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Area Model Multiplication
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for multiplication using area models? Well look no further as Area Model Multiplication Game Puzzles, for CCSS 4.NBT.5, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 4th grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers the multiplication strategy of using an area model to represent the multiplication problem. It includes 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication and up to 4 digit by 1 digit multiplication. By solving the multiplication expression and finding the matching picture model, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your 4th graders will love to practice using the method of an area model to learn multiplication fluency!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 4 Common Core Standard 4.NBT.B.5
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS 4.4D

1st Grade Subtraction Missing Addend Game Puzzles Unknown Number Addition
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for missing part addends? Well look no further as Subtraction as Missing Addend Game Puzzles, for CCSS 1.OA.4, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 1st grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This basketball themed puzzle set includes 40 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers representing a subtraction problem in the form of an equation with an unknown addend. By solving the problems to sort and match the puzzle pieces, students can gain confidence in an important skill. Your first graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about finding missing addends with this resource!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 1 Common Core Standard 1.OA.B.4
Understand subtraction as an unknown addend problem. For example, subtract 10 - 8 by finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8.

Kindergarten Addition and Subtraction Game Puzzles Fact Fluency to 5
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for addition and subtraction within 5 with pictures? Well look no further as Addition and Subtraction Game Fact Fluency to 5 Puzzles, for CCSS K.OA.5, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for Kindergarten elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers using pictures of objects for adding and subtracting numbers within 5. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your Kindergartners will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about addition within 5 and subtraction within 5.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Kindergarten Common Core Standard K.OA.A.5
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS K.3 and Virginia SOL K.6

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers? Well look no further as Word Problems Addition and Subtraction Game Puzzles, for CCSS 4.NBT.4, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 4th grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers addition and subtraction word problems with numbers up to millions. By solving the problems to sort and match the puzzle pieces, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your 4th graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about subtraction and addition with word problems with this product!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 4 Common Core Standard 4.NBT.B.4
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

Unit Fraction Dividing & Partitioning Shapes into Equal Parts of a Whole Sort Game
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for partitioning shapes into equal parts? Well look no further as Unit Fraction Partitioning Shape Game Puzzle, for CCSS 1.G.3, 2.G.3, 3.G.2, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for primary elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention, or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This partitioning shapes puzzle set includes 16 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers identifying the name of a geometric 2D shapes based on its picture, dividing the shape into equal parts and determining the unit fraction of the whole figure. By solving the problems to sort and match the puzzle pieces, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your students will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about decomposing shapes into equal shares with this resource!
Geometry Shapes included:
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 1 Common Core Standard 1.G.A.3
Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters
Relevant Grade 2 Common Core Standard 2.G.A.3
Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc.
Relevant Grade 3 Common Core Standard 3.G.A.2
Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS 1.6G TEKS 2.3A

4 by 2 Digit Division with Remainders Practice Game Activity 5th Grade
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for 4 digit by 2 digit division with remainders? Well look no further as 4 Digit by 2 Digit Division Game Puzzles, for CCSS 5.NBT.6, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 5th Grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your measurement unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these for distance learning at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 24 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers solving a division problem with a 4 digit dividend and 2 digit divisor to find the answer in the form of a quotient and remainder. By matching puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your 5th graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about dividing numbers.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 5 Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.6
Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS 5.3C

2 Digit Addition with Regrouping
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for adding 2 digit numbers? Well look no further as 2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Base Ten Block Game Puzzles, for CCSS 1.NBT.4, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 1st grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This double digit addition puzzle set includes 24 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers two digit addition using base ten blocks to represent the tens and ones place value. It has questions for both addition with regrouping and addition without regrouping. By solving the addition problems and finding the matching visual model puzzle piece, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your 1st graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about adding within 100 with this product!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 1 Common Core Standard 1.NBT.C.4
Add within 100

2 Digits Addition Game Puzzles Adding Four Two Digit Numbers 2nd Grade
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for adding four two digit numbers? Well look no further as 2 Digit Addition Game Puzzles Adding Four Two Digit Numbers, for CCSS 2.NBT.6, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 2nd Grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 24 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers using addition to find the sum of four double digit numbers. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your second graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about adding numbers with two digits.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 2 Common Core Standard 2.NBT.B.6
Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS 2.4B

Kindergarten Measurement Activity Compare Two Objects More or Less Center
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for comparing two objects? Well look no further as Kindergarten Measurement Activity Compare Two Objects More or Less Center Puzzles, for CCSS K.MD.2, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for Kindergarten elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers comparing two given pictures and determining which is taller or shorter than the other. It also covers finding whether a group of objects has more or less than another group of objects. By sorting and matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your Kindergartners will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about comparing objects.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative measurement activity for Kindergarten with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Kindergarten Common Core Standard K.MD.A.2
Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS K.7B and Virginia SOL K.10

Making 10
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for comparing two objects? Well look no further as Kindergarten Addition Game to 10 Adding to Make 10 Puzzles, for CCSS K.OA.4, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for Kindergarten elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 11 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers finding the missing addend to equal ten using a picture model and equation. By sorting and matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your Kindergartners will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about comparing objects.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity for with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Kindergarten Common Core Standard K.OA.A.4
For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS K.3C and Virginia SOL K.6

Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to the hundredths place? Well look no further as Adding and Subtracting Decimal Game Puzzles, for CCSS 5.NBT.7, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for 5th grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 24 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers using visual models with hundred grids to represent decimal addition and subtraction problems. By solving the problems to sort and match the puzzle pieces, students can gain confidence in an important and sometimes challenging skill. Your 5th graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about how to add and subtract decimals to hundredths place with this resource!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Grade 5 Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.7
Add and subtract decimals to hundredths using concrete models.
Cross Reference: Texas TEKS 4.4A and Virginia SOL 4.5C

One More One Less
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for finding one more than and one less than a given number? Well look no further as One More One Less Game Puzzles, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for Kindergarten elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a guided math center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to improve their skills.
This monster themed puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
It covers finding the number that is one more than or one less than the given numbers 1-20. By solving the problems to sort and match the puzzle pieces, students can gain confidence in an important skill. Your kindergartners will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about one more and one less with this resource!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!
Relevant Kindergarten Standards:
Texas TEKS K.2F and Virginia SOL K.4B

French Animals
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for zoo animals in French and English? Well look no further as French Zoo Animals Game Puzzles, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for French elementary school classrooms or French as a second language ( FSL ). This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to study and improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 20 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a foldable bin or tub for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a craft project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a spiral notebook or journal as a model reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
For these puzzles, students will sort and match the picture of the zoo animal with the correct French and English word. Your students will love to practice and learn about French animals with this vocabulary game!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

Back to School French
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for school supplies in French and English? Well look no further as Back to School French Classroom School Supplies Game Puzzles, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for French elementary school classrooms or French as a second language ( FSL ). This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to study and improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 26 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a foldable bin or tub for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a craft project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a spiral notebook or journal as a model reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
For these puzzles, students will sort and match the picture of the school object with the correct French and English word. Your students will love to practice and learn about French school supplies with this vocabulary game!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

French Activity
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for transportation in French and English? Well look no further as Core French Sight Words Game Transportation Puzzles, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for French elementary school classrooms or French as a second language ( FSL ). This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to study and improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 14 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a foldable bin or tub for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a craft project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a spiral notebook or journal as a model reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
For these puzzles, students will sort and match the picture of the mode of transportation with the correct French and English word. Your students will love to practice and learn about French transportation with this vocabulary game!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

French Vocabulary Game
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for weather in French and English? Well look no further as Learning French Weather Vocabulary Game Puzzles, will serve as an exciting lesson plan for French elementary school classrooms or French as a second language ( FSL ). This is a great resource to incorporate into your unit as a center rotation, review game exercise, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can be also used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning target. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these at home to study and improve their skills.
This puzzle set includes 12 colorful jigsaw puzzles, answer key, and an optional station instruction page with an example. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in a sealable gallon storage bag and place them in a foldable bin or tub for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a craft project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a spiral notebook or journal as a model reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
For these puzzles, students will sort and match the picture of the weather term with the correct French and English word. Your students will love to practice and learn about French weather with this vocabulary game!
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on activity with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

2nd Grade Math
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for 2nd grade math? Well look no further as this Math Puzzles for 2nd Grade Bundle, aligned with grade 2 common core standards, will serve as exciting lesson plans for 2nd grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your units as guided math center rotations, review game exercises, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning targets. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these for distance learning at home to improve their skills.
This 2nd grade math bundle includes 14 sets of puzzles to challenge your 2nd graders. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in sealable gallon storage bags and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
This 2nd grade math centers bundle covers many 2nd grade math standards in a fun way to keep students engaged. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in important and sometimes challenging skills. To challenge students further, you can time how quickly students can complete the math puzzles, and watch and see their time improve. Your 2nd graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about these math concepts.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity bundle with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

4th Grade Math
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for 4th grade math? Well look no further as this 4th Grade Math Puzzles Bundle, aligned with grade 4 common core standards, will serve as exciting lesson plans for 4th grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your units as guided math center rotations, review game exercises, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning targets. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these for distance learning at home to improve their skills.
This 4th grade math bundle includes 18 sets of puzzles to challenge your 4th graders. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in sealable gallon storage bags and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
This 4th grade math centers bundle covers many 4th grade math standards in a fun way to keep students engaged. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in important and sometimes challenging skills. To challenge students further, you can time how quickly students can complete the math puzzles, and watch and see their time improve. Your 4th graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about these math concepts.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity bundle with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

5th Grade Math
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for 5th grade math? Well look no further as this Math Centers 5th Grade Math Puzzles Bundle, aligned with grade 5 common core standards, will serve as exciting lesson plans for 5th grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your units as guided math center rotations, review game exercises, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning targets. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these for distance learning at home to improve their skills.
This 5th grade math bundle includes 12 sets of puzzles to challenge your 5th graders. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in sealable gallon storage bags and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
This 5th grade math centers bundle covers many 5th grade math standards in a fun way to keep students engaged. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in important and sometimes challenging skills. To challenge students further, you can time how quickly students can complete the math puzzles, and watch and see their time improve. Your 5th graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about these math concepts.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative activity bundle with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!

1st Grade Math
Looking for a fun interactive teaching idea for 1st grade math? Well look no further as this 1st Grade Math Puzzles Bundle, aligned with grade 1 common core standards, will serve as exciting lesson plans for 1st grade elementary school classrooms. This is a great resource to incorporate into your units as guided math center rotations, review game exercises, small group work, morning work, remediation, intervention or rti. It can also be used as a quiz, drill, test, or assessment tool to help determine student mastery of the learning targets. Whether a student is homeschooled or given this as a homework assignment, kids will also love working on these for distance learning at home to improve their skills.
This 1st grade math bundle includes 13 sets of puzzles to challenge your 1st graders. These come as pdf printable sheets that can be printed on card stock and laminated for long-term use. As a suggestion, store them in sealable gallon storage bags and place them in a tub or bin for students to use throughout the year for enrichment when they finish early. Another idea, for a project, is students can glue the completed puzzles into a notebook or journal as a reference sheet. They can also be glued on a poster for displaying on a bulletin board or as a wall anchor chart.
This 1st grade math centers bundle covers many 1st grade math standards in a fun way to keep students engaged. By matching the puzzle pieces to solve the problems, students can gain confidence in important and sometimes challenging skills. To challenge students further, you can time how quickly students can complete the math puzzles, and watch and see their time improve. Your 1st graders will love to practice and learn to develop strategies about these math concepts.
I hope you download and enjoy this engaging hands-on manipulative back to school activity bundle with your students! So set those worksheets aside and give our puzzles a try!