 4 maths bundle introduces pupils to the curriculum objectives of the Year 4 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes. It contains 3 animated PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets. These include:
Comparing and Classifying Shapes - Year 4
Angles - Year 4
Symmetry - Year 4
This bundle gives you a saving of over 35% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Year 1 Multiplication Bundle
This Year 1 maths teaching bundle contains the following 4 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets:
Beginning to Multiply - Year 1
Multiplication as Repeated Addition - Year 1
Multiplication Using Arrays - Year 1
Multiplying Using a Number Line - Year 1
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the Year 1 maths curriculum objectives as outlined in the year 1 maths programme of study (Number - multiplication).
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images above.
This bundle gives you a saving of 42% when compared to buying each resource individually.
The Four Operations - Year 6
This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through using the four operations to solve calculations and multi-step problems as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 6 maths programme of study (Number - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It will help the children understand how to solve addition and subtraction problems in context, along with developing their understanding of long multiplication and short division. By exploring the four operations, the resource helps children learn which operation to use and why. The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. The resource contains five lessons, which support the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths.
Content includes:
Lessons 1 and 2: Addition and Subtraction with 2 accompanying worksheets with answers
Lesson 3: Long Multiplication with 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 4: Short Division with 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards
‘The Four Operations - Year 6’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Multiples - Year 6
Prime Numbers - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6
Square and Cube Numbers - Year 6
Multiplication - Year 6
Factors - Year 6
The Four Operations Challenge Cards - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6
This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through identifying factors and multiples of numbers. It will help the children understand how to solve problems involving factors, multiples, primes and square/cube numbers in context, along with deepening their understanding of the four operations, as they will need to use a range of skills including multiplication and division. They will learn to represent factors and multiples in a variety of ways, including pictorial representations. The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. The resource contains five lessons, which support the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths.
Content includes:
Lesson 1: Common factors with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 2: Common multiples with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 3: Prime numbers with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
lesson 4: Square and cube numbers with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards
‘Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Multiples - Year 6
Prime Numbers - Year 6
Square and Cube Numbers - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6
The Four Operations - Year 6
Factors - Year 6
Multiplication - Year 6
Division - Year 6
This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through long division to solve calculations and multi-step problems as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 6 maths programme of study (Number - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
Content includes:
Lesson 1: Division using factors and 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 2: Dividing three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers with no remainders and 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 3: Dividing three and four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers with remainders and 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 4: Dividing four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers with remainders and 1 accompanying worksheet with answers
Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards
‘Division - Year 6’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 6 division and multiplication resources:
Short Division - Year 6
Division Challenge Cards - Year 6
Multiples - Year 6
Multiplication - Year 6
Square and Cube Numbers - Year 6
Factors - Year 6
Prime Numbers - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6
The Four Operations - Year 6
EYFS Christmas Bundle
This EYFS English and maths teaching bundle contains the following 5 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets:
A Nativity Word Search
Christmas Tree CVC Words Activities
12 Days of Christmas - EYFS
Christmas Counting Activities - EYFS
Christmas Shapes
All our PowerPoint teaching resources are completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
This bundle gives you a saving of 35% when compared to buying each resource individually.
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images above.
Year 2 Statistics Bundle
This year 2 maths teaching bundle contains the following 4 PowerPoint presentations and activities with accompanying worksheets:
Tally Charts - Year 2
Pictograms - Year 2
Block Diagrams - Year 2
Tables - Year 2
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the curriculum objectives of the year 2 maths programme of study (Statistics).
This bundle gives you a saving of 33% when compared to buying each resource individually.