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AQA Psychology A level (new 2015 Specification) Shop

Average Rating4.23
(based on 86 reviews)

Offering excellent tried and tested resources for the AQA Psychology Specification for A level. Including revision activities (summary powerpoints and revision cards) and also full interactive lessons. Any questions message me at psychologywithrebecca@gmail.com




Offering excellent tried and tested resources for the AQA Psychology Specification for A level. Including revision activities (summary powerpoints and revision cards) and also full interactive lessons. Any questions message me at psychologywithrebecca@gmail.com
AQA Psychology Paper 2 Mock - Example Exam Paper - Revision

AQA Psychology Paper 2 Mock - Example Exam Paper - Revision

Need an unseen mock for your students?! This is a complete made up paper 2 mock for the new spec 2015 AQA Psychology. The questions for Approaches and Biopsychology have been made up so there is no mark scheme but there are sample answers and a ppt to go through after the mock to demonstrate key errors. The Research methods questions were adapted from an old AQA question.


For AQA Psychology Forensic Topic. This is a full lesson on Atavistic form (Lombroso’s explanation). It includes a fun activity which can be done for open evening- serial killer or psychologist (the descriptions should be stuck on the back of the photos for each card). After covering the features of Lombroso’s theory they examine their picture to see if their criminal has any of those features.
Research Methods Revision

Research Methods Revision

4 Resources
Designed for AQA it includes presentation and acitivities. This includes: -A large booklet of activities to complete on most, if not all, aspects of AQA Psychology research methods -A teacher presentation which is linked to the booklet for research methods. -A set of 140 revision cards which have short questions and answers on them -A set of Key Term cards
Psychology Research Methods Revision Bundle

Psychology Research Methods Revision Bundle

3 Resources
A full set of resources for revision for research methods A set of revision cards that can be printed double sided and cut up to make a pack of quick recall question and answer cards. They are great for independent or pair revision of key content. a revision presentation that takes students back over all key aspect of the RM topic with prompts to complete pages of activities in the activity booklet as you go. Research methods activity booklet - to be completed to work on all aspects of research methods. Can be done independently or as part of taught sessions using the revision powerpoint. series of resources for revision NOTE: All these can be purchased independently from each other as well.
The Approaches - AQA Psychology Full unit of work

The Approaches - AQA Psychology Full unit of work

8 Resources
This includes the following approaches for AQA Psychology: Behaviourist SLT Cognitive Humanism Psychodynamic Biological All good quality complete lessons for you to use. Packed full of activities and video links. Comparison lesson on these is separate: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12743281 Origins of Psychology here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12744134
Biological Approach full lesson resources

Biological Approach full lesson resources

Biological Approach for AQA Psychology full lesson resources Covers Genotype, Phenotype, Evolution, Localisation, Neurostransmitters and Hormones as well as evaluation. Has activities, video links, ppt and notes sheet. Takes me between 4-5 hours of teaching.
Paper 2 AQA Psychology Revision Powerpoints

Paper 2 AQA Psychology Revision Powerpoints

3 Resources
This includes lessons designed to recap the 3 topics in paper 2 for new linear aqa psychology. For approaches and Biopsychology - It has a condensed ppt - most topics are condensed to one manageable slide that can be turned into revision cards - often more detail is included in the notes of the powerpoint. I give the students a copy of the student version (usually 2 slides to page) to complete and annotate while I go through the teacher version as a class. Sometimes asking them to complete sections before I go through it. Research Methods - It includes a booklet of activities and a powerpoint to guide the students through completing it.
Research Methods Summary Revision Powerpoint for AQA

Research Methods Summary Revision Powerpoint for AQA

Made for AQAPsychology A-level but could be easily adapted for other boards. This is a presentation I work through with my students while they are revising research methods - it includes over 60 slides (some with content and some with indications of a task to complete from a booklet which is listed separately on TES). I usually teach short sections of research methods and then get them to complete the activities in the corresponding booklet. The corresponding booklet can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/research-methods-revision-booklet-of-activities-28-pages-aqa-psychology-11623089?theme=0 This took me 3-4 lessons of 90 minutes each to complete it all but some could be set for homework. This includes a sample essay on designing research and a summary table for features of science which are areas students often struggle with.