12 miscellaneous worksheets:
Passé Composé (1) word order and translation
Passé Composé (2) word order and translation
Famille: English to French crossword puzzle
Noël: English to French crossword puzzle
Crossword: French to English
Les Pays de l’Europe: wordsearch
Les pays du monde: wordsearch
Mes affaires: wordsearch with additional words to find
Coded story (passé composé)
Bonjour: word maze
French numbers maze: numbers 1 to 49
Samedi dernier: story hidden in a word maze
These are not ordinary word searches. Pupils have to find French words for English clues or English words for French clues.
40 word search puzzles on 20 topics House and Garden, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, Family, Pets, Jobs (2 puzzles), Classroom, School subjects, Numbers, Shapes and Colours, Musical instruments, Leisure, Sports, Parts of the body, Countries of the world and Transport.
Two puzzles for each topic:
French hidden words with clues in English
English hidden words with clues in French
Each file contains two word search puzzles, two answer sheets and two vocabulary sheets. Some puzzles are in shapes: pets, house, shapes, body.
Can be used for dictionary practice, or pupils can be given vocabulary sheets. Alternatively an English-to-French puzzle can be made into a traditional word search by replacing the English clues with the missing French words, copied from the vocabulary sheet.
40 crossword puzzles on 20 topics: House and Garden, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, Family, Pets, Jobs (2 puzzles), Classroom, School subjects, Numbers, Shapes and Colours, Musical instruments, Leisure, Sports, Parts of the body, Countries of the world and Transport.
Two puzzles for each topic:
French clues and English answers
English clues and French answers
Each file contains two crossword puzzles, two answer sheets and two vocabulary sheets.
Can be used for dictionary practice, or pupils can be given vocabulary sheets.
19-page workbook for duplication, with explanations, exercises and puzzles. Helps students learn to use a German-English English-German dictionary effectively.
Looks at kinds of words - nouns (masculine, feminine and neuter), verbs, adjectives, etc., looking up compound words in English and in German, games and puzzles.
Answer sheets and instructions for duplication are included.
French numbers in a maze.
Starting at the top left corner and moving right, left, up or down, draw a line as you find the French numbers to 49: un, deux, etc.