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Paris the Penguin Resource Shop

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(based on 34 reviews)

I am an enthusiastic and experienced science teacher and tutor who is a strong believer in having organised, well-designed resources to support every lesson. When I started teaching from the Activate SOW I found myself spending too much time making resources. I have, therefore, now designed PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials to support the Activate SOW for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will eventually upload all materials to this shop.




I am an enthusiastic and experienced science teacher and tutor who is a strong believer in having organised, well-designed resources to support every lesson. When I started teaching from the Activate SOW I found myself spending too much time making resources. I have, therefore, now designed PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials to support the Activate SOW for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will eventually upload all materials to this shop.
Activate 1: P1: 3.1 Light

Activate 1: P1: 3.1 Light

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slide. Resource was designed to be used with the Activate P1 3.1 lesson, entitled ‘Light’. It is suitable for key stage 3 lessons on the interaction of light with different materials. The lesson is ready to go and includes activities for pupils aiming for developing, secure & extending outcomes. All pupils should be able to describe some ways that light interacts with materials; most pupils should be able to state the speed of light; and some pupils should be able to calculate the distance travelled by light in a light-year Keywords include: Source, emit, reflect, eye, absorb, luminous, transmit, transparent, translucent, opaque, vacuum, wave. The lesson is written to support the practical on measuring light intensity, where light is shone through various materials. It also includes work on the speed of light and working out the distance travelled using Speed = distance/time. Further information and activities are available on pages 136 and 137 of the blue Activate 1 textbook.
Activate 1:  P1: 4.4b Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Activate 1: P1: 4.4b Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Complete lesson PPT with learning outcomes, new knowledge and activities detailed on the slides. Now amended to include practical sheet information. The resource is designed to be used to teach the Solar and Lunar Eclipses part of the Activate topic 4.4. The slides include links to Wonder of the Solar System video-clips narrated by Brian Cox, including the solar eclipse at Varanasi; there is also a hyperlink to an MP4 file (included) showing the total solar eclipse at Palu, Indonesia on March 9, 2016. A pre-starter loop PowerPoint on eclipse myths is included to be played as students enter the room. The lesson is ready to go and is designed to support pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to state that there are both Solar and Lunar eclipses; most pupils should also be able to describe what a total eclipse is; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to explain why total eclipses happen. Keywords include umbra, total solar eclipse, penumbra, partial solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse. Supporting information can be found on page 155 of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science Textbook.
Activate 1:  P1: 2.3  Loudness and Pitch

Activate 1: P1: 2.3 Loudness and Pitch

Complete lesson PowerPoint with learning outcomes, new knowledge and fun activities detailed on the slides. Student activity/worksheets are included, one of which includes an alternative to the Activate Activity, ‘Wave Diagrams’. There is a link to a video clip ‘Sound through a Medium - Shattering Glass’. Please note that you will need the following resources: an oscilloscope, signal generator, loudspeaker and microphone. This resource is designed for pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to state the link between loudness and amplitude; most pupils should also be able to state the range of human hearing and describe how it differs from the range of hearing in animals; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to describe the link between pitch and frequency. Supporting information can be found on pages 128 and 129 of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science Textbook.
Activate 1: P2.2  Sound and Energy Transfer

Activate 1: P2.2 Sound and Energy Transfer

Complete lesson PowerPoint with learning outcomes, new knowledge and fun activities detailed on the slides. Starter and activity worksheets are included, one of which includes an alternative to the Activate Activity, ‘The Speed of Sound’. There are links to video clips of ‘Sound through a medium - Flickering Candles’; ‘How to figure out how far away lightning is’; and the well-known Felix Baumgartner’s Supersonic Freefall. This resource is designed for pupils aiming for developing and secure outcomes. All pupils should be able to name materials that sound can travel through; most pupils should also be able to describe how sound is produced and how it travels; whilst some pupils should, in addition, be able to explain why the speed of sound is different in different media. Supporting information can be found on pages 126 and 127 of the blue Activate 1 KS3 Science Textbook.
THE Science Quiz 2019!

THE Science Quiz 2019!

Here it is - the 2019 Science Quiz - the ideal resource for one of your end-of-term lessons! I have aimed this at KS4 students, with 3 short rounds of questions on science curriculum work and a longer 4th round on scientific discoveries in 2019. • There are 4 rounds altogether. • The first 3 rounds have 4 questions each. Answers are given at the end of each round. • The last round is made up of 11 questions about discoveries made in 2019. This is followed by a challenge activity. Students work in 11 groups to research one of the discoveries (background information is included in Word files which should be printed out for them). One person from each group (the Reporter) then feeds back to the class. • I hope you find this useful and enjoyable!
KS3 Summer Science Fun Quiz (with blind Robot challenge!)

KS3 Summer Science Fun Quiz (with blind Robot challenge!)

A fun end-of-term lesson which needs no planning and only a little preparation. A PowerPoint presentation includes 3 rounds of questions on Biology, Chemistry and Physics with an extra 'Winner takes all' round - the Blind Robot Challenge. A student instruction sheet is included with the resource (which should be printed before-hand). This activity is great fun and students love it but since some students are blindfolded it does need to be thought-out and clearly explained. Answers are included at the end of each round on the slideshow. Enjoy! This resource is designed with Year 7 pupils in mind.
Christmas 2017 New Science Quiz

Christmas 2017 New Science Quiz

Just the thing for those last lessons before Christmas! This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with 3 quiz rounds, including picture matching to event, and multiple choice questions - all about new science discoveries in 2017. It concludes with a Code-maker Challenge round in which pupils work in pairs to write a message to an alien space-craft (just sighted entering the Solar System). They then have to translate their message into Morse code and transmit it to two other students who 'receive' and translate the message back into English. Pupil score sheets and a copy of the Morse code alphabet are included in this resource. A class set of torches will need to be ordered for the lesson in order to complete Round 4. Have fun!
Activate 1; Working Scientifically Topic Resources

Activate 1; Working Scientifically Topic Resources

5 Resources
PowerPoints which are designed in line with the Activate scheme of work, to be used with the Activate practical and activity sheets. Each PowerPoint includes LOs for the lesson, new learning, activity guidance to go with the Activate practical/activity sheets, tasks and a plenary. Includes WS1-5: Asking Scientific Questions, Planning Investigations, Recording Data, Analysing Data, and Evaluating Data. Don't worry about your resources - just teach!
Activate 1:  Physics Chapter 1 (Forces) Full Resource Set

Activate 1: Physics Chapter 1 (Forces) Full Resource Set

5 Resources
A complete set of resources for teaching the Activate 1 Forces topic. Includes PowerPoints (which include Learning Outcomes, new knowledge, and activities - for each lesson) and some worksheets. Please note that the Activate worksheets themselves are not included due to copyright. This set of resources is designed to support pupils who are aiming at developing and secure Learning Outcomes. I hope that these resources will make your life easier - please leave feedback so that I can continue to improve and refine them so that they are more useful for you.
Super Christmas Resource Pack

Super Christmas Resource Pack

5 Resources
Everything you need for those end-of term Christmas lessons:- three quizzes - one aimed at Year 8 Science, one covering new science discovered during 2017, and one unashamedly just about Santa Claus! Also included in this bundle is a chemistry activity for consolidating student understanding of the number of protons in different elements, not to mention a number of picture templates. Although titled 'Maths templates' they could be amended to cover different ideas in science. A bargain bundle!
Activate 1:   P1:  Chaper 4  'Space' Topic Resources

Activate 1: P1: Chaper 4 'Space' Topic Resources

6 Resources
Full resources for the Activate 1 Space topic. Includes PPT presentations and activity resources for P1: 4.1 The Night Sky; P1: 4.2 The Solar System P1: 4.3 The Earth P1: 4.4 The Moon Please note that 2 additional lessons are included which can be used as separate lessons, time permitting. These cover the formation of the Solar System and Eclipses. These topics have been squashed in with P4.2 and P4.4, respectively. In my opinion, there is insufficient time to teach all the material in these 2 sections. I hope that you find this gives you the flexibility - you can either merge the lessons or teach as provided.