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Rotating Shapes on Grid
Rotating shapes on a grid - differentiated for lower and middle/higher, used in year 5 class. Children to be provided with tracing paper.
Place Value and Relating Thousandths
Worksheet for place value knowledge and relating thousandths to tenths and hundredths. Differentiated for lower/middle/higher.
Reflecting Shapes using Grid
2 x Reflecting shapes in grid worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher.
Extension activity - found online, cannot find source to credit.
Used in year 5 class.
Plotting Shapes using Coordinates
2 x Worksheet for plotting shapes using coordinates.
Extension sheet - found online, cannot find source to give credit.
Used for year 5
Persuasive Letter Example
An example of a persuasive letter used to deconstruct the key features. Based on Greek Mythology - Zeus/Pandora
Perimeter/Area of Rectangles, Polygons and Compound Shapes
3 worksheets used for differentiation in year 5 class:
1) Rectangles
2) Polygons and compound shapes
3) Compound shapes
Left blank to insert own numbers by hand to suit ability.
Missing Numbers Column Addition
Missing Numbers Column Addition used in year 5 - two versions for differentiation.
Estimating and Measuring Acute Angles
Children recorded their estimation and measured using a protractor. Used in year 5.
Multiplication and Division Word Problems
A variety of multiplication and division word problems used for a year 5 class. Two versions for differentiation.
Lines of Symmetry Investigation
Lines of Symmetry of regular and irregular polygons investigation. Children were provided with shapes to fold and mirrors. Used in year 5 class.
Lava Lamp Experiment Recording Sheet
Children created their own lava lamps (google how to do this, very easy!) and filled out the sheet as they went to record their predictions and observations.
Useful phrases for Non-Chronological Report
Useful phrases for writing a non-chronological report - children stuck into workbooks to encourage use within their writing.
Non-Chronological Report Example
Example of a non-chronological report based on the hydra from Herakles to link to Ancient Greece topic - used to deconstruct key features.
Decimal Investigation (geography link)
Investigation used with year 5 (differentiated for lower/middle/higher):
Reading information from a table
Ordering decimals
Greater/less than decimals
Place value
Converting to fractions
Decimal/fraction equivalents
Greek Gods/Goddesses Match Up
Used in a year 5 class - I cut the sheet up and the children had to try and match the picture to the name and also the description. For lower ability I left the name of the god/goddess and picture attached to match up with description only.
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions worksheet used in year 5 - differentiated for lower/middle/higher.