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RoJM Teaching Resources

Average Rating4.42
(based on 322 reviews)

I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Place Value Tens and Ones Worksheets and Cut Paste Activities

Place Value Tens and Ones Worksheets and Cut Paste Activities

This resource relates to tens and ones place value worksheets. Now includes PDF fillable worksheets, which your students can complete on a computer device. There is a total of 25 worksheets with three different activities. Some students may require concrete objects to help them. To make this a practical lesson together with the worksheets, you can set out base 10 towers or dienes, unifix cubes or other objects to help students set out tens and ones/units columns and then complete the worksheets. Content: • Worksheets (A) to (I): Write the number the base 10 tower blocks represent • Worksheets 1 to 8: Cut/paste base 10 tower blocks activity • Worksheets 1 to 6: Describing numbers This product contains three different activities relating to tens and ones. Worksheets (A) to (I): Students work out what number the base 10 towers represent and then write the number in the circle. Worksheets 1 to 8: This is a cut and paste activity. Students read the numbers in the circles and then look for the tens and ones towers that represent that number. They cut out and glue the correct tens and ones onto the blank boards. Worksheets 1 to 6: Students complete a table. On the left-hand side are numbers. For each number students describe the number in tens and ones. Worksheet 1 shows the first example, e.g. the number 16 is 1 ten and 6 ones. Extension opportunity: The more able can expand each number, so 16 would be 10 + 6 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Place Value: Tens and Ones  Addition and Subtraction Two-digit numbers- Worksheets - KS1

Place Value: Tens and Ones Addition and Subtraction Two-digit numbers- Worksheets - KS1

This product contains a set of worksheets relating to place value: tens and ones - No regrouping. Aimed at: Year 1/Year 2; SEN If your pupils are still struggling with the concept of partitioning/splitting numbers into tens and ones and adding and subtracting mentally, then this resource provides hands-on activity. Once the pupils have grasped the basic, they can then match the tens and ones buttons to base 10 blocks. Content: Worksheets (x4) - Understanding numbers. Pupils count the buttons and draw around 10 and count on the ones. They write the number and partition it following the example on the worksheet. E.g Count 12, circle 10 buttons - write 10 and 2 and show that it is 1 ten and 2 ones. Addition of two-digit numbers worksheets (x5) : The first page shows pupils an example (add the tens and then the ones) and then they complete the two sums. The remaining 4 worksheets require the pupils to cut and paste tens and ones to match the equations and then solve it. Subtraction of two-digit numbers worksheets (x4 : The first worksheets explains that the pupils need to take away the tens and then the ones. E.g. 15 - 11 = Pupils cut and paste tens and ones for the first number only. Then they look at the second number ‘11’ and cross out the tens and then the ones. Tens and ones Match up worksheets (x3) - Cut/paste activity - Pupils match up the tens and ones buttons to the base 10 towers and then write the number it represents. Worksheets (x2): Counting from 10, counting on different numbers of buttons and from 20, counting on different numbers of buttons. There are couple of questions for the students to answer. Sheet of tens and ones for cut/paste activities. Includes Answer Sheets. Please see preview pane. Thank you for visiting my shop.
St  Patricks Day  Bundle Presentation Worksheets  Myths Legends Word Work

St Patricks Day Bundle Presentation Worksheets Myths Legends Word Work

6 Resources
This bundle relates to St Patrick’s Day celebrations. It includes myths and legends, phonics, reading comprehension presentations. Content: PowerPoint Presentation Assembly/Lesson PowerPoint Presentation on myths/ legends Worsheets - 2x reading passages and accompanying tasks - vocabulary work, finding information, giving reasons for answers. Lesson Plans on myths and legends Reading Comprehension passage for early readers with questions and literacy tasks. Beginning consonant blends worksheets Ideal resource to use in the lead up to St Patrick’s Day and after St Patrick’s Day on myths and legends. Please detailed description for individual products. You may be interested in some St Patrick’s Day maths activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-maths-block-graph-patterns-sequencing-puzzles-numbers-1-20-match-up-worksheets-12080124
St Patrick's Worksheets Reading Comprehension Gap filling, Homophones, Alphabetical Order - Myths

St Patrick's Worksheets Reading Comprehension Gap filling, Homophones, Alphabetical Order - Myths

These reading comprehension worksheet and activities can be used in the lead up to St Patrick’s Day or for your myths/legends unit. Students can pair up for reading the passages. This product contains two reading passages and a dedicated worksheet on homonyms. Worksheet on homophones: Section A: 7 sentences - students choose and write in the correct word so that the sentence makes sense. Section B: The words that are not used in Section A, students make up 7 sentences of their own. E.g. Section A - Saint Patrick is the patron saint of ___________. (Island/Ireland) Section B - 'Island ’ would be incorrect if used in the above sentence, so in this section students make up a sentence with ‘island’. Text 1: The Evil Black Pig of Monaghan (St Patrick is challenged to get rid of the pig which causes fear and destruction in the village) contains 4 paragraphs Sections A to D. Students can work in pairs to read the story and then answer the 12 questions. Tasks included: Searching for answers in the text, gap filling, multiple choice, adding paragraph headings, word work such as finding a compound word, dictionary work. Text 2: Leprechauns: (Symbol of St Patrick’s Day/Ireland) - Students complete both paragraphs with missing words using the 9 words in the in the word box. Additional work/Early finishers: There are 8 tasks to complete in the second part of Text 2 worksheet which relates to various word and sentence work and putting words into alphabetical order. Answers/Solutions included. Total pages: 11 Thank you for visiting my shop:-) Maths Activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-maths-block-graph-patterns-sequencing-puzzles-numbers-1-20-match-up-worksheets-12080124
St. David's Day Reading Comprehension, Gap-filling/Cloze Worksheets, Jigsaw Puzzles, Word Search

St. David's Day Reading Comprehension, Gap-filling/Cloze Worksheets, Jigsaw Puzzles, Word Search

This product relates different worksheet activities and puzzles on the topic of Wales and their patron saint, St. David. The worksheets are differentiated. Content: Unscramble the 4 symbols of Wales and write the words opposite the pictures. Reading comprehension and gap-filling - (Easy) Reading comprehension and gap-filling - (Challenging) Reading comprehension worksheet on Wales and Welsh community in Argentina 4 Cut/paste Activity sheets - Children read the sentence, copy it, and then cut out the words and rearrange correctly to make the sentence, then colour in the pictures: daffodil, St David, Leek and flag of Wales. Complete a jigsaw puzzle (colour and b/w) Word Search with Solution Thank you for visting my shop:-) Total download: 18 pages
St. David's Day Assembly, Lesson, Worksheets, Jigsaw Puzzles Word Search, Reading Comprehension, Wales BUNDLE

St. David's Day Assembly, Lesson, Worksheets, Jigsaw Puzzles Word Search, Reading Comprehension, Wales BUNDLE

3 Resources
This is a bundle of resources relating to St. David’s Day on 1 March. Content: Assembly PowerPoint Presentation Assembly Notes Lesson Presentation Lesson Plan for Myths and Legends Presentation on Myths and Legends Reading Comprehensions and Questions Writing - Recount Listening and Speaking Jigsaw Puzzles Word Search with Solution Please see detailed description for each product. You may be interested in some maths activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-david-s-day-numbers-1-20-match-up-puzzle-pieces-tens-twenty-frames-bar-chart-activities-12079213 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
St David's Day  Numbers 1-20,  Puzzles , Tens/Twenty Frames, Block graph, Patterns, Missing numbers

St David's Day Numbers 1-20, Puzzles , Tens/Twenty Frames, Block graph, Patterns, Missing numbers

This is a St David’s Day theme product which contains five different maths activities. Optional preparation: You can cut out the puzzle pieces and have children assemble them or get the children to cut out the sheets of puzzle pieces and they can assemble and glue onto a separate sheet of paper or into their workbooks. Content: Differentiated puzzle pieces for children to match up numbers 1 to 10 and 11 to 20. The puzzles are in colour and b/w. Match up numbered gold coins with a picture of a dragon in the centre by drawing lines to the correct tens frame or twenty frame. Count gold coins and draw line to match with the tens frames. Bar Chart Worksheet in colour/b&w with differentiated questions: Worksheet 1 with 8 questions and Worksheet 2 with 11 questions (with Answer Sheets). Pictures: dragon, daffodils, leek and traditional Welsh black hat. Cut/Paste Picture Patterns Activity with Answer Sheet - children the picture(s) that comes next in the sequence. They are also given the opportunity to create their own picture patterns. Differentiated Missing Numbers Worksheets - Worksheet 1 children count the daffodils to find the missing number; Worksheet 2 for more able children- counting on to work out the missing number in each sum. Thank you for visiting my shop:-) You may be interested in the assembly/lesson, myths and legends and additional worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-david-s-day-assembly-lesson-worksheets-jigsaw-puzzles-word-search-reading-comprehension-bundle-12076876 Free St David’s puzzle 1 to 5: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spring-themed-daffodils-st-david-s-day-symbol-cut-paste-counting-1-to-5-puzzle-match-activity-12078461
Consonant Blends Bundle  Initial Beginning and Final Consonant Blends Worksheets Activities Flashcards Presentations Lesson Plans

Consonant Blends Bundle Initial Beginning and Final Consonant Blends Worksheets Activities Flashcards Presentations Lesson Plans

6 Resources
This bundle contains resources on beginning/Initial and final consonant blends or clusters. Words with initial blends: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl , pr, tr, tw, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw. Words with end blends: ct, ft, ld, lf, lk, lp, lt, mp, nd, nk, nt, pt, sk, sp, st. Content: PowerPoint Presentations Lesson Plans Flash Cards Differentiated worksheets Matching and sorting activities Audio Fun stuff Cut and paste Please see detailed descriptions for each product. Thank you for your interest:-)
Advent PowerPoint Presentation Lesson Plan Worksheet Activities Word Search

Advent PowerPoint Presentation Lesson Plan Worksheet Activities Word Search

This resource is about Advent and is presented in PowerPoint together with a lesson plan and supporting worksheet tasks. For the younger children, you can just play the PowerPoint so that they know something about Advent. Content: 30 Slide Presentation which includes whole class activities - it describes what people do in the lead up to Christmas, the meaning of Advent and children are asked what they do in preparation for an event, e.g. if it their birthday, what do they do to prepare for the big day. Children are encouraged to interact with the presentation. There is a review at the end. Flexible lesson plan with introduction to set the scene, main lesson and recap session. The slides are referred to in the lesson plan. 4 Worksheets Word Search with solution plus associated tasks Worksheets 1 and 2: Children list an activity in each of the baubles. Children who need support can draw pictures to go with their list. The more able children describe their list in more detail using complete sentences and then draw a picture. Worksheet 3: For able writers – You may wish to give this work to more able writers to write about what people do during Advent and/or write how they prepare for Christmas. Early Finishers: Worksheet 4 with Answer Key: For this activity children only tick the pictures that relate to Advent. The second part of the worksheet is for children to complete each of the four sentences in their own words but using the verbs in the box. Word Search: Children can work in twos to find the words in the grid. When the word search is completed there is a ready-made worksheet for the children to put the words in the word search grid into alphabetical order. Hope you enjoying using this product. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Numbers 0 to 10 Counting Trace Numbers Playdough Mats

Numbers 0 to 10 Counting Trace Numbers Playdough Mats

This product relates to numbers 0 to 10. There are two sets of worksheets which you can laminate as cards for early learners to undertake a range of activities with or without playdough. Content: Set of cards 0 to 10 with number words to trace over. Set of cards 1 to 10 with number words to trace over and dots arranged randomly to represent the numeral. You can set out a range of media for the children: use play dough to model the numbers use playdough to form circles and place over the circles on the card paint the number and/or circles colour in the number and/or circles use drywipe pens to trace inside the number once laminated If you are working on a specific number, you could enlarge the sheet to A3. The resources are in two sizes: whole page US letter size and A4. Thank you for visiting my store:-)
Hearts Clipart 12 Colours

Hearts Clipart 12 Colours

Heart shape clipart. 12 Different coloured hearts with hollow centre . 12 Different coloured whole hearts. 1 Transparent Saved as .png clipart. 300 dpi. You can adjust the sizes and layer without losing quality. So easy to insert the clipart into your worksheets. Clipart is contained in a single zip file. For personal or commercial projects. If used commercially, please credit with a link to my shop and insert my logo. Thank you:) You may be intersted in: Stars Clipart in various colours https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/rainbow-stars-clip-art-12243936
Ordinal Numbers Bundle Classroom Displays Worksheets Activities

Ordinal Numbers Bundle Classroom Displays Worksheets Activities

3 Resources
This bundle contains resources relating to ordinal numbers in figures and words. Content: Whole page ordinal numbers displays Small cards Spelling rules Whole class activities Cards to laminate and play match up and snap games Cut and paste activities Differentiated worksheets Teacher Notes Please see individual resource for detailed description. US Version Ordinal Numbers Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ordinal-numbers-bundle-room-visuals-worksheets-and-activities-12282540 These resources are also in the Classroom Display Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/classroom-display-resources-bundle-11347134
St Patricks Day Bundle Maths English and More

St Patricks Day Bundle Maths English and More

10 Resources
This super bundle combines different topics relating to St Patrick’s Day. Other resources will be included as I create more resources relating to St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Please preview individual resources within the bundles for full description. Thank you for your interest.:) Happy St. Patrick’s Day!:) St Patrick’s Literacy Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12067949 St Patrick’s Maths/Numeracy Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-maths-numeracy-bundle-12650186
St Patrick's Day Maths Numeracy Bundle

St Patrick's Day Maths Numeracy Bundle

4 Resources
This growing bundle contains St Patrick’s Day themed maths/numeracy resources. As I make new resources, it will be added to the bundle and the price will increase. However, any new products added after you have bought the bundle means you can just download the new product with no additional price to pay which is great news if you are looking for a deal.:) Please check the individual products for content. Thank you for stopping by my shop!:) You may be interested in the St Patrick’s Day Super Bundle which contains literacy and more. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-super-bundle-maths-literacy-and-more-12650160
Easter Maths Bundle Worksheets Plans Presentations

Easter Maths Bundle Worksheets Plans Presentations

4 Resources
This bundle contains Easter maths activities, worksheets, lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations. It is a growing bundle and so more resources will be added to it relating to Easter. As I add more resources the price will increase. Take Advantage of buying a growing bundle early: Any additional new resources can be downloaded at no extra cost, even when the price has been increased. Please read descriptions of individual products. Thank you for visiting my shop!:)
All About Me Back to School Worksheets Question Cards Booklet BUNDLE

All About Me Back to School Worksheets Question Cards Booklet BUNDLE

4 Resources
This product contains a variety of resources to get your class speaking, listening, writing and drawing. There’s lot to choose from: Use the PowerPoint Generator to randomly choose a name or question. Just type in your class names and adjust the size of the font. Lay out a variety of questions cards for children to find out about each other PowerPoint Name spinner - type in your class names and spin to select student a variety of worksheets to suit all levels of ability Option for children to create a booklet and to speak about themselves. You can set up workstations with different resources on each so that students can move around if they wish. Please see description and preview pane for each product.
Thanksgiving Bundle Worksheets and Activities

Thanksgiving Bundle Worksheets and Activities

4 Resources
This is a growing Thanksgiving bundle which will contain worksheets, activities, presentations relating to Thanksgiving/harvest. Content: Thanksgiving assembly - PowerPoint presentation and worksheets Thanksgiving mixed math Pumpkin Pie Faces Emotions/Feelings worksheets CVC Words Rhyming Pictures Trace Write Worksheets Please see descriptions of individual products for more information. Thank you for your interest and visiting my shop.:)
2D and 3D Shapes, Worksheets, Activities, Repeating Patterns, Presentation, Lesson Plans BUNDLE

2D and 3D Shapes, Worksheets, Activities, Repeating Patterns, Presentation, Lesson Plans BUNDLE

5 Resources
This bundle contains all the materials on 2D and 3D shapes. <strong>Content:</strong> Lesson Plans PowerPoint Presentations Properties of shapes Learning about repeating patterns Themed subjects - relating solid shapes to objects in the environment. Word Searches 2D and 3D Jigsaw Puzzles There is a lot of opportunities for children to explore shapes in all the products. <strong>Please see individual product descriptions.</strong> Also included is a Christmas-themed resource on 3D shapes. Thank you for taking an interest.
Mixed Maths Addition/Subtraction, Inverse, Shapes, Money, Counting On, Sorting, Place Value AND MORE BUNDLE

Mixed Maths Addition/Subtraction, Inverse, Shapes, Money, Counting On, Sorting, Place Value AND MORE BUNDLE

4 Resources
I have now grouped all the mixed bag maths resources containing a variety of maths lessons ranging from YR to KS1. The individual products have been updated within the bundle. Content: PowerPoint Presentations - includes demontrations and whole class activities Flexible Lesson Plans - Oral/Mental starters, main lessons and plenaries (recap sessions) Differentiated worksheets for each of the lessons Cut/paste Activities Flash cards and templates You can teach the lessons in any order, use as review for topics or if you are using a cover/substitute teacher, you can just hand s/he the lesson and start teaching. Please read fuller descriptions for each product. Thank you for visiting my shop:-) If a new product is added, you can just download the product at no extra cost in this bundle.