This is the second set of my Sight Word Activity Pack. You can find the link below to the first set.
Sight word activities bring reading to life! Learning sight words is crucial for young readers who need to build a foundation for writing sentences.
Included in this HUGE 82 page resource pack-
55 Worksheets (yes, really! check the preview)
One set of Word Wall Sight Words (50 Words-Set 1)
You can find the first set here -
Or you can buy both together here
Sight word activities bring reading to life! Learning sight words is crucial for young readers who need to build a foundation for writing sentences.
Included in this HUGE 81 page resource pack-
55 Worksheets (yes, really! check the preview)
One set of Word Wall Sight Words (50 Words-Set 1)
This is the first set (50 sight words with activities to match, the second set can be found in my shop!)
Sight Words Activity Pack Set 2
Or you can buy both together
Sight Words Activity Pack 1 and 2
This resource is excellent for creating entirely new and unplanned characters and scenarios. Included are 100 Improvisation tasks.
The resource includes: set lines, alphabetical dialogue, solo and group tasks.
Each task card includes some information, this information has been selected randomly and will lead to some humorous drama and dialogue between students.
Some task cards include characters and locations, others simply set lines.
Task cards state number of students to carry out improv, some require the use of vocal and language constraints and others allow for complete spontaneity.
This resource is suitable for KS3 / KS4
This is a HUGE resource.
137 printable no prep pages.
It includes:
Phonics and Letter Formation (3 Sets with letter formation)
My First Phonics workbook (picture and a word)
and one full set of coloured flashcards!
Check out the preview by clicking on the image above just to see how HUGE this pack is!
This bumper page for 2D shapes is a 59 page download,
Download includes-
-One reading book all about shape (9 pages-laminate for long term use and durability)
-9 worksheets
-3 Fun 'Find the shape and colour' worksheets
-Classroom Posters
-Shape Questions
-One full set of colour cloud flashcards
-One full set of Shape Posters in a4
-One mini set of Shape Posters (ideal for use in stations/centres)
Check the preview!
Animals! Yay! This pack includes lots of different animals; zoo animals, farm animals, marine animals and more...
Included in this 88 page download-
-full set of teaching aids displaying animal info and picture. These can be used for advanced students as reading or listening tests. I have included questions or you can create your own.
-35 worksheets (these are cross curricular and include maths and literacy)
-4 writing templates with picture prompts
-rhyming words
-colouring pages
-missing letters
-3 animal boards games
-one set of mixed animal flashcards in colour
-workbook cover included
Check out the preview!
Included in this download
-15 Reading Comprehensions. One comprehension per A4 page. Questions included. Can be used in class or as homework tasks.
- differentiated reading comprehensions typically for KS1/lower KS2.
The comprehensions can be read to the children and/or they can read alone.
These can be used as part of a creative writing task, reading task- closed or guided and/or listening test.
For children that are able to answer questions – questions are included. Should you decide not to use these, they can be cut off.
Comprehensions include but not limited to-
The Airport
The Astronaut
Big Bugs
Spots and Stripes
Furry Animals
Word Maps are a must for all lessons. Students should be able to write down any words that they have not understood . This is not confined to literacy alone but can and should be used for all subjects.
Words maps are excellent visual aids for those students that find spellings and new vocabulary difficult. Enhancing vocabulary is important across the board as it improves reading levels.
Included in this download
-10 Differentiated Word Maps
Check out the preview!
This resource enables students to reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information. Exit Slips easily incorporate writing into the content area classroom and require students to think critically. Exit slips easily incorporate writing into many different content areas.
Furthermore, the Exit Slip strategy is an informal assessment that will allow educators to adapt and differentiate their planning and instruction. These Exit Slips can either be put into student portfolios and/or stuck into class notebooks alongside the lesson.
These Exit Slips ask students for feedback on their lesson, what they have learned, what they may need extra support and/or guidance with. Exit slips can be used for all subjects.
Included in this download
-25 Exit Slips
This 20 page resource is ideal for introducing the concepts of Location, Direction and Distance in the EYFS or to recap in Year 1.
The colouring activity sheets clearly show children the difference between
-near and far
-on and off
-beside and between
-left and right
-inside and outside
-above and below
-over and under
This pack is also suitable for children with ASD who may find understanding direction and position difficult without the use of visual aids.
Check out the preview!
Thinking Skills is an integral feature of the Foundation Stage.
This resource includes 120 cross-curricular questions. Choose one question to display EVERY morning for the children and make it part of CT. This will encourage those weaker students to participate. You can choose several children to answer the question or the class as a whole.
You can use this as part of your assessment, questions you should ask yourself-
-Can children ask questions and express the need to find out more?
- Are they self-critical? Do they accept suggestions from others? Are they open to challenge?
-Can they sort, order and classify information?
-Can they brainstorm?
-Do they appear confident?
This resource will develop a high quality thinking environment in the Early Years. It will enhance learning and enable quality thinking experiences.
120 Questions in Powerpoint Format (I have also included the pdf, if you want to print and laminate you can)
This resource can also be used for Year 1.
Included in this download are 40 Project Based Task Cards.
These task cards will enable students to critically evaluate ideas, arguments, points of view and develop into autonomous thinkers.
It is only through self-research and critical evaluation that students can learn how to analyze and critically evaluate arguments. This resource helps them to develop a sound framework to test their own arguments and advance their own points of view. These task cards include simple questions, a background topic and suggested questions they should look at to interpret and/or analyse. These task cards include simple questions, a background topic and suggested questions they should look at to interpret and/or analyse.
Suitable for Upper KS2/KS3/KS4
This 49 Page download includes-
3 Differentiated Reading Comprehensions with Questions
15 worksheets that include writing a story, writing a diary entry, research skills and more!
Mini Poem Analysis
Words and Meanings (these words are differentiated)
Writing Templates include: World Peace, Telegrams, Letters to Home
Research based tasks on suggested War Heroes (includes War Heroes from different countries around the world)
War Hero Discussions and Tasks
War Themed Word Wall
Included in this 48 Page resource pack-
-15 Writing Templates with Christmas/Winter Pictures and guides lined for writing. These writing templates are differentiated. One set with suggested words and the other without.
-2 Acrostic Poem Templates
-1 Winter Word Mat
-6 specific task based literacy templates
-36 Winter Literacy Tub Story Titles for Creative Writing
-A set of Connective Flashcards with ‘Winter’ background.
-One Winter Writing Tips Poster.
A wonderful pack to tackle friendships, anti-bullying and kindness in EYFS/KS1.
The pack includes several writing tasks (guided lines provided on most worksheets)
Classroom Posters
12 Kindness Task Cards
Acrostic Poem Template
12 Worksheets
1 Certificate
Real life photos showing simple acts of kindness (can be used for further discussion and/or descriptive writing)
Check out the preview!
This resource is a HUGE pack.
It includes 3 sets of each letter with dotted font PLUS a small picture at the top that corresponds phonetically with the letter.
In total there are 3 pages per sound making the resource a total of 80 Pages.
That's three phonics workbooks OR you can use one copy for tracing with pencil, the other two you could laminate and use as 'write n wipe' boards.
Check out the preview!
42 page pack.
2 Reading Comprehensions (1 'fill in the missing words' and the other a reading passage- you can set appropriate questions)
5 worksheets
10 water experiments
17 Water Flashcards
5 Real Life Water Pictures
4 Posters with water cycle descriptions words and meanings.
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.