I am relatively new to selling resources on TES, so if you like something, please review it! I am constantly updating and developing new resources - I like to concentrate the majority of my time on developing scientific skills through the use of practical work and application - conveniently this sits well with the new GCSE. I also am involved in developing schemes for the new GCSE (at my school) so will post anything I can to help others in this area.
I am relatively new to selling resources on TES, so if you like something, please review it! I am constantly updating and developing new resources - I like to concentrate the majority of my time on developing scientific skills through the use of practical work and application - conveniently this sits well with the new GCSE. I also am involved in developing schemes for the new GCSE (at my school) so will post anything I can to help others in this area.
Power Points summarising key information for each paper one. Clearly identifies higher content. Ideal for the few lessons before the exam.
Paper one content available on my resources.
I have used this to summarise content and set test and quizzes for pupils to improve knowledge recall.
It contains all topic (in the same order as kerboodle) and cross referenced with the AQA specification.
Paper two also available.
I have used this to summarise content and set test and quizzes for pupils to improve knowledge recall.
It contains all topic (in the same order as kerboodle) and cross referenced with the AQA specification.
Paper one also available.
Tick list for all lessons included in the kerboodle scheme including required practicals and our assessment elements.
So handy to have in your planner!
Planner page for KS4 foundation tier
Planner Page for KS4 higher tier
Complete revision on P4P5P6 for current OCR twenty first century additional science.
Covers all topics.
Can be used for students or as a class PowerPoint.
Specifically tailored to the style of OCR exam questions.
Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context.
First lesson
Resources: aseptic techniques practice, pupils-account-of-aseptic-techniques (+ppt)
Practical: Pupils culture a known bacterial both using aseptic techniques, with an aim of achieving zero contamination.
Activities order: Teacher intro, practical write up using frame and practical, KILLER CHALLENGE correcting a poor aseptic method
Second lesson
Resources: Testing antibiotics (+ppt)
Practical: Pupils complete the same method of culturing known bacterial broths using aseptic techniques but add antibiotic disks.
Activity order: Look at plates from previous lesson and look if they have been successful and what they need to improve. Practical and write up.
Third lesson
Resources: Antibiotic plate sheet, Diameter-zone-of-inhibition (+ppt)
Activity order: Look at antibiotic plates, Complete sheet looking at antibiotics and comparing zones of inhibition, calculating zones of inhibition for comparison.
Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context.
First lesson
Resources: Halogen-Melting-and-Boiling-point, Ions-group-7-silver-support (+ppt)
Practical: NA
Activities order: Teacher intro, plotting melting and boiling points of halogens and practising drawing ions (should be covered previously or an alternative activity)
Second lesson
Resources: The-Halogens-Displacement-Reactions (+ppt)
Practical: Pupils complete halogen displacement (group by group if fume cupboard is necessary)
Activity order: Re-cap on states, complete practical and write up showing displacement reactions, equations showing displacement.
Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context.
First lesson
Resources: Practical-investigation-writing-frame (+ppt)
Practical: Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid - details on ppt
Activities order: Starter looking at the mass of a cake, look at recognising balancing equations, complete practical and planning part of the practical write up.
Second lesson
Resources: ppt
Practical: NA
Activities order: Line graph and pathway graded conclusion (the pathways will be different depending on what your school is using)
Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context.
First lesson
Resources: Rate-of-reaction-practical (+ppt)
Practical: Pupils complete a preliminary testing three concentrations of HCl on calcium carbonate and collect gas using inverted measuring cylinders.
Activity order: Intro, demo, should be able to complete preliminary practical and write up to preliminary conclusion.
Second/Third lesson
Resources: Rate-of-reaction-practical (+ppt)
Practical: Pupils complete a full practical testing three concentrations of HCl on calcium carbonate and collect gas using inverted measuring cylinders. Complete repeats and exclude outliers to calculate mean.
Activity order: Make any changes to the method necessary from previous prac (e.g. my pupils decided they were going to use larger measuring cylinders). Complete prac and write up.
A very cut down version condensing content into manageable chunks. Ideal for pupils who struggle to revise or those who need small amounts of information to process.
Resources developed as part of a *BIG PRACTICAL*. These are designed to practice a skill - usually using a preliminary investigation - then a full investigation write up. These are tailored toward the way the new GCSE (2016 on wards) is designed to test practical skills as well as context.
First lesson
Resources: The pH Scale (+ppt)
Practical: Test pH of everyday substances
Activities order: Starter looking at the pH scale and then practical, pupils then plot the position of the substances and then questions on strength of different substances.
Resources: Neutralisation -- Titration (+ppt)
Practical: Basic titration like practical using measuring cylinders
Activities order: Introduction the meaning of the term 'neutral'. Re-cap of pH from previous lesson. Practical. Word equations looking at the formation of salts.
Resources: Making-Salts-Prac (+ppt)
Practical: Forming sodium chloride salt and evaporating to form crystals
Activities order: Re-cap word equations. Practical and write up and use of heating equipment specifically looking at the importance of evaporation and mixing as processes involved in the method.
Complete revision on C4C5C6 for current OCR twenty first century additional science.
Covers all topics.
Can be used for students or as a class PowerPoint.
Specifically tailored to the style of OCR exam questions.
Complete revision on B4B5B6 for current OCR twenty first century additional science.
Covers all topics.
Can be used for students or as a class PowerPoint.
Specifically tailored to the style of OCR exam questions.
Paper one and paper two revision questions for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Pupils used these as re-cap question and as the basis to build revision cards.
This is a unit (4 lessons) for filling the AQA required practical although can be easily used for other specifications. The method used are the recommended practical methods published by AQA. The lessons are as follows:
1) Chromotography of M&M dye
2) Chromatography and calculating Rf values
This has been designed as part of a year 9 scheme of work which have been fully undated to cover the new AQA specification, change in assessment objective weightings and mathematical requirements.
Please leave a review of these resources.
This is a unit (4 lessons) for filling the AQA required practical although can be easily used for other specifications. The method used are the recommended practical methods published by AQA. The lessons are as follows:
1) Denisty of regular objects
2) Density of irregular objects
This has been designed as part of a year 9 scheme of work which have been fully undated to cover the new AQA specification, change in assessment objective weightings and mathematical requirements.
Please leave a review of these resources
This is a unit (4 lessons) for filling the AQA required practical although can be easily used for other specifications. The method used are the recommended practical methods published by AQA. The lessons are as follows:
1) Diffusion
2) Investigate how surface area affects diffusion
3/4) Investigate the rate of osmosis in different sugar solutions
5) Active transport
This has been designed as part of a year 9 scheme of work which have been fully undated to cover the new AQA specification, change in assessment objective weightings and mathematical requirements.
Please leave a review of these resources.
This is a unit (4 lessons) for filling the AQA required practical although can be easily used for other specifications. The method used are the recommended practical methods published by AQA. The lessons are as follows:
1) Mini titration
2) Word/symbol equations for neutralisation reactions
3/4) Preparing a soluble salt from insoluble copper oxide
This has been designed as part of a year 9 scheme of work which have been fully undated to cover the new AQA specification, change in assessment objective weightings and mathematical requirements.
Please leave a review of these resources.