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Rotating Shapes on Grid
Rotating shapes on a grid - differentiated for lower and middle/higher, used in year 5 class. Children to be provided with tracing paper.

Rock permeability experiment table
A table to record the results when testing rocks for permeability. Two versions for differentiation.

Labelling Plants
A worksheet for children to label the parts of a plant and their functions (roots,
stem/trunk, leaves and flowers).

World map poster x 2 (with and without names of countries)
World map to cut out and laminate before sticking together and placing on wall.
Two versions - one with the names of countries and the other without)
Map picture taken from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg/2000px-Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg.png

Reflecting Shapes using Grid
2 x Reflecting shapes in grid worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher.
Extension activity - found online, cannot find source to credit.
Used in year 5 class.

Non-Chronological Report Planning Template
Children planned a non-chronological report (about winged horses) using this format. Easily adapted for a report on just about anything.

Transformations Investigation (rotating, reflecting and translating)
Children investigating how the shape has been transformed, used in year 5 class.

Partitioning Guide/Reminder
A step by step guide for children to stick into their maths book to refer to when using partitioning to multiply.