Fill in the gaps knowledge organisers, with thorough (8,000) word document containing all key knowledge for Year 1 AQA A Level RE Buddhism (paper 2A). This can be used in conjunction with key questions and a Sanskrit/Pali glossary to ensure that students are fully comprehending key religious content.
6 lesson series with power points, worksheets, revision resources and model answers. There are 2 full lessons per PPT.
Please note that some activities do use the AQA new textbook for RE A level which you will need to have a copy of.
A bundle of power points, worksheets and revision resources to prepare students for the conscience section of AQA new spec RE A Level (Ethics Paper 1).
Please be aware that 1 optional activity requires the use of the AQA new text book but the rest are fully resourced.
A lesson and knowledge organizer homework preparing students for the Conscience module of AQA Year 2 RE A Level Ethics (new spec). This lesson was taught in 85 minutes and the KO was set as half term homework.
2 lessons with resources focusing on the context that led to the ordination of Theravada nuns, and the debate surrounding whether or not the ordination should have been reinstated in 1996 - including the work of Sakyadita Organisation and Dhammananada Bhikkuni. AQA 2A Buddhism Year 2 content.
Lesson focusing on how tourism and other factors have shaped Thai views towards women, holding in tension the "Old" and "New" values of Thai society - presentation for the lesson, alongside sociological essay to help students understand the changing roles.
2 lessons exploring a variety of theological views on the conscience - resources include tables to fill in, multiple choice quiz and scholarly views that are broken down and easily digestible.
Please note that one activity on Aquinas uses the AQA Year 2 textbook, but the rest of the activities are fully resourced here.
Lesson ppt and structured essay plan doc explaining a variety of psychological and sociological views of the conscience. I have also included a completed version of the essay plan for students to use to check their work.
New and updated for 2019:
Fully resourced 8 lesson series including powerpoints, homeworks and revision resources (with a KO) for teaching the AQA Year 13 ethics unit about the conscience, including revision materials. In places does require a copy of the AQA RE A level Year 2 text book.
Taught over 2x 85 minute lessons per week.
Could be adapted for other specs.
Powerpoints, resources and homework for the AQA Ethics unit comparing Kantian and Bentham's Ethics - includes group consolidation tasks such as debates and essay plans.
This unit of work was created as a RE unit for a nurture group of year 7s and 8s, however all students were working at a KS2 year 3/4 level and so this unit would also be appropriate for secondary teachers. Some existing TES resources have been adapted here to help suit this low ability - bundle includes presentations and worksheets for 6 85 minute lessons. The lessons use a "universal symbols" code to aid SEN understanding - these symbols are explained in a separate ppt.
A lesson on the concept of authority/Risalah and Prophethood in Islam. Presentation and worksheets included, plus worksheets in Spanish for EAL students.
A 14 lesson series taught over 2 consecutive 85 minute lessons per week. Resources include powerpoints, revision materials and model answers.
These lessons were taught in conjunction with the new AQA Year 2 A Level text book, so a copy of this is essential.
Updated for 2019-2020:
10 Lesson Series to be used in conjunction with the new AQA AS text book.
These lessons were taught twice per week and lessons were 85 minutes.
Resources include power points, worksheets, planned homeworks and resources such as card sorts and a knowledge organiser.
Could be adapted for other specs.
New and Updated for 2019-2020:
26 lessons with powerpoints, worksheets and resources - including model answers, homeworks and revision resources.
AQA content but can be adapted to other specs.
PLUS 13 revision lessons (39 lessons total!)
I taught the unit in 2X 85 minute lessons per week.
Some lessons use Denise Cush’s Buddhism: A Student’s Approach to World Religions and Peter Harvey: An Introduction to Buddhism - pages from these texts are used in some lesson activities.
Aristotle's Virtues and Vices explained with a description of the characteristic, to help students understand the nature of the virtues and vices in modern, clear language.
For the A level study of character based/Virtue Ethics.