KS1 Science: Animals
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: animals and living things and their habitats.
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘Growing and Changing.’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Seasonal Changes
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘What’s the Season?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Habitats
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘Habitats and Food Chains’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: animals
Wings, paws, scales and claws word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: amphibian, bird, body, claw, fangs, fish, gills, insect, mammal, paw, predator, prey, reptile, scale, sort, spider, teeth, tusk, venom and wing.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: plants and seasonal changes
What’s the season word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: autumn, bird, blossom, bulb, butterfly, dark, day, hibernate, insect, lamb, nest, night, plant, season, spring, summer, sun, temperature, weather and winter
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘What’s the Season?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Plants
From a tiny seed to a mighty tree word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: acorn, bee, branch, cones, flower, fruit, grain, insect, leaf, nectar, nutrient, pollen, root, seedling, shoots, stem, sunflower, tree, trunk and wheat.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘From a tiny seed to a mighty tree’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Plants
Roots, stems, leaves and flowers word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: bark, bud, bulb, energy, flower, leaf, light, microscope, nutrient, oxygen, petal, root, seed, soil, stem, tree, tube, vein and water.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Roots, stems, leaves and flowers’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: animals, including humans
My senses word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: body, cells, ear, eye, finger, glasses, hear, microscope, mouth, nose, saliva, see, sense, sensitive, skin smell, taste, texture, touch and vibrate.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book 'My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Animals, including humans
Keeping me healthy word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: blood, bones, brain, breath, energy, exercise, food, heart, lungs, mineral, muscle, nutrition, organ, oxygen, skin, sleep, teeth, vitamin, wash and water.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Keeping Me Healthy’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Living things and their habitats
Is is living or non-living word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: air, alive, animal, cells, cotton, energy, grow, human, living, microscope, move, nutrient, plant, reproduce, robot, seed, sort, tree waste and wood
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Is it living or non-living?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: living things and their habitats
Habitats and food chains word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: algae, bird, desert, environment, food, garden, habitat, microscope, nectar, nest, nocturnal, nutrient, plankton, plant, predator, prey, rock, sea, tree and woodlands.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Habitats and Food Chains’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: animals, including humans and living things and their habitats
Growing and changing word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: algae, bee, bird, butterfly, cell, chick, chrysalis, dog, egg, frog, froglet, insect, lamb, larva, mammal, nest, pollen, pupa, puppy and tadpole.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book 'Growing and Changing’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Materials
Everyday Materials word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: absorbent, cardboard, carve, chemical, cotton, dye, fabric, furnace, glass, metal, opaque, paper, plastic, recycle, rock, rubber, sap, transparent, wood and wool.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Everyday Materials’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Humans (senses) - let’s investigate your sense of touch
Practical investigation with the only resource being a paperclip. Table to fill out and scientific questioning to answer. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.
KS1 Science: Humans (senses) - do you need saliva to help you taste you food experiment
Practical investigation with minimal resources needed, but maximum impact. Includes questioning prompts. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.
KS1 Science: Humans (senses) - create a model ear drum experiment
Practical investigation with minimal resources needed, but maximum impact. All you need is: a bowl, clingfilm, saucepan lid, sugar and a metal spoon. This resource has structured questioning post investigation to support scientific thinking and further questioning. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.
KS1 Science: Humans - can you see colours in dim light investigation
Practical investigation with minimal resources needed, but maximum impact. This worksheet provides some structured questioning and space for results. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.
KS1 Science: Humans - my amazing sense of touch booklet
A booklet with detailed and interesting facts about the sense of touch. Real life and up close pictures are guaranteed to engage. This would also be perfect to use in guided reading sessions for cross curricular work. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
KS1 Science: Humans - my amazing sense of hearing booklet
A booklet with detailed and interesting facts about the sense of hearing. Real life and up close pictures are guaranteed to engage. This would also be perfect to use in guided reading sessions for cross curricular work. It complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Animals, including humans
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.