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The History Academy

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(based on 226 reviews)

The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.




The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
Card Sort: Reformation - Catholics V Protestants

Card Sort: Reformation - Catholics V Protestants

This fun and engaging lesson has been designed to help students understand the differences between Catholics and Protestants at the time of the Reformation through a PowerPoint and a card sort which should take about one lesson. They then apply this knowledge by writing a speech from the perspective of either a Catholic or a Protestant. I’ve also included a homework task which gets your students to design their own Wittenberg poster. If you are wanting to go into more detail about indulgences, relics and pilgrimages, then please check out our other lesson - Why was there religious conflict in the 16th Century? This lesson goes into a lot more detail and is rounded off with a Venn diagram activity and a Wittenberg poster activity. The lesson begins with a selection of starters that you can see below in the preview. It then introduces Martin Luther and the birth of the Protestant movement. Depending upon the ability of your class, you could give them the card sort to complete at this stage to draw upon their prior knowledge and then go through the information slides or you could present the information and then complete the card sort and the follow up activities. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a 19 slide Powerpoint presentation which includes aims, objectives, outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides, tasks and activities to support the card sort. You will also be able to download a single photocopiable page in Word which contains a title, objective, two tasks and heading cards labelled ‘Catholic’ and ‘Protestant’ along with 17 information cards that can be sorted under them. This is designed to be fun and engaging lesson that would be suitable for a middle or low ability class at anytime of the week, including a Friday afternoon. For more information, please see the preview files. The aims and objectives are: Theme: The Reformation Know: Who was Martin Luther? Understand: What as the Reformation? Evaluate: What are the differences between a Catholic and a Protestant? WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Describe: Who was Martin Luther? Can You Explain: What was the Reformation? Can You Evaluate: What are the differences between a Catholic and a Protestant? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when your purchase our resources you are also buying into our values. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Anti-Semtism in Europe 1880 - 1945

Anti-Semtism in Europe 1880 - 1945

5 Resources
These resources look at the origins of anti-Semitism in Europe and how it evolved into the Final Solution. The key focus is on events in Russia, France and Germany, but is important to point out to your students that it was evident throughout Europe and the USA at this time. The resources that have been bundled together have all been field tested in the classroom and are amongst our most popular downloads from the History Academy where we aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee. If you would like to stay up to date then you can follow our pages on Facebook, Instagram and Your Tube. If you are new to teaching or studying this topic then its important to understand that anti-Semitism still exists and that the need to find scapegoats or someone to blame when things go wrong is one of the more nastier aspects of human nature and that falls to each generation to how this in check through education. The old biblical quote ‘Evil is when a few good men decide to do nothing’, is very relevant to studying this topic. The modern version of anti-Semitism that we in Europe at this time grew out of events in Russia. The country was struggling politically, economically and socially so the Russian Tsar’s tried to redirect the Russian peoples attention onto blaming or 'scape goating ’ the Jews. This led to attacks on the Russian Jews which in turn led their mass migration into Europe and the USA. The arrival of these refugees stirred up latent anti-Semtism which made it harder for the existing Jewish communities and turn both anti-Semitism and Zionism into political movements in Europe. These movements were fueled by the political, social, economic and military crisis that grew out of German Unification 1871, The First World War 1914 - 1918, the Treaty of Versailles and the the creation of the Weimar Republic in 1919. These events are covered in the resources that cover Russia, France and Germany 1880 to 1920. The booklet the 'Nazi attack on the Jews 1919 to 1945, cover the rise of the Nazi Party and the impact of the Great Depression and the Second World War 1939 - 1945. When teaching your students about anti-Semitism do not forget that Facism or Nazism was not limited to Germany. The SS drew their recruits from all across Europe. Anti-Semitism was not a ‘German’ problem, it was a European and American problem based upon the prevailing racism of the time. My Dutch grandmother always drew a distinction between the ‘German Army’ or the ‘Wehrmacht’ and the SS. She remembered seeing a Dutch member of the SS shoot an old lady who was trying to pass food and water to Dutch Jews who were being deported in the cattle cars. Kind Regards Roy
Queen Mary 1553 - 1558

Queen Mary 1553 - 1558

3 Resources
Few people illicit a response as ‘Bloody Mary’ according to the Protestant or Whig interpretation of history. We have bundled up and discounted all our lessons on Queen Mary so that you can investigate her reign and look at both interpretations for a reasonable price of just £6 Included in this are: What problems faced Queen Mary in 1553? How Blood was Queen Mary? Card Sort: How blood was Queen Mary? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Intolerance in the 1920s USA Crossword Puzzle

Intolerance in the 1920s USA Crossword Puzzle

This one page crossword puzzle activity makes a nice plenary, mini plenary or even a homework activity on this topic. You really wish to be cruel you could give your students a text book and get them to research the answers as an independent enquiry activity at the start of the topic. Have fun! If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Why did the USA introduce Prohibition?

Why did the USA introduce Prohibition?

The aim of these resources is explain why the USA introduced Prohibition in 1919? The aims of the lesson are as follows Theme: Why did Prohibition fail? Know: What was Prohibition? Understand: Why did certain groups support Prohibition? Evaluate: Why did the USA introduce Prohibition? Skills: Cause & Consequence; Economic Understanding What Am I Looking For this lesson? Identify / Describe – Why were people opposed to the drinking of alcohol? Explain – Why did the USA introduce prohibition? Analyse – Which was the most important factor? Both resources contain activities for core and able students as well as past paper questions and mark schemes in the PowerPoint for the OCR examination board (Oxford & Cambridge). These can be easily adapted to suit your own assessment criteria and allow for peer and self assessment. The PowerPoint also includes a keyword snowballing starter as well as a thinking skills review triangle that aims to get students to discuss in small groups before they feedback to a wider discussion. I have also tried to contextualise the learning by introducing an additional starter that gets students to consider why we have laws to prevent underage drinking today. If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Native American beliefs

Card Sort: Native American beliefs

This beautifully illustrated, fun and interactive lesson on Native American beliefs is aimed at low ability students. The information slides look at Native American beliefs about the land, circles, clans, moieties, spiritualism and the Spirit World and how they affected the way in which they lived their lives. These ideas are then consolidated through the card sort and heads and tails activities that you can see in the preview. When you purchase this lesson, you will be able to download a 15 slide PowerPoint which includes the aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides , tasks and activities for the lesson. You will also be able to download a single page Word document, which contains the heading, information cards and instructions for the card sort. For more information, please see the preview. The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Know: What beliefs did Native Americans believe? Understand: What were Native American beliefs about nature and the land? Evaluate: How did their beliefs affect their way of life? Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Identify: What Native Americans believed? Can You Explain: Native American beliefs about nature and the land? Evaluate: How did their beliefs affect their way of life? If you like this lesson then why not check out our TES shop, where you can find similar resources that have been bundled to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy on Facebook and YouTube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work. Kind Regards Roy
Why did Henry VIII break with Rome in 1533?

Why did Henry VIII break with Rome in 1533?

This fun and interactive lesson is designed to get help students understand the problems facing Henry VIII in 1525 and the chain of events that led to him breaking with Rome in 1533. Everything has been carefully differentiated and can be easily adapted for the full range of ability and designed to improve students literacy and oracy skills. The first lesson begins with an introduction to Henry VIII’s problems. Students classify them either using the card sort or a printed off version of the diagram under the heads of money, power, religion, heir and personal problems. This is then consolidated with a thinking skills triangle priority task which is designed to help students which was he most important problem facing Henry. The next task gets students to predict what will happen next by getting them to write a speech suggesting how Henry could solve his problems. This is fully supported with writing frames and tasks. The second starts by looking at the chain of events that led Henry’s decision to break with Rome. This is consolidated with a heads and tails activity and a fully supported extended writing task. When you purchase this lesson you will be able to download a 30 slide PowerPoint Presentation and a single page Word document. The PowerPoint contains aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters,plenaries, information slides, video links, historical sources, templates, diagrams , writing frames, tasks and activities. The Word document contains an optional card sort. The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Theme: Why did Henry VIII break from Rome? Know: What problems faced Henry VIII in 1525? Understand: Which were linked to money, religion, power & succession? Evaluate: Why did Henry VIII decide to break with Rome? Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You describe: The problems facing Henry VIII in 1527? Can You Explain: Which were linked to money, religion, power & succession? Can You Analyse: Why did Henry VIII break with Rome? If you like this resource, then why not check out our other resources on similar topics in our TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Instagram, X , YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Why did Henry VIII dissolve the monastaries?

Card Sort: Why did Henry VIII dissolve the monastaries?

This great little card sort gets students to sort through a variety of factors to explain why Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries. The resource contains four heading cards: power, money, religion and no longer needed as well as twelve cards that they need to discuss and decide where they fit. Once the card sort has been finished, your students could then have a go at answering the key question, using the headings as the opening points for their paragraphs and the examples that have sorted to support their arguments. As with all my resources, it is provided in word so that you can edit it to suit your own resources and students. Theme: Why did Henry VIII break with Rome? Know: Why did Henry VIII dissolve the monasteries? Understand: What role did money, power, religion and the fact that they were seen by some people as being no longer needed a factor in his decision? Evaluate: What was the most important factor in his decision? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and Describe: Why did Henry dissolve the monasteries? Explain the importance of each factor? Analyze: Which factor was the most important? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Religious groups in Britain in 1600

Card Sort: Religious groups in Britain in 1600

This simple activity will work with most text books on the topic and is designed to get students to match the names of the different religious groups in 1600 with their correct descriptions. Ideally, this card sort could be used as either a starter or a plenary. It is written with foundation and core students in mind. If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settment?

Card Sort: How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settment?

This great little card sort is designed to help students assess how successful the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559 was at promoting peace and stability in England? The resource in includes two sub headings entitled successfully and unsuccessful as well as 14 statement cards, which students can sort through. Aims and Objectives: Theme: What were the consequences of the break with Rome? Know: What was the terms of the Church Settlement Act of 1559? Understand: Who opposed the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act? Evaluate: How successful was the Church Settlement Act at maintaining peace? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: What were the successes and failures? Explain: Who opposed the church settlement and why? Analyse: How far was the Church Settlement Act a success?
Card Sort: How bloody was Queen Mary I?

Card Sort: How bloody was Queen Mary I?

This great little resource gets students to sort through a series of 12 primary and secondary sources about the reign of Queen Mary I 1553 - 1558, with the aim of deciding whether she deserves the reputation of Bloody Mary. Once this has been complete, students can then have a go at answering the question: Does Mary I deserve the title, ‘Bloody Mary’? I would recommend that this resource should be used with either a core or advanced group as there is a lot of reading, which would be too much for a foundation group with low literacy skills. This resource makes a great starter or plenary. It can be cut up the students or placed into envelopes for use with several classes or even set as a piece of homework. The aims and objectives are: Theme: Consequences of the break with Rome? Know: Why did Queen Mary I burn protestant heretics? Understand: How has Mary been viewed by both contemporaries and historians? Evaluate: Does Mary I deserve the title ‘Bloody Mary’? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: Which sources support / disagree with the ‘Bloody Mary’ interpretation? Explain: Why do people disagree about how ‘Bloody’ Mary I was? Analyze: How far does Queen Mary deserve the title ‘Bloody Mary?’ If you like this resource, I have also created a PowerPoint on the reign of Queen Mary I, with additional information to go along with this card sort. This topic also makes for a great assessment task. Kind Regards Roy
Medieval Medicine - Change & Continuity

Medieval Medicine - Change & Continuity

The great resource deals with the tricky topic change and continuity in Medieval Medicine in Britain. The resource includes a PowerPoint with all the resources and worksheets that are required for the lesson as well as a recent lesson plan I wrote to help teach this topic with this resource. The PowerPoint includes: Aims & Objectives A starter + a differentiated version Information Slides Source analysis activity A card sort / activity on change and continuity An extended question which has been differentiated to include a slide to help structure responses Peer and self analysis feedback sheets. Blank templates for the activities. The aims and activities are: • Theme: Medicine in Britain, 1250 – present • Know: What were the key features medieval medicine? • Understand: Which key features of ancient medicine were still being used in medieval times? • Evaluate: How far did ancient ideas about medicine continued to be used in the medieval period? • Skills: Change and Continuity Learning Outcomes • Levels 1 – 4 = Identify & describe: What changed and what stayed the same? • Levels 5 – 7 = Explain: What had changed and what had stayed the same? • Levels 7 – 8 = Analyse: How far did medical ideas changed during the medieval period?
Medieval Medicine - Change and Continuity

Medieval Medicine - Change and Continuity

The great resource deals with the tricky topic change and continuity in Medieval Medicine in Britain. The resource includes a PowerPoint with all the resources and worksheets that are required for the lesson as well as a recent lesson plan I wrote to help teach this topic with this resource. The PowerPoint includes: Aims & Objectives A starter + a differentiated version Information Slides Source analysis activity A card sort / activity on change and continuity An extended question which has been differentiated to include a slide to help structure responses Peer and self analysis feedback sheets. Blank templates for the activities. The aims and activities are: • Theme: Medicine in Britain, 1250 – present • Know: What were the key features medieval medicine? • Understand: Which key features of ancient medicine were still being used in medieval times? • Evaluate: How far did ancient ideas about medicine continued to be used in the medieval period? • Skills: Change and Continuity Learning Outcomes • Levels 1 – 4 = Identify & describe: What changed and what stayed the same? • Levels 5 – 7 = Explain: What had changed and what had stayed the same? • Levels 7 – 8 = Analyse: How far did medical ideas changed during the medieval period?
How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559?

How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559?

This great lesson is designed to help students assess how successful the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559 was at promoting peace and stability in England? This is potentially a difficult topic to teach, but these resources approach the topic in a fun and engaging way that is suitable for the full ability range. They also link up the religious changes from previous Tudor monarchs and will allow students to predict what problems would face the Stuarts. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a PowerPoint with thirteen slides. These include aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, thinking skills activities, pictures, templates and information slides. When you deliver this lesson, you can choose from a selection of starters which include a snowballing starter of the key words or a thinking fork template on attitudes towards the death of Queen Mary. The next activity involves getting your students to draw a religious seesaw and then sorting various statements from the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act and deciding whether they would satisfy either Catholics or Protestants. Once complete, students can draw a line to decide which side the changes benefited the most. Later on in the course, you can refer back to this diagram whilst looking at either James or Charles I and draw links and conclusions as to how they were unpicking the compromise and laying the foundations for the English Civil War. The next activity gets students to sort through a series of cards to help them evaluate how successful the Elizabethan Church Act was at reducing religious tensions. For more detailed information, please refer to the detailed preview. The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Theme: What were the consequences of the break with Rome? Know: What were the terms of the Church Settlement Act of 1559? Understand: Who opposed the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act? Evaluate: How successful was the Church Settlement Act at maintaining peace? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: What were the successes and failures? Explain: Who opposed the Church Settlement Act and why? Analyse: How far was the Church Settlement Act a success? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together, along with this one to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort:  'How Bloody' was Queen Mary?

Card Sort: 'How Bloody' was Queen Mary?

This great little resource gets students to sort through a series of 12 primary and secondary sources about the reign of Queen Mary I 1553 - 1558, with the aim of deciding whether she deserves the reputation of Bloody Mary. Once this has been complete, students can then have a go at answering the question: Does Mary I deserve the title, ‘Bloody Mary’? I would recommend that this resource should be used with either a core or advanced group as there is a lot of reading, which would be too much for a foundation group with low literacy skills. This resource makes a great starter or plenary. It can be cut up the students or placed into envelopes for use with several classes or even set as a piece of homework. The aims and objectives are: Theme: Consequences of the break with Rome? Know: Why did Queen Mary I burn protestant heretics? Understand: How has Mary been viewed by both contemporaries and historians? Evaluate: Does Mary I deserve the title 'Bloody Mary'? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: Which sources support / disagree with the 'Bloody Mary' interpretation? Explain: Why do people disagree about how 'Bloody' Mary I was? Analyse: How far does Queen Mary deserve the title 'Bloody Mary?' If you like this resource, I have also created a PowerPoint on the reign of Queen Mary I, with additional information to go along with this card sort. This topic also makes for a great assessment task. Kind Regards Roy
How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559?

How successful was the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559?

This great lesson is designed to help students assess how successful the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559 was at promoting peace and stability in England? This is potentially a difficult topic to teach, but these resources approach the topic in a fun and engaging way that is suitable for the full ability range. They also link up the religious changes from previous Tudor monarchs and will allow students to predict what problems would face the Stuarts. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a PowerPoint with thirteen slides. These include aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, thinking skills activities, pictures, templates and information slides. When you deliver this lesson, you can choose from a selection of starters which include a snowballing starter of the key words or a thinking fork template on attitudes towards the death of Queen Mary. The next activity involves getting your students to draw a religious seesaw and then sorting various statements from the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act and deciding whether they would satisfy either Catholics or Protestants. Once complete, students can draw a line to decide which side the changes benefited the most. Later on in the course, you can refer back to this diagram whilst looking at either James or Charles I and draw links and conclusions as to how they were unpicking the compromise and laying the foundations for the English Civil War. The next activity gets students to sort through a series of cards to help them evaluate how successful the Elizabethan Church Act was at reducing religious tensions. For more detailed information, please refer to the detailed preview. The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Theme: What were the consequences of the break with Rome? Know: What were the terms of the Church Settlement Act of 1559? Understand: Who opposed the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act? Evaluate: How successful was the Church Settlement Act at maintaining peace? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: What were the successes and failures? Explain: Who opposed the Church Settlement Act and why? Analyse: How far was the Church Settlement Act a success? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together, along with this one to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
How Bloody was Queen Mary I, 1553 - 1558?

How Bloody was Queen Mary I, 1553 - 1558?

This outstanding lesson has been featured at various history teacher conferences across Europe and featured on several well known websites as an example of outstanding practice. It has also been used as a training resource on how to teach the difficult topic of historical interpretation to students. The aim of this exciting lesson is to help students assess just how bloody Queen Mary I was by evaluating the views of both eye witnesses from the time and historians. It is suitable for a range of abilities, but mainly core and advanced. When you download this lesson you will have a PowerPoint as well as word document with 12 primary and secondary sources about the reign of Queen Mary I 1553 - 1558. The PowerPoint includes a snowballing and pair and share starters, slides on why Mary I executed the protestants and why she is such a controversial historical figure. This is followed up with links to carefully selected video clips which can be used with your students. Afterwards, you then have the luxury of deciding whether to do the card sort exercise either a continuum, pro and con organiser or as a simple sort. I would recommend printing off the appropriate slides on A3 to go along with these activities. Sometimes, I allow my more able students to decide individually which organiser they wish to use, but you could always decide for different groups as part of your differentiation. Once this has been complete, students can then have a go at answering the assessment question in activity 4: Does Mary I deserve the title, ‘Bloody Mary’? This slide also includes a suggested structure for answering the question, along with possible connectives. I've also thrown in my award winning literacy and persuasive literacy mats to help sweeten the deal. The final plenary slides looking at how history is written will help your students draw their own conclusions about just how bloody was Queen Mary I. The Aims & Objectives are: Theme: Consequences of the break with Rome? Know: Why did Queen Mary I burn protestant heretics? Understand: How has Mary been viewed by both contemporaries and historians? Evaluate: Does Mary I deserve the title 'Bloody Mary'? WILF - What Am I Looking For? Identify and describe: Which sources support / disagree with the 'Bloody Mary' interpretation? Explain: Why do people disagree about how 'Bloody' Mary I was? Analyse: How far does Queen Mary deserve the title 'Bloody Mary?' If you like this resource, check out some of my other resources on this topic such as the 'consequences of the break with Rome' for middle and lower ability students and my blood thirsty resource on 'why were people prepared to die for their beliefs in the sixteen and seventeenth centuries?' Kind Regards Roy
American West Teaching Resources

American West Teaching Resources

20 Resources
This is your chance to buy all my outstanding American West resources bundled up for a massive saving. These resources are tried and tested. They are suitable for a wide range of abilities and will successfully engage your students. For more information, click on the resources.
Revise US Women's Lib: Dynamic Flashcards for 1950 - 1970

Revise US Women's Lib: Dynamic Flashcards for 1950 - 1970

These interactive flashcards on the US Civil Rights Women’s Lib, has been carefully designed to help students sharpen their focus on key terms and essential facts, transform the revision process into a vibrant and enjoyable social experience. With these flashcards, students can say goodbye to solitary study sessions. They encourage teamwork and peer assessment, significantly enhancing the engagement of the learning process. Regular use of these flashcards, combined with the effective strategies outlined in the accompanying PowerPoint, will improve memory retention and foster the crucial connections necessary for success in studying or revising the women’s civil rights movement 1950 - 1970, often referred to as Women’s Lib or Women’s Liberation. These versatile flashcards are perfect for starting lessons; they can serve as an exciting game at the beginning or as a mini plenary to assess understanding and reinforce learning at the end. Their convenient format allows for easy integration into revision booklets or printing on cards, making them easily storable in students’ pockets or envelopes. Furthermore, students can independently utilize these cards for their revision, promoting self-directed learning. Upon downloading this lesson, you will receive a Word document featuring flashcards specifically tailored for revising US Women’s Lib from 1950 to 1970, as well as an informative 18-slide PowerPoint that outlines effective methods for using these resources. In Game 1, one player reads key terms while the other guesses the corresponding topic, enhancing memory recall. Game 2 introduces a greater challenge, as players must describe the topic without using any key terms, adding an exciting twist. The lesson also includes other enjoyable and competitive activities such as Pictionary and Charades. The session concludes with strategic advice for conducting a one-minute class talk and tips for creating personalized flashcards, all supported by suggested homework tasks. Both documents are conveniently available as PDFs, making printing and sharing easy. If you find this lesson engaging, consider exploring our other resources on similar topics available in our TES shop. You can also follow The History Academy on platforms like Instagram, X, YouTube, and Facebook for the latest updates. We are committed to producing affordable resources priced comparably to a good cup of coffee, allowing you to dedicate more time to the activities you love. All our authors receive a living wage, ensuring that when you invest in our resources, you support our shared values of fairness and integrity. Enjoy your learning journey, and stay connected through social media for continuous updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel, featuring over 600 free videos: @historyacademy. Kind Regards Roy
USA in the 1920s

USA in the 1920s

20 Resources
The bundle of outstanding resources includes everything that I have uploaded on the USA in the 1920s. They are suitable for a range of abilities from aged 14 to 18. Each resources comes with it's own description of how I would use it as well as aims and objectives. If you click on the resource you can download a preview as well as read the relevant information. By buying these resource buddle, you will be making a significant saving as some of the attached resources have already been buddled together and discounted. If you like these resources then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy