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Board game template (Ideal for revision!)
Simple Board game template with question cards.
Can be adapted for every Subject!
Ideal Revision activity where students can work in small groups to write their own revision questions on a topic and test other groups. All you need is a dice and off you go!
Active Transport Lesson and resources
Complete lesson on Active transport.
OCR 21st Century Science C1 C2 C3 revision cards
Revision cards, double sided with answers on the back.
Print double sided. Students use these independently or in small groups to assess each others ability to recall knowledge.
Speed distance time
PPT on speed, distance and time
Thinking, braking and stopping distance
PPT and worksheet onThinking, braking and stopping distance.
The Eye and lenses
PPT and worksheet on the Eye.
OCR 21st century Biology B1 B2 B3 revision cards
B1 B2 and B3 Revision question cards with answers on the back.
Print as double sided pages so students can independently revise or in pairs.
Reward / loyalty Card for Students
Reward/loyalty card for students.
Edit how you wish, works really well for promoting positive behavior and effort in lessons.
I usually get the students to glue this on the inside front or back cover of their books so they don't lose it.
KS3 (year 9) revision questions - Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
Worksheet with a variety of questions across all 3 Sciences.
Differentiated questions increasing in difficulty for each Science.
Ideal for end of year revision for KS3 classes but more suited for Year 9 students.
15 questions for each separate Science.
Group 1 alkali metals and Halogens - wall display/posters
Contains basic information of each element in group 1 and 7 including:
- Elemental symbol
- Atomic mass
- Atomic number
- Group 1 equations for the reactions with oxygen and water
Last pages summarise the general properties of the group 1 and 7 elements as you move down the group.
Elements, compounds, mixtures. Burning Magnesium.
Follow on lesson from atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures lessons. Practical to help secure understanding of differences in matter. Burn Magnesium and show pupils how elements combine to form a compound.