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Paris the Penguin Resource Shop

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(based on 34 reviews)

I am an enthusiastic and experienced science teacher and tutor who is a strong believer in having organised, well-designed resources to support every lesson. When I started teaching from the Activate SOW I found myself spending too much time making resources. I have, therefore, now designed PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials to support the Activate SOW for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will eventually upload all materials to this shop.




I am an enthusiastic and experienced science teacher and tutor who is a strong believer in having organised, well-designed resources to support every lesson. When I started teaching from the Activate SOW I found myself spending too much time making resources. I have, therefore, now designed PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials to support the Activate SOW for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will eventually upload all materials to this shop.
Activate 1: B1: 2.2 Gas Exchange

Activate 1: B1: 2.2 Gas Exchange

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slide. The lesson includes a demonstration, in which air is bubbled through limewater, followed by a mini-practical where students bubble exhaled air into limewater, through a straw. The resource is designed to be used with the Activate B1 2.2 Activity Sheet(The Composition of Inhaled and Exhaled Air) with the Activate B1 2.2 Support Sheet providing a graph grid for pupils to plot data (where needed). The lesson is ready to go and is designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to name the parts of the gas exchange system; most pupils should also be able to describe the structure of the gas exchange system; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to describe how the parts of the gas exchange system are adapted to their function. Keywords include gas exchange, lungs, ribcage, respiratory system, trachea, alveolus, inhale, and exhale. Further information and pupil activities can be found on pages 28 and 29, of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science Textbook.
Activate 1: B1 3.8  Seed Dispersal

Activate 1: B1 3.8 Seed Dispersal

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slides. The resource includes a fertilisation and germination card sort, a link to a bbc.co.uk video-clip, a seed dissection practical, and a seed dispersal method expert activity . Consolidation and extension activities are also included as well as a flipbook homework activity which my pupils have really enjoyed. The lesson is ready to go and is designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to state what is meant by seed dispersal; most pupils should also be able to state the ways seeds can be dispersed; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to describe how a seed is adapted to its method of dispersal. Keywords: seed dispersal. Please leave feedback if you download and use these resources. Many thanks :)
Activate 1: B1: 1.3  Specialised Cells

Activate 1: B1: 1.3 Specialised Cells

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slide. Also included is a Matchmaker Activity. The resource is designed to be used with the Activate B1 1.3 Activity Sheet (Data collection sheet) together with the Activate B1 1.3b Speed Dating sheet. The lesson is ready to go and is designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to name some examples of specialised plant and animal cells; most pupils should be able to state specialised features of plant and animal cells and summarise these in a table; whilst some pupils should also be able to describe examples of specialised plant and animal cells. Keywords include specialised cell, nerve cell, red blood cell, sperm cell, leaf cell, root hair cell. Further information and pupil activities can be found on pages 18 and 19 of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science Textbook.
Key Stage 3_ Observing Cells complete lesson

Key Stage 3_ Observing Cells complete lesson

Updated to be usable from home or in the classroom! Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slides. Resource was designed to be used with the Activate B1 1.1 Practical Sheet but can also be used with the worksheet provided with this resource. It is suitable for key stage 3 lessons on using the microscope. The lesson is ready to go and includes activities for pupils aiming for developing, secure & extending outcomes. There is an alternative online ‘Using a Microscope’ Activity for pupils without access to a microscope. Learning Objectives are to know what a cell is and to understand how to use a microscope to observe a cell. Keywords include: cells, organisms, magnify, microscope and observation.
Activate 1:  B1:  3.5  The Menstrual Cycle

Activate 1: B1: 3.5 The Menstrual Cycle

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slides. The resource is designed to be used with the Activate B1 3.5 Activity Sheet (Timeline of the Menstrual Cycle). A set of student statements are included to be used with the plenary activity, Menstrual Cycle in a Minute. The lesson is ready to go and is designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to state a simple definition, and the main stages, of the menstrual cycle; most pupils should also be able to describe the main stages of the menstrual cycle; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to present the menstrual cycle as a timeline. Keywords include period, menstrual cycle, and ovulation. Supporting and further information and activities can be found on pages 48 and 49 of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science textbook.
THE Science Quiz 2019!

THE Science Quiz 2019!

Here it is - the 2019 Science Quiz - the ideal resource for one of your end-of-term lessons! I have aimed this at KS4 students, with 3 short rounds of questions on science curriculum work and a longer 4th round on scientific discoveries in 2019. • There are 4 rounds altogether. • The first 3 rounds have 4 questions each. Answers are given at the end of each round. • The last round is made up of 11 questions about discoveries made in 2019. This is followed by a challenge activity. Students work in 11 groups to research one of the discoveries (background information is included in Word files which should be printed out for them). One person from each group (the Reporter) then feeds back to the class. • I hope you find this useful and enjoyable!
KS3 Summer Science Fun Quiz (with blind Robot challenge!)

KS3 Summer Science Fun Quiz (with blind Robot challenge!)

A fun end-of-term lesson which needs no planning and only a little preparation. A PowerPoint presentation includes 3 rounds of questions on Biology, Chemistry and Physics with an extra 'Winner takes all' round - the Blind Robot Challenge. A student instruction sheet is included with the resource (which should be printed before-hand). This activity is great fun and students love it but since some students are blindfolded it does need to be thought-out and clearly explained. Answers are included at the end of each round on the slideshow. Enjoy! This resource is designed with Year 7 pupils in mind.
Christmas 2017 New Science Quiz

Christmas 2017 New Science Quiz

Just the thing for those last lessons before Christmas! This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with 3 quiz rounds, including picture matching to event, and multiple choice questions - all about new science discoveries in 2017. It concludes with a Code-maker Challenge round in which pupils work in pairs to write a message to an alien space-craft (just sighted entering the Solar System). They then have to translate their message into Morse code and transmit it to two other students who 'receive' and translate the message back into English. Pupil score sheets and a copy of the Morse code alphabet are included in this resource. A class set of torches will need to be ordered for the lesson in order to complete Round 4. Have fun!
Activate 1; Working Scientifically Topic Resources

Activate 1; Working Scientifically Topic Resources

5 Resources
PowerPoints which are designed in line with the Activate scheme of work, to be used with the Activate practical and activity sheets. Each PowerPoint includes LOs for the lesson, new learning, activity guidance to go with the Activate practical/activity sheets, tasks and a plenary. Includes WS1-5: Asking Scientific Questions, Planning Investigations, Recording Data, Analysing Data, and Evaluating Data. Don't worry about your resources - just teach!
Super Christmas Resource Pack

Super Christmas Resource Pack

5 Resources
Everything you need for those end-of term Christmas lessons:- three quizzes - one aimed at Year 8 Science, one covering new science discovered during 2017, and one unashamedly just about Santa Claus! Also included in this bundle is a chemistry activity for consolidating student understanding of the number of protons in different elements, not to mention a number of picture templates. Although titled 'Maths templates' they could be amended to cover different ideas in science. A bargain bundle!
Activate B1:  Lessons for Chapter 3

Activate B1: Lessons for Chapter 3

This resource includes lessons and worksheets covering Activate 1 B1 Chapter 2. Lessons covered are as follows: 3.1 Adolescence; 3.2 Reproductive Systems; 3.3 Fertilisation and Implantation; 3.4Development of a Foetus; 3.5The Menstrual Cycle; 3.6 Flowers and Pollination. 3.7 Fertilisation and Germination; 3.8 Seed Dispersal; 3.9 Chapter Checkpoint The lessons are ready to go and are designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. Please note that the Activate worksheets themselves are not included, due to copyright, but worksheets designed to support learning are included, together with PPTs which detail learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities. Each PPT starts with a slide of Teachers Notes which gives details of the Activate worksheets that the PPT has been designed to work with, keywords and, in some cases, textbook page numbers for further tasks/support.
Activate 1:  B1:  Lessons for Chapter 1

Activate 1: B1: Lessons for Chapter 1

This resource includes lessons and worksheets covering Activate 1 B1 Chapter 1. Lessons covered are as follows: 1.1 Observing Cells; 1.2 Plant and Animal Cells; 1.3 Specialised Cells; 1.4 Movement of Substances; 1.5 Unicellular Organisms; 1.6 Chapter 1 Checkpoint The lessons are ready to go and are designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes.Please note that the Activate worksheets themselves are not included, due to copyright, but worksheets designed to support learning are included, together with PPTs which detail learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities. Each PPT starts with a slide of Teachers Notes which gives details of the Activate worksheets that the PPT has been designed to work with, keywords and, in some cases, textbook page numbers for further tasks/support.
Activate 1:  B1:  Lessons for Chapter 2

Activate 1: B1: Lessons for Chapter 2

This resource includes lessons and worksheets covering Activate 1 B1 Chapter 2. Lessons covered are as follows: 2.1 Levels of organisation; 2.2 Gas Exchange; 2.3 Breathing; 2.4 Skeleton; 2.5 Movement: Joints; 2.6 Movement: Muscles. The lessons are ready to go and are designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. Please note that the Activate worksheets themselves are not included, due to copyright, but worksheets designed to support learning are included, together with PPTs which detail learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities. Each PPT starts with a slide of Teachers Notes which gives details of the Activate worksheets that the PPT has been designed to work with, keywords and, in some cases, textbook page numbers for further tasks/support.
Activate 1:  Biology full topic lessons

Activate 1: Biology full topic lessons

19 Resources
Full lessons for complete B1 topic – Cells; Structure & function of body systems; Reproduction. Includes PowerPoints with LOs and activities for B1 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Designed to work with the Activate textbooks and worksheets.