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I work in KS2 and love creating engaging lessons and resources for my children, as well as making my classroom a happy and positive learning environment!




I work in KS2 and love creating engaging lessons and resources for my children, as well as making my classroom a happy and positive learning environment!
All About Me (Overview)

All About Me (Overview)

Topic overview and three weeks worth of plans for ‘All About Me’ unit. Covers the different Early Learning Outcomes. Mathematics, EAD, PSED, Physical, Communication and Language, Literacy/Phonics, Understanding the World. Fun activities and ideas and engaging adult led activities.
Egypt Geography lesson

Egypt Geography lesson

A lesson about where Egypt is in the world. Children identify which continent Egypt is in and looks at the key geographical features of Egypt. Children can use air dry clay to create the shape of Egypt and then paint on the features. Suggested resources: Google Earth, atlas, globe.
Friday 5!

Friday 5!

A fun way to end the week and encourages the children to reflect on the week/their learning and set a target for the following week. Slips could go home at the end of the day as a discussion point, stay in the classroom to be referred to or recycled!
Sharp Work - wow wall display

Sharp Work - wow wall display

‘Our Work is on Point’ display. Display lettering reads: Sharp Work Our Work is on Point and there are several different cactus patterns that can be printed and laminated ready for work to be pinned on. My kiddies loved this display and I added real succulents on the table near the display for added wow factor.
Space Year Five

Space Year Five

LI: To know the names and order of the planets. Success Criteria: I can name all of the planets. I can find a way to help me remember them. I can identify and label the different planets. LI: To learn about the planets in our solar system. Success Criteria: I can identify the different planets. I can research facts about the different planets. I can present my research in a fact file. LI: To describe the movement of the Earth and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. Success Criteria: I know the names and order of the planets in our Solar System. I can explain the difference between rotation and revolution. LI: To participate in a debate using my scientific understanding to explain my reasoning. Success Criteria: I can form an opinion based on research. I can share my ideas with others. I can listen and reflect on other peoples point of view. LI: To understand about gravity and its effects on Earth. # A Twinkl PPT for the debate lesson is useful to download if you have a Twinkl account, otherwise different sheets, books, internet for research.
Area and Perimeter (Tudors)

Area and Perimeter (Tudors)

A unit based on area and perimeter (Year Five). Linked to housing plans for The Tudors and the book ‘The Secret Diary of a Tudor Boy Spy’. Objectives cover include: Cold Task LI: To explore position and direction, area and perimeter. LI: To calculate the perimeter of different shapes. LI: To calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes.* LI: To collaboratively plan and design a Tudor house and gardens. LI: To calculate the area of rectangles. LI: To calculate the area of compound shapes. * LI: To design and present my Tudor House demonstrating my understanding of measurement, area and perimeter. Hot Task LI: To explain Tudor houses and gardens. *This lessons require Twinkl worksheets (not included) or a different type of worksheet (not provided). All over necessary worksheets/resources are included.
Reading Folder

Reading Folder

Reading Folder great to have lots of important information all in one place! In PDF (not editable), Word and Pages format. Please note - fonts and pages will look different due to font types. Font types used are Shella Clean and KG Second Chances Sketch I laminate the front and back pages and then bind to make a super little booklet. Pages include: Front cover/back cover Daily reader checklist / frequent reader checklist Reader checklist (class) Reading Assessment (key curriculum objectives with checklist per term) - I use one per child. Guided Reading grouping Example guided reading rotations Key texts pages to record key books per term
WWII Knowledge Organiser

WWII Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser that we use as part of our ‘local history’ study. The first page is general information about WWII but the second page talks about Newbury’s role in WWII.