I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
It’s Halloween! Children will have fun playing bingo, snap, memory games and other games with this resource.
x30 Bingo Cards numbered 1 to 30 - 12 pictures on each card
All the bingo cards are different. It can be played as a whole class or in small groups.
Children can dab or cross off a picture that they have with a dry-wipe pen or place a counter on their picture.
36 Calling cards with words and pictures.
For Snap! Make extra copies of the calling cards for students to play Snap!
Memory Match Game:
Photocopy two sets of the calling cards and then lay out a selection of the cards face down on the table. Players take turns to pick up two cards. If the cards match, the player keeps the two. If the two cards do not match, the player returns the cards to the same position they were in face down. The players have to try and remember where the cards are.
List of Call-out cards: bat, mummy, black cat, Jack-o’-lantern, ghost, graveyard, zombie, broomstick, cauldron, frog, hat, Dracula ghost, spider’s web, skeleton, jar of eyes, Halloween costume, monster, haunted house, Frankenstein, moon, scarecrow, toffee apples, magic spells, skull, magic wand, spider, werewolf, sweets, wizard, scary mask, witch, Trick or Treat bag, slime, owl, the dark and shadow.
Halloween Bingo US Version:
Hope your students will have fun.
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This growing bundle relates to Halloween themed maths worksheets and activities.
Content so far includes:
Counting up to 10 and then 20
Colouring pumpkins that add up to 5, 10, 15 and 20
Patterning/Sequencing cut and paste activities
Match-up activities
Tell the time to the hour and half past times, includes time problems
Addition and subtraction mental maths using picture codes
2D Shapes Jack-O’-Lanterns worksheets/activities
Please see individual product description for more detail.
Happy Halloween and thanks for stopping by:-)
It’s Halloween! Your students will have fun playing bingo, Snap, memory games and other games with this resource.
x30 Bingo Cards numbered 1 to 30 - 12 pictures on each card
All the bingo cards are different. It can be played as a whole class or in small groups.
Children can dab or cross off pictures that they have with a dry-wipe pen or place a counter on their pictures.
36 Calling cards with words and pictures.
Snap! – Make extra copies of the calling cards for students to play Snap!
Memory Match Game:
Photocopy two sets and then lay out a selection of the cards face down on the table. Players take turns to pick up two cards. If the cards match, the player keeps the two. If the two cards do not match, the player returns the cards to the same position they were in face down. The players have to try and remember where the cards are.
List of Call-out cards: bat, mummy, black cat, jack-o’-lantern, ghost, graveyard, zombie, broomstick, cauldron, frog, hat, Dracula ghost, spider’s web, skeleton, jar of eyes, Halloween costume, monster, haunted house, Frankenstein, moon, scarecrow, candy apples, candy corn, skull, magic wand, spider, werewolf, candies, wizard, scary mask, witch, Trick or Treat bag, slime, owl, the dark and shadow.
Hope your students have fun.
Bingo UK Version:
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With Halloween coming up, I have created some resources relating to Halloween.
Teacher Notes
4 Word Searches
20 Pictures and Words Cards
36 Playing cards for snap or matching pictures game
How many Words in a Word Game on PowerPoint
Words within a Word Worksheet
Print off and laminate the cards and pictures as many times as required: Use for Snap! matching picture game and matching words to pictures, children can even try sorting the words into alphabetical order.
There are four word searches to complete in lower and upper letters.
Vocabulary building game:
Play the PowerPoint slide to demonstrate to children how they can put together different letters from the word “Halloween” to make different words. There is also a worksheet for this activity. E.g. Children can make the words - hello, we, now etc.
Early finishers can try making different words from ‘pumpkin’ on their whiteboards.
You can organize different games station in your classroom - each table has a different games activity for students to enjoy.
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Please see UK version
With Halloween coming up, I have created some resources relating to Halloween.
Teacher Notes
4 Word Searches
20 Pictures and Words Cards
36 Playing cards for snap or matching pictures game
How many Words in a Word Game on PowerPoint
Words within a Word Worksheet
Print off and laminate the cards and pictures as many times as required: Use for Snap! matching picture game and matching words to pictures, children can even try sorting the words into alphabetical order.
There are four word searches to complete in lower and upper letters.
Vocabulary building game:
Play the PowerPoint slide to demonstrate to children how they can put together different letters from the word “Halloween” to make different words. There is also a worksheet for this activity. E.g. Children can make the words - hello, we, now etc.
Early finishers can try making different words from ‘pumpkin’ on their whiteboards.
You can organise different games station in your classroom, i.e each table has a different games activity for children to enjoy.
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Please see US version - Halloween words (candy corn, candy apple and candies)
A Thanksgiving mixed bag of differentiated math worksheets and practical activities ideal for math centers.
Teacher notes (5 pages). You could set up math stations for students.
Optional lesson starter PowerPoint (0 to 20) – Whole class counting aloud backwards and forwards. You can assess students’ knowledge - which number comes after 7 or what numbers comes before 11 and practice one more/one less.
Picture Number Puzzle Strips x7 (color/b/w) – The strips range from 1 to 10, 11 to 20 and then counting by 2s to 20; counting by 2s using odd numbers, e.g. 1, 3, 5 etc and even numbers – 2, 4, 6 etc.
Numeral cards 0- 20 in words and figures for various activities such as matching numbers to number words; sorting odd and even numbers.
3 sets of Picture cards (pumpkin, pumpkin pie and ‘We are thankful’ cards) – to be used with a variety of activities with the numeral cards, as outlined in teacher notes. E.g. Group activity, you or a student can shuffle the cards 1 to 10 and place them face down on the table. Another student takes a card and then count out the picture cards to match the number.
Tens frames and turkey cards for various activities such as missing number in an equation.
Place for example 7 cards on the tens frame and then write:
7 + ____ = 10 The student will see 3 empty spaces on the tens frame.
Cut and stick activity - Counting up to 5.
Thanksgiving Counting worksheets (2 pgs) - Students count the pictures and write the number in the space provided.
Color and count worksheets (2 pgs)
Students read and count carefully how many of the pictures they need to color in.
Missing Numbers worksheets (7 pgs)
Students fill in the missing number above each turkey. Students are counting by 1s forward and backwards starting from any number.
Write the number before and after (2 pages) - Students trace inside the middle number and then write the number that comes before and after.
Trace over numbers and words up to 10
This resource comes in color and b/w. Students can practice forming their numerals and counting the pictures alongside the number.
Useful editable ready-made question strips you can ask to start off the hands-on activities.
Please see preview pane.
Thank you for stopping by:-)
An assembly presentation with worksheets activities about why Thanksgiving is celebrated includes the Pilgrims voyage on the Mayflower and Squanto.
PowerPoint Presentation for assembly or class lesson - 24 Slides
Worksheet 1 – Students write 4 things they are grateful for
Worksheet 2 – Students match the product from which the food is made, e.g. match wheat to bread; pumpkin pie/pumpkin; milk/cow etc.
Worksheet 3 – Finding out about a country that celebrates thanksgiving - The worksheet includes questions to guide the students in their fact-finding activity.
Vocabulary building - Students make as many words as they can out of ‘Thanksgiving’. A fun activity - at the end of the lesson find out who has the most words.
Word Searches (x3)with Solutions
Follow up word search activities
Extension work for more able readers - Questions to research
The worksheets are optional and can be used after an assembly or a class lesson.
The presentation is to tell students about Thanksgiving Day and how it is celebrated. They can also talk about how they celebrate this holiday at home.
The second part of the presentation briefly informs students how the thanksgiving festival came about.
Extra activities:
Students can find out about when and how other countries celebrate thanksgiving and whether they call it by another name.
E.g. The United Kingdom (Harvest Festival)
Students can choose another country of their choice – Worksheet 3 template.
Depending on the ability of your students: You can print off Slide 13 of the presentation and ask students to write sentences or a short paragraph with the words displayed about Thanksgiving
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This growing bundle relates to Halloween resources such as maths, literacy and games. So far it contains:
Halloween Secret Codes - Addition and Subtraction
Halloween Counting and making 5, 10, 15 and 20
Telling Time To the Hour and Half Hour
2D Shapes Jack-o’-lanterns worksheets
Bingo games
Halloween games such as word searches, playing cards
Please see descriptions of individual products.
If you only want Halloween related math resources, then there is a growing separate bundle for that. Please check descriptions.
In the long term, this is a money-saving bundle. If you buy early then any new products added can be downloaded at no extra cost.
Thank you for visiting my shop:)
Halloween Bundle UK Version:
This fun product relates to pumpkin pie faces showing different emotions/feelings. Students use visual perception skills to try and identify two matching faces in a row of 6 faces. This is a lovely resource to add to your Thanksgiving lessons.
Worksheets A to E: Pumpkin Pie Emotion Face Match
Pumpkin Pie Gap Filling
Pumpkin Pie Emotion Trace Over
Answer Sheet
For the pumpkin pie gap filling activity, students look at the pumpkin pie’s emotion and then choose one of the multiple-choice emotion words to match the expression.
The above task is differentiated in that students read the simple sentence and trace over the emotion words.
The worksheets are also in b/w.
Please take a look at the preview pane to see if this product is right for your class/students.
Thank you for your interest.:)
The product relates to a 10 to 15 mins assembly on The Good Samaritan.
Aimed at Foundation/Keystage 1/2.
27 Slides - PowerPoint Presentation - Telling of the parable and what it means to be a neighbour, Reflection - relate to children’s experiences of helping and being considerate and kind to everybody.
There is an optional end of assembly prayer on Slide 27.
Teacher’s Assembly Guide (2 pages) - This guides you through the assembly with extra notes. The slides are referred to.
2 Optional worksheets for post-assembly work. More able writers recount the parable and the second worksheet contains pictures to help recount the parable.
Please see the preview pane.
File Type: PowerPoint, Word and PDF.
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You may be interested in a 1 hour structured lesson on the Good Samaritan:
Presentation, Lesson Plan, Differentiated Worksheet and Cut and Paste Activities
The Parable of the Lost Son - Forgiveness
This bundle relates to the topic on The Good Samaritan in religious studies. I have bundled all three products.
Ready-made Assembly Presentation (27 Slides)
Lesson Presentation (23 Slides) together with
Flexible 1 hour Lesson Plan with learning objectives and success criteria - Starter activities, main lesson and plenary.
A total of 10 worksheet activities including cut and paste to consolidate children’s learning.
Option of two short animation videos on the topic from BBC Teach and Miracle of Mercy links.
Lots of opportunities for listening and speaking, writing and literacy skills. Children also learn how to be a good citizen by learning what it is to be a good neighbour.
File Type: PowerPoint, Word and PDF.
Please look at the preview panes for worksheets.
This product relates to counting activities, missing numbers (writing in words and figures) and finding more or fewer.
As you play slides 3 to 4 the children count aloud the numbers. Slide 3 is from 1 to 10 and Slide 4 from 11 to 20.
You have the option of using Slides 5 to 26 for more counting from 0 to 20.
It is a 70 slide PowerPoint presentation which includes the following whole class activities:
• General counting 0 to 20.
• Counting leprechaun pictures
• Working out ‘How many more…?’
• Working out ‘How many fewer…?’
• Counting pots of gold and then saying which has more gold coins
• Differentiated missing numbers grids 1 to 10, 1 to 15, 1 to 30.
Independent Follow-up Work
There are 4 activity tasks for the students to undertake.
Activity Sheet 1 (x22)– Students read the number in the circle and then cut out that number of gold coins. They then tick which pot has more coins.
Count and colour activity (x3)– More counting practice – there are too many counters in each grid. The students read the digit in the green box and then colour in the required number of coins to match the digit.
Missing Numbers and Words (x2) – numbers 1 to 10 grid, 1 to 15 grid and for the more able 1 to 30 grid with missing numbers to fill in.
Students write in the missing numbers in the grid. When they have done this, they then write the numbers that are missing in words.
Worksheets (x3) on How many more…? - Students work out the answers to the tasks.
Worksheets (x3) on How many fewer…? – Students work out the answers to the tasks and then there is a challenge which is to write a subtraction sentence. There is an example of this on Slide 58.
File Type: PowerPoint Presentation, Word and PDF formats
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This product contains additional worksheets for the unit on weather and seasons. It entails reading, writing and sketching.
Worksheet – Describing Clouds
Worksheet – What Am I?
Additional worksheets for the weather and seasons unit.
<strong>Describing Clouds (1 page)</strong>
Student describe pairs of clouds to show how they are different from each other, and then draw/sketch a picture. They can sketch from memory or look up images of these clouds in non-fiction books or on the computer.
For example, on the worksheet, students will see that the ‘Cirrus and Nimbostratus’ clouds are sub-headings; the ‘Cumulus and Cumulonimbus’ are sub-headings and the ‘Cirrocumulus and Altocumulus’ are sub-headings.
Once the worksheet is completed, students can see the difference between the sets of clouds.
<strong>What Am I? Worksheets (2 pages) + Answer Sheets</strong>
There are 5 clouds containing descriptions.
Students read the description in each cloud and write the name of the cloud that is described and then draw a picture of it.
An Answer Sheet is provided with these worksheets.
Download: 6 pages - right click on zip file and then open the folder.
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This Weather Bundle contains:
PowerPoint Presentations on the water cycle and clouds
Flexible Lesson Plans
Matching Activities
Cut and Paste Tasks
Reading Comprehensions - Snow, Sleet and Hail
Flash cards for water cycle and clouds
Weather Instruments
Fun stuff
Students will learn about the water cycle and types of clouds and types of precipitation, i.e. why some clouds produce rain, snow, sleet and hail.
Lots of resources are to hand.
Some preparation is required such as printing and laminating small photos of clouds for matching activities.
Please see individual description for each product.
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Teacher’s notes/guide (2 pages)
A great addition to your weather unit activities.
The product contains:
• Letterings that spell ‘WEATHER INSTRUMENTS’
• 17 Posters with photos and description for wall display
• 9 Factsheet Posters with clipart weather instruments
• 9 Worksheets
• 9 Blank writing slips for students to complete
• 9 cut and glue match up weather activity
LO: To learn weather instruments and what they are used for.
Includes lesson starter.
Letterings that spell ‘WEATHER INSTRUMENTS’
Seasonal lettering designs and plain white lettering that spell out weather instruments in upper case. Just print, laminate and cut around letters and attach to your wall display.
17 posters for display show photographs of each instrument and some facts. The posters are also on PowerPoint so that you can read them through with your class. Weather instruments:
Wind vane
Wind sock
Sling psychrometer
Weather balloon
Weather satellite
Rain gauge
Snow gauge
Pilot Balloon
Weather map
Weather radar
Stevenson screen
These factsheet posters will help students complete their independent activities.
9 Factsheets clipart weather instruments
These can be used as flashcards and/or you can also put a selection on students’ desks to complete their independent activities. <strong>The main weather instruments are: Anemometer, Barometer, Wind vane, Wind sock, Hygrometer, Thermometer, Weather balloon, Weather satellite and Rain gauge.</strong>
Independent work
9 Worksheets: The more able students can complete the whole page worksheets. They write one or more facts about the instrument shown. Their writing should contain a lot more detail which they can obtain from the factsheets.
Activity 1 - Cut out lined strips with picture of weather instrument: For students who can write one or two sentences about the weather instrument. Write the instrument and a sentence about it.
Activity 2 – Read and match, cut and glue activity: Each strip of paper has a picture of a weather instrument and on a separate bit of paper is a description of an instrument. Students read the description of an instrument and then glue it to the correct picture on the strip of paper.
Please see Preview Pane.
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This product contains 14 colour and black and white subtraction and addition worksheets up to 20.
**Content **
• 14 Colour worksheets together with black and white versions.
• Answer sheets (b/w)
Easy worksheets
Each picture represents a number. Using the information provided students solve the sums. They write in the boxes above the picture the number each picture represents and then solve the sums.
Harder worksheets
Children work out the codes by looking to see which picture represents a particular number and then mentally work out the addition or subtraction sums.
To save on ink you can download the b/w worksheets. The answer sheets are also in b/w.
Children will enjoy working out the codes for Halloween.
**US Version: **
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This super bundle combines different topics relating to St Patrick’s Day. Other resources will be included as I create more resources relating to St Patrick’s Day celebrations.
Please preview individual resources within the bundles for full description.
Thank you for your interest.:)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!:)
St Patrick’s Literacy Bundle
St Patrick’s Maths/Numeracy Bundle
This growing bundle contains St Patrick’s Day themed maths/numeracy resources. As I make new resources, it will be added to the bundle and the price will increase.
However, any new products added after you have bought the bundle means you can just download the new product with no additional price to pay which is great news if you are looking for a deal.:)
Please check the individual products for content.
Thank you for stopping by my shop!:)
You may be interested in the St Patrick’s Day Super Bundle which contains literacy and more.
This product contains a variety of resources to get your class speaking, listening, writing and drawing.
There’s lot to choose from:
Use the PowerPoint Generator to randomly choose a name or question. Just type in your class names and adjust the size of the font.
Lay out a variety of questions cards for children to find out about each other
PowerPoint Name spinner - type in your class names and spin to select student
a variety of worksheets to suit all levels of ability
Option for children to create a booklet and to speak about themselves.
You can set up workstations with different resources on each so that students can move around if they wish.
Please see description and preview pane for each product.
This pumpkin-themed resource is ideal for students to review and reinforce their knowledge on 2D shapes. It contains matching up same shapes, tracing outline of shapes, multiple-choice activity - naming shapes and wordsearches. You can link it to Thanksgiving and harvest.
Teacher Notes
2D Shapes Pumpkin Match Up: Same Shapes Worksheets
Match Pumpkin Shapes to 2D Shape Outlines and Trace
Name the 2D Pumpkin Shapes (3 Worksheets)
Differentiated Word Searches (x2) with Solution
Black and white worksheets
Please see preview pane.
If you are looking for extra autumn resources on 2D shapes, then this resource will supplement your autumn theme.
This resource is part of the Pumpkin Bundle. You may be interested in other resources in this growing bundle.
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