Cross-curricular topics

Martin Luther King Jr. Word Search puzzles - Black History Month Printables Activities Worksheets
This MLK Jr themed word search printable is a fun Martin Luther King Jr Day activity
that can also be used during Black History Month. The answer key is included to make your
life as a teacher or parent a bit easier. I hope you enjoy!
Martin Luther King Jr. was a former U.S minister known for being a leader during the 1960s
in the American civil rights movement. As you enlighten your kids with his contributions to
history, you can play a game of these free puzzles with them for a better understanding. It
will also strengthen their vocabulary.
While any time of year is a good time to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work
with the Civil Rights movement and his powerful words and actions, his birthday in January
makes itself a natural time to focus on his life and works. So, why not take the time to do that
this year!
The Martin Luther King Jr Word Search Puzzle, is a
thoughtful and educational activity for individuals of all ages. This puzzle contains key terms
and phrases related to the life and legacy of the iconic civil rights leader, Martin Luther King
Jr. From “nonviolence” to “equality,” this word search allows participants to not only have fun,
but also to reflect on the powerful messages and ideals that Dr. King stood for. With its clear
and concise answer key, this puzzle can be used as a teaching tool in classrooms or as a
leisurely activity at home. Engage in the celebration of Dr. King’s legacy through this
engaging and informative word search puzzle.

Christmas Word Search puzzles - English vocabulary Activities Printables Worksheets- Holidays Winter
We’ve whipped up a delightful selection of free Christmas and Winter word search puzzles in various
themes and difficulty levels, so there’s something for everyone. Whether your kiddo is a
newbie or a word search whiz, they can start from the basics and challenge themselves as
they go. And hey, adults! Don’t be shy - these puzzles are a delightful way for you to unwind
.and get into the festive mood too
Not only are these free printable Christmas word search puzzles buckets of fun, but they’re
also little treasure troves of new words for your little ones to learn. Ready to dive in? Simply
print out your chosen Christmas word search PDF and start your word-finding adventure.
Mark off each word as you discover them, and once you’re done, the colorful artwork awaits
.your creative touch

Pi Day Activity Placemat Printables Worksheets for kids
Our Pi Day printable worksheet includes a word search, maze, writing exercise, hidden pies
to count, and more!
Ideas for Use
On the go
In the car (just clip it to a clipboard!)
Morning basket
Quiet time
While you homeschool the older ones
For a brain break during school
Outside on the grass
At a restaurant, while waiting for the meal to arrive
While prepping dinner

Chinese New Year Colour by Number Addition and Colouring Pages Activities Printables Worksheets
Chinese New Year Colour by Number Addition and Colouring Pages Activities Printables Worksheets - Lunar New Year Spring Season

Chinese New Year YEAR OF THE DRAGON COLORING PAGES Activities Printables Worksheets Lunar New Year
Celebrate the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dragon with these printable
coloring pages. Kids of all ages will have fun with these!
These 2024 Year of the Dragon coloring pages are all kinds of fun and perfect for celebrating
the Chinese New Year! Celebrating the Chinese New Year is always tons of fun with the

Easter Eggs Build a Bunny Craft Activities Printables Worksheets for kids - Spring season
Our printable build-a-bunny craft is fun for kids to color, cut out, and create their very own
paper Easter bunny! Get started with our fun preschool Easter bunny printout below.
Who’s excited for Easter?! I know we sure are! We love getting together with family for
holidays and celebrating Easter is no different. Easter crafting has been something that we
have enjoyed over the years and this time around, we made some cute build-a-bunny
templates for Easter so the kids can get creative!
Cute paper Easter bunny craft - build your own bunny

Easter Bunny Ears Headband Printable Template Crafts Activities for kids - Spring Season
This bunny ears headband printable is perfect for creating an Easter bunny hat with the kids
this spring. Simply download, print and cut out this cute craft!
Today I’m sharing a darling bunny ear template that can easily be made into a headband
with a few craft supplies. It’s a great way to create a bunny face with kids of all ages for your
next Easter celebration.

Groundhog Day Colour by number Pixels Art Math Activities Printables Worksheets - Spring Colouring
Need an easy activity for Groundhog Day? Then print off these Groundhog Day Color By
Number pages. This is a fun activity to discuss what Groundhog day is about and make
predictions on whether the groundhog will see its shadow!
These printable Groundhog Day color by code pages are a great way for kids to learn
about the holiday as well as practice their colors and numbers!
Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd and celebrates the day groundhogs around the world
are observed to see if they see their shadow. If they see their shadow, the prediction is that
there will will be 6 more weeks of winter. And if they do not see their shadow, that means the
prediction is that spring is on its way!

Easter Basket Craft Activities Printables Worksheets - Spring games for kids
Color, cut, fold, and glue to make a fun Easter basket. For best results, print on thick card
Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

April Fools’ Day Word Search Puzzles Prank Games and Unsolvable - English vocabulary Activity Print
April fools’ day is right around the corner! Are you ready to prank your family and friends and
have some fun? This free printable April fool’s day word search is the perfect joke to play in
the classroom or at home.
While this game may look like a normal word search, it actually is completely unsolvable.
See how long it takes people to figure it out!
This year, for April fools’ day I wanted to create a fun game that could double as an easy
At first glance, this word search appears to be just like any other. It has a bunch of jumbled
up letters and a word bank with April fools’ day themed words.

April fool's Reading Comprehension English vocabulary What You Need to Know About April Fool’s Day
It wasn’t until I taught in China that I even had to think about why we do April Fools’ Day. My
Chinese students thought this was a pretty funny idea, and were amazed that so many
people “celebrated” it! So here ya go… a free worksheet all about April Fools’ Day!
Comprehension questions at the bottom.

Women's History Month - Famous Women in History Flashcards Worksheets - International Womens day
famous women in history will take young historians of grade 4, grade 5 and grade 6 back in
time to celebrate the myriad accomplishments of women heroes who strongly influenced the
history of the world. Know the famous female rulers, suffragists, Nobel Laureates, pioneers,
the first ladies of America with our fact flashcards, fill-in, matching, identifying, quiz, word
search and reading comprehension exercises.
4th grade and 5th grade children learn more about some notable women who have made
their mark on the history of the world, using these informative picture flashcard printables for
multiple activities.

Valentines Day Math Activities Worksheets Colour by Numbers 100s Chart Activity - PIXELS ART
Enjoy a sweet Valentine’s Day story time followed by this Valentines Day Math Worksheets
to help pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students work on numbers 1-100. This fun
Valentines Day color by number helps children work on number recognition to 100 using a
hundreds chart. As students color by code on these valentines day worksheets they will
reveal a mystery picture from the story. SImply download Valentines Day Math pdf file to
your Valentines Themes. Kids will love this fun valentines day activity kindergarten.
Valentines Day Math
We love engaging activities to make learning fun. When teaching preschoolers,
kindergartners, and grade 1 students they will love reading a story together and then doing a
fun, educationa, book based activity together. This Valentines day math was a fun way for
students to work on number recognition as they navigate a 100s chart. After printing the
valentines day worksheets, students will colour by number to reveal a hidden picture. THis is
such a fun valentines day activity for February 14th.

Free Valentine's day Printable Bookmarks to Colour - Activities colouring for kids
Included in the free printable bookmarks to color are 6 different Valentine bookmarks, 3 per
These free printable Valentine bookmarks are free to print but are for personal or classroom
use only. Scroll to the bottom of the page to get the pdf file.
These print better when printed on card stock (this is the one we use and love.)
Three bookmarks will print on each page. And I highly recommend using a paper cutter
rather than scissors (unless you have a very steady hand!)6 Free Printable Valentine Bookmarks to Color

Martin Luther King Jr. Word Search - Black History Month & African American Printables Activities
This MLK Jr themed word search printable is a fun Martin Luther King Jr Day activity
that can also be used during Black History Month. The answer key is included to make your
life as a teacher or parent a bit easier. I hope you enjoy!
Martin Luther King Jr. was a former U.S minister known for being a leader during the 1960s
in the American civil rights movement. As you enlighten your kids with his contributions to
history, you can play a game of these free puzzles with them for a better understanding. It
will also strengthen their vocabulary.
While any time of year is a good time to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work
with the Civil Rights movement and his powerful words and actions, his birthday in January
makes itself a natural time to focus on his life and works. So, why not take the time to do that
this year!
The Martin Luther King Jr Word Search Puzzle, is a
thoughtful and educational activity for individuals of all ages. This puzzle contains key terms
and phrases related to the life and legacy of the iconic civil rights leader, Martin Luther King
Jr. From “nonviolence” to “equality,” this word search allows participants to not only have fun,
but also to reflect on the powerful messages and ideals that Dr. King stood for. With its clear
and concise answer key, this puzzle can be used as a teaching tool in classrooms or as a
leisurely activity at home. Engage in the celebration of Dr. King’s legacy through this
engaging and informative word search puzzle.

Groundhog Day Coloring Pages color by letters English Alphabets Activities Printables Worksheets
Groundhog Day Color By Letter/Sight Word -Fun worksheets for
preschool/kindergarten! with my little ones and get them excited about the crazy day.
ANYWAY, given my love for all things groundhog, I made a few free groundhog day
worksheets for preschool or kindergarten students. They are color by letter and color by
sight word sheets.

Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt Activities cards for kids
If you’re looking for an indoor Valentine’s day activity – this Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt
is a lot of fun for kids! You can give a final Valentine prize at the end or do candy or
non-candy treats with each clue.
Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt For Kids
Your kids will love doing this scavenger hunt for Valentine’s Day!
No printer? You can still write out the clues on your own on paper! Add some stickers or
drawings to them yourself.

Valentine's Tags for Teachers for crafts or bulletin board
Show your appreciation for educators this Valentine’s Day with our specially designed free
printable Valentine tags for teachers.
There is a set of four beautifully designed tags, each with a heartwarming message, perfect
for Valentine’s Day.
Free Printable Valentine Tags for TeachersFree Printable Valentine Tags for Teachers
These teacher Valentine gift tags are thoughtfully crafted to fit on a single page, making
them easy to print and use from your home printer.
These Valentine tags are more than just paper and ink. They’re a symbol of respect and
affection for the vital role teachers play in shaping minds and hearts. Easy to print and
perfect for any Valentine’s Day gift, these tags are sure to bring a smile to any teacher’s
As part of your Valentine’s Day activities for kids, include these delightful tags in a craft
session to teach them about expressing gratitude towards their teachers in a creative and
fun way.

Thanksgiving Word Search Activities Printables Worksheets for kids- Turkey Day English Vocabulary
Have fun solving puzzles and playing games with printable Thanksgiving activity sheets.
Stretch your upper elementary students’ vocabulary and reading skills with a delicious
Thanksgiving word search.
Talk Turkey With Us! Thanksgiving Word Search Fun
Here at Teach Starter, we’re thankful for teachers like you and for fun and engaging
Thanksgiving activities for kids.
This worksheet is best used during the month of November as an independent practice to
support your reading, vocabulary, and celebratory Thanksgiving lessons. It is also a great
task for fast finishers!

Women's History Month Activities Worksheets Quiz - International Womens day afro American women
This printable quiz is a great learning or review activity for 4,5,6th grades children,
studying women’s history to know more about these women trailblazers who left
indelible marks in their respective fields.