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Rachel1010Rachel's Shop

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I am relatively new to selling resources on TES, so if you like something, please review it! I am constantly updating and developing new resources - I like to concentrate the majority of my time on developing scientific skills through the use of practical work and application - conveniently this sits well with the new GCSE. I also am involved in developing schemes for the new GCSE (at my school) so will post anything I can to help others in this area.




I am relatively new to selling resources on TES, so if you like something, please review it! I am constantly updating and developing new resources - I like to concentrate the majority of my time on developing scientific skills through the use of practical work and application - conveniently this sits well with the new GCSE. I also am involved in developing schemes for the new GCSE (at my school) so will post anything I can to help others in this area.
Physics Equations AQA Trilogy

Physics Equations AQA Trilogy

A Worksheet containing all the Physics equations that need to be memorised and those that just need to be applied. Spaces where pupils should fill in units and rearrange to find different terms.
Complete and Incomplete Combustion Observations DIFFERENTIATED x3

Complete and Incomplete Combustion Observations DIFFERENTIATED x3

Basics looking at the equations for combustion and comparing them. Practical based on using a Bunsen Burner to heat water, air hole open and closed. Practical details are on the ppt. Sheet then looking at the evidence and observations of the two types of combustion (Differentiated in to bronze, silver and gold). Application looking at a car. Challenge task looking at the impacts of carbon monoxide.
Molecular Formula

Molecular Formula

Introduction to interpreting and making molecular formula. Used for KS3 or introduction to GCSE. Differentiated in to bronze silver and gold sheets. Really useful resource - please review :)
AQA Trilogy Equations *NEW SPEC* incl revision cards

AQA Trilogy Equations *NEW SPEC* incl revision cards

This has a full list of the equations with units and symbol equations. The equations are separated into those that need to be learn and those that need to be applied. Also included is the same equations on quiz cards, the terms on the front of the card and full equation with units on the back. Set with just the terms on the front for pupils to fill in themselves if you wish. I have done a similar set for Physics AQA on my resources. :)
AQA Physics Equations *NEW SPEC* inc revision cards

AQA Physics Equations *NEW SPEC* inc revision cards

This has a full list of the equations with units and symbol equations. The equations are separated into those that need to be learn and those that need to be applied. Also included is the same equations on quiz cards, the terms on the front of the card and full equation with units on the back. Set with just the terms on the front for pupils to fill in themselves if you wish. I have done a similar set for Trilogy AQA on my resources. :)
Photosynthesis using pond weed *BIG PRACTICAL* Bicarbonate indicator and the effect of distance

Photosynthesis using pond weed *BIG PRACTICAL* Bicarbonate indicator and the effect of distance

Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context. First lesson Resources: bicarbonate writing frame (+ppt) Practical: Pupils use tin foil to cover one test tube containing pond weed and use bicarbonate indicator to show photosynthesis (+respiration HIGHER). Practical procedure notes in PPT (consult health and safety or use approved procedure) Activities order: Starter looking at the photosynthesis equation and the role of chloroplasts, Practical and write up for first practical. Second/Third lesson Resources: Distance writing frame (+ppt) Practical: Collecting gas using a measuring cylinder and investigating the affect of distance of a lamp. Activities order: Introduction to aim and prediction. Pupil should be able to complete practical independently give guidance and previous practical. Graph, conclusion and evaluation scaffolding also provided but may need to be scheduled for another lesson. Two PowerPoints available with results as practical can be slightly temperamental.
Reduction Reaction and Electrolysis *BIG PRACTICAL*  Reactivity Series

Reduction Reaction and Electrolysis *BIG PRACTICAL* Reactivity Series

Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context. First lesson Resources: Reduction-Reactions (+ppt) Practical: Pupils complete a practical looking at the reduction of iron in iron oxide using carbon on a match. Activities order: Starter looking at the reactivity series and the order of metals. First section looks at those found in their natural state and not in compounds. Then move on to look at those above hydrogen and below carbon using practical. Second Resources: Electrolysis (+ppt) Practical: Electrolysis of copper sulphate solution - simplistic Activities order: Introduction the meaning of the term 'lysis' and linking it to electrolysis. How ores are processed to get compounds ready for electrolysis. Electrolysis of sodium chloride and aluminium oxide as examples.