dissolving revision
A good help sheet
Smelting image and explanantion
Mixtures 3 wordsearch
A great wordsearch about mixtures
Materials test
A great test on materials
Rocks research sheet
A sheet for rock research for students
Boiling worksheet
A great worksheet about boiling
Earth and volcanoes
Useful images with labels
erosion pictures
Erosion pictures can be used as stimulus material and students can think about how they erodes. Can be turned into cards or made into a powerpoint
Cooking chemistry revision
A good revision sheet
A great smelting worksheet
Extracting materials from our environment
A great worksheet about extracting materials
Soil practical results sheet
A sheet for lower ability to fill in soil results
boiling worksheet
A great sheet about boiling
Alum crystals practical
A great practical sheet with clear diagrams
Acid tablet table
Useful for lower ability groups
smelting worksheet part 2
The 2nd part to the smelting worksheet
How strong
A practical sheet about how strong acids and alkalis are
chemical reactions result sheet
A great worksheet
Reaction and separation
A good sheet about reaction and separation
Metal electrodes
A table for entering data about metal electrodes