My class really like these: add together the two numbers at the bottom that are in the same colour box. Then write the answers in the boxes in the middle. Add together the two numbers in the boxes and write the total in the star shape at the top.
Differentiated worksheets uploaded (easy/missing numbers/DIY blank etc.) Also easy to edit.
1)Simple labeling worksheet. oil, foil, boil, soil, coin, point, poison, toilet.
Read the words in the box, then write it under the matching pictures.
2)'oi&' and &';oy' cloze sentences.
3)&'oi&'; and 'oy&' read/cover/write/check.
4)&';oi' and &'oy&'; label with boy and toy
5&6) Cut phonemes and spell next to the matching picture.
A better, more focused selection of /er/ digraph worksheets:
This selection is er, it’s a worksheet with, er, /er/ pictures on it to label using the /er/ words in the box.
and, um, er, a /er/ cloze sentence worksheets using /er/ words
and read/cover/write/check and also quite a clever read/draw worksheet.
Th (voiced and unvoiced) 1st labelling worksheet. (three, thin, thick, thank, thunder, thorn, this, that, tooth) B&W clipart to label and colour.
PLUS ‘th’ cloze sentences worksheet using the same words.
PLUS read/cover/write/check th’ words.
And threw in a &‘this’ is a CVC’; and ‘that is a CVC’ writing worksheet to practice some HFW and enforce this/that spelling and use.
Please see my 242 page phonics book.
qu & wh digraphs mixed together worksheets.
*Labelling BéW clipart using words in the box. *Linking words and pictures. *Cloze sentences. *Read/Cover/Write/Check with illustrations.
'nk&' sound (bank/wink/pink) labelling worksheet. Read the words in the box and label the clipart pictures.
&';nk' words cloze sentences. Choose the best word to complete the sentences.
+ Read/Cover/Write/Check with illustrations.
Please RATE and COMMENT. Thanks.
Fill in the missing long e sound spellings. Either ee or ea.
bee, eat, tea, sheep, etc. Simplest words I could think of.
Trust your gut to decide if it should be ee or ea. (or is there a better way??)
AND long e simple cloze sentences.
ee or labelling worksheet + ee or colouring.
Labelling worksheet: read the ee or words and label the corresponding BéW clip art pictures. 12 simple to read and spell ee or words.
Simple 'ea&' / long e...label worksheet. 16 clear B&W images: meat, read, sea, peanut etc.
Read the words in the box and label the pictures. PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT
Colourful power point I made for a PSHE/Citizenship lesson on making choices.
Should I do this or do that?
• to recognise that they can make choices
• the difference between right and wrong
• what they like and dislike
• what is fair and unfair
• to share their opinions on matters that are important to them
• to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class
• to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices
digraph /oo/.
Read and label the clip art pictures.
16 clear B&W clipart pictures of mixed long snd short oo words on 1 sheet
sentence cloze with mixed oo worksheet.
colouring sheet
read and/or draw
See my other /oo/ resource which more clearly identifies and highlights the different long /oo/ and short /oo/ sounds.
Two ways to make the long a sound: ai and ay. One labeling worksheet. One sorting the spellings in correct columns worksheet.
Please see my 242 page Phonics Skills Book Phase 3 - Phase 5 resource.
Find x more than using the number line, then write the addition sentences. Find x less than using the number line, then write the subtraction sentences.
Start number given. Students then fill in + or - and the other numbers to make the number sentences.
Please rate and comment.
Number line subtraction from 20.
Each question has an accompanying number line with a red start number and dot.
Lots of monkey clip art. (I use it with an excellent 'monkey subtraction to 10' Power Point >>> cut and paste:>>
Worksheet 2 has an additional page with lots of questions and only a few number lines.
Please comment and rate.
ai digraph labelling worksheet.
11 clear black and white clip art pictures of easy to read and spell /ai/words.
Please see my 242 page Phonics Skills Book Phase 3 - Phase 5 resource.
oa labelling worksheet and ow (making the oa sound) labeling worksheet. Plus an ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ cloze activity.
oa = goat, boat, oak, soap, toad, road, etc.
ow = slow, snow, blow, yellow, pillow etc.
Alternative Spellings for /oa/
halves. half. 1/2.
Look at the group of fruit and draw a line to make each group into two groups of equal quantity.
Then fill in the missing numbers below the clip art: Half of 6 is 3 etc.
ch, ch, ch, ch, choo choo!!
Simple labelling worksheet of 12 ch words. Look at the clear pictures, read the words in the box, choose the correct word and write it under the corresponding picture.
chin, rich, chat, itch, punch, chick, chicken, pinch, chest, watch, etc.
diagrpah ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch diagraph
One file is the B&W worksheet, one has a few color cliparts as well.
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Numberline. Step counting. 2's and 5&'s.
Jump along the number line in steps of 2 and steps of 5.
Also count the feet by counting in twos.
Numberline jump steps can be edited by typing new numbers under the number line.
PLUS: Counting in the stars by 2s or 5s with fireworks 2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate? The underpaid teacher!!!