Doubling and halving using partitioning for 2, 3, & 4 digit numbers.
Doubling and halving frames differentiated worksheets.
Doubling related to multiplying by 2 and halving related to dividing by 2 with matching sum.
Includes blank versions for further differentiation.
Includes x2 times table PowerPoint with numerous animated slide pages, 1 page of which represents x2 as doubling.
Compensation Strategy for Mental Subtraction.
By visually illustrating the mental subtraction strategy of compensation by using moving base ten blocks and a bin my students where able to better understand how answers are adjusted by adding back or subtracting more and therefore compensating for the rounding which made the question easier.
PowerPoint includes 5 examples with base ten blocks and 5 matching slides with matching sums but just the thought process and 2 additional examples without base ten blocks to help learners move from a pictorial representation to an abstract one.
Download includes a double sided worksheet based around the PowerPoint teaching.
Grid method multiplication introduction worksheets. Using grid method to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Differentiated grid method multiplication worksheets.
Please also see which includes these worksheets with a PowerPoint and a few more worksheets.