Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.
Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.
Included are schemes of work for all KS3 & 4 disciplines with alternative sports included such as Parkour and exercise for life. They are perfect to place straight into departments for a full solution meeting the needs of NQT's for lesson planning ideas and guidance to experienced teachers that just need objectives and outcomes and embedded assessment. An all through assessment model is included covering all 5 strands (developing skills, evaluating and improving etc). Will save you months of work. All designed to include all pupils.
Schemes included: outwitting opponents ( Inc: net wall, invasion, striking and fielding), Accurate replication of Actions (Inc: Parkour Gymnastics, Swimming, Golf), Identifying and solving problems (Tactical Land based such as capture the flag . water based, overcoming challenges), Performing at Maximal Capacities (Inc: Swimming, Atheltics), Exploring and Communicating Concepts and Emotions (Dance), Exercising Safely and Effectively (Exercise for Life, free weights, circuit training etc).
Feeds perfectly from the KS3 transitional Net and Wall scheme of work. Fully planned and assessed skills and tactical based lessons to promote and enhance students outcomes and engagement.
19 Basketball lesson plans showing how to teach everything from technical skills to attacking and defending tactics and games for understanding. Lay up , set shot, pivot, screen, dribbling, jump shot, passing, modified games ....... you name it all here.
One stop shop for Athletics. All resource cards suitable for students to use and learn from. Lessons are planned well and long term planning shows the trajectory of improvement. All disciplines covered and resourced,, sprinting , endurance, throws (including hammer), jumps (Including Pole Vault)
This innovative scheme of work is based on a series of activities in the game CALL OF DUTY. All pupils engage in this and is by far the most activity i see out of my pupils regardless of ability. They simply love it! Its brilliant for a lesson observation. Along the way pupils will have experience working with others to solve problems and devise strategies. They will have developed their ability to work effectively as a team; working in a variety of ways and in different and increasingly challenging environments and all with standard PE equipment.
Complete transitional program from receptions, y1 - y 11 for Gymnastics and swimming. Parkour is incorporated in KS4 for boys engagement. Includes assessment framwork, lessons plans and who strategic overview
Enjoy! #nomoreplanning
KS 4 Striking and Fielding Scheme of Work for Rounders and Cricket and adaptable to all striking and fielding activities including long ball and stool ball. This feeds directly from the KS 3 resource also in the shop.
Can be used to assess students against performance related criteria both in KS3 and 4 to support core and GCSE. Really good for peer and self evaluation with specific targets to improve performance.
Can be used to assess students against performance related criteria both in KS3 and 4 to support core and GCSE. Covers all disciplines. Really good for peer and self evaluation with specific targets to improve performance.
Ideal to print and laminate for students on a lanyard to self and peer assess their technique of the shot put. Includes diagrams and over assessment checklist.