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Really Good Geography's Shop

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Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.




Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.
GCSE 9-1; extreme flood hazard event - Storm Desmond story telling

GCSE 9-1; extreme flood hazard event - Storm Desmond story telling

This lesson introduces Storm Desmond by asking students to tell the story of what happened to them during the floods. The pupils are then given a character (character stickers are provided) and asked to take notes on the character and a question about the flooding. The pupils will then be read a story incorporating a wide rage of factual information about the floods, told through the eyes of the 6 characters. After reading the story scramble the groups to share the information that they have collected. Writing frames for PEE paragraphs are included as are mark schemes and exemplar examination questions, based on sample assessment materials.
GCSE 9-1; GIS Flood risk homework

GCSE 9-1; GIS Flood risk homework

This homework task requires students to assess the risk of flooding to their house, using the Environment Agency GIS flood maps. It then asks them to compare this to a house in Carlisle. In addition there are optional extension tasks.
GCSE 9-1; OS map river quiz

GCSE 9-1; OS map river quiz

This river quiz is based on the Bethesda map (a copy of which is incorporated into the PowerPoint) It encourages the students to identify specific places to locate the watershed. It also asks them to identify features e.g. meanders, confluences, sources and tributaries, The pupils finally have to shade the map to show the area covered by the upper, middle and lower courses.
A Level; Coasts - spits, bars and tombolos

A Level; Coasts - spits, bars and tombolos

This lesson starts with coastal terminology bingo. It then combines diagrams and photos to build up descriptions and explanations of the formation of spits, bars and tombolos. OS Maps, photos and satellite images of the different landforms are included. there is a word bank and a sequence chart to support he students in writing their explanations. There are also additional details about other climatic factors that may have formed the bars and tombolos in Dorset and Devon. At the end of the lesson is an exemplar 16 mark examination question and a plan for how to attempt it.
A Level; Coast - Headlands and Bays

A Level; Coast - Headlands and Bays

This lesson develops the pupils understanding of how headlands and bays are formed on concordant and discordant geology coastlines. It then goes onto coves and geos. There is a mark scheme to assess the pupils At the end there is a Swanage Map quiz with answers.
A Level; Coast - beaches

A Level; Coast - beaches

This lesson builds up the students knowledge of beach features using diagrams and photos. It also ensures that they understand the processes operating to change to shape of the beach. Towards the end of the lesson there is an examination question on the location of beach features, with structured plans for answering this question.
A Level; Tectonics- rift valley formation

A Level; Tectonics- rift valley formation

I designed this lesson to make teaching a complicated landform more accessible. there are lots of different activities, which gradually build up the students understanding, to the point that able they are able to write their own explanation. The lesson includes a number of images and maps to develop a sense of place. There is also an atlas maps skills homework activity included in the lesson and a separate rift valley homework answer sheet to help give feedback to the students.
Key Stage 3; tectonics homework booklet

Key Stage 3; tectonics homework booklet

This booklet contains 7 varied homework activities to complement a scheme of work related to tectonics. The aims and instructions of each tasks are clearly laid out at the start of the task. At the end there is space for assessment and WWW and EBI comments.
GCSE 9-1; River - Waterfall and Gorge formation

GCSE 9-1; River - Waterfall and Gorge formation

This lesson is deigned to equip the pupils with the skills to be able to attempt any landform explanation successfully. They will gain an appreciation of what is required to produce a detailed landform answer and apply these skills to explaining how waterfalls and gorges are formed. A landform mark scheme is included, which they can apply to some modelled answers, giving feedback. All worksheets required by students are included.
GCSE 9-1; River -courses of a river

GCSE 9-1; River -courses of a river

Starter: river map quiz Main: reading photos and maps to identify the characteristics of the different courses of a river. Note taking and photo/map information sheets included. Plenary: which course quiz - with answers.
A Level; case study and landform revision card sorts - coast, tectonics / hazardous earth

A Level; case study and landform revision card sorts - coast, tectonics / hazardous earth

These are 3 card sorts, designed to make it easy for students to learn factual information to use in their answers. These can be made into card sorts and solved. Once pupils are familiar with them they can also be given blank grids and asked to fill them in from memory. Card sort 1- coasts case studies (Dubai, Abbotts Hall Farm, Papa Stour and Farewell Spit) Card sort 2 - tectonics and coastal landform facts, to be used in landform explanation questions Card sort 3 - tectonics case studies (Mt Pinatubo, Mt Ontake, Haiti, Japanese tsunami)
A Level; Tectonics and Hazardous Earth -  Carousel

A Level; Tectonics and Hazardous Earth - Carousel

This is a carousel activity consisting of 7 activities that can be put together in a booklet and answer sheets for each activity. At each of the 7 stations place a question sheet and the answer sheet for the previous station. Pupils should spend 5 minutes at each station then go on to the next station and mark and grade their work. Repeat for next 6 stations. this tasks gets pupils to identify precisely gaps in their knowledge and puts the onus on the students during revision, rather than the teacher.
A level; Coast - revision carousel

A level; Coast - revision carousel

This is a carousel activity consisting of 7 activities that can be put together in a booklet and answer sheets for each activity. At each of the 7 stations place a question sheet and the answer sheet for the previous station. Pupils should spend 5 minutes at each station then go on to the next station and mark and grade their work. Repeat for next 6 stations. this tasks gets pupils to identify precisely gaps in their knowledge and puts the onus on the students during revision, rather than the teacher.
A Level Coast Revision Booklet

A Level Coast Revision Booklet

The Booklet is partially completed and has space for students to complete the rest using their notes. They will then have a thorough condensed set of notes to revise from. I usually give these to my students at the start of the course and they complete the booklet as they go along so that they have a completed set of notes to revise from once they have finished the course