A common occurring theme with many children is the need for routine. Children are often more settled in school than they are at home and that’s due to the structure and discipline in a classroom setting.
Some children (and adults!) simply cannot cope without structure.
This not only applies to children with special educational needs, we all want to know what’s happening next in our day! In particular, the need for structure and routine is higher in children on the spectrum.
Included in this download-
Over 20 images with words that can be used to make a Visual Timetable. Can be used for a whole class or individual students.
Check out the preview! :)
A selection of Incident and Accident Report Logs, 'Boo-Boo' Reports and Playtime Reports
(15 page download).
Ideal for EYFS and KS1.
Students of all ages will love this fun quiz!
This can be used as a Back to School icebreaker, an activity to get students talking during transition days and/or for End of Year fun!
Ideal for KS1/KS2/KS3. KS4 students will still get a giggle out of this resource and it could make for some hilarious debates!
Grab this resource today for a bargain price of only £2.50
A collection of Games and Quizzes for End of Year. Includes my best selling Transition Day Fun Pack.
See each individual resource for information.
Difficulty levels vary on quizzes.
Massive End of Year Bundle! Includes Quizzes, Certificates, Memory Books and more!
Please see each individual resource for more information!
Save over 35% on this bundle today!