Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
This lesson is designed as a final tutor time/Lifeskills/PHSE session, so includes opportunities to reminisce on the impact students have made during their time at college, but also what they hope to achieve personally in the future. The lesson focuses on overcoming challenges, dreams and ambitions and how students can go on to be positive members of society. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Forms, which is based on the idea of Person Most Likely To…, so can be adapted to your needs, but also used for awards at a leaving celebration.
This lesson discusses Earth Hour, but also the human impact on our planet, what the current situation is with Climate Change based on the Cop28 Convention, and allows for reflection on what individuals, communities and governments can/should be doing. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey on Forms and there is also a worksheet linking to an article for students to do their own reading, discuss and feedback their findings.
This will be part of a series on Our Planet, Our Impact.
This lesson focuses on green careers and the commitment of companies to reduce their carbon footprint in coming years, giving opportunities to discuss the potential impact on the job market of the future and the importance of checking out a company’s green credentials. It points out that any job has the potential to contribute to lowering carbon emissions, making a company more sustainable and much more. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey on Forms, which can be sent out prior to the lesson, or the QR code added to the Ppt for students to complete on arrival.
This lesson is part of our growing Our Planet, Our Impact series, so please check out what else is on offer.
This lesson is designed to coincide with International Girls in ICT Day in April, but could be adapted to fit at other junctures in your Lifeskills/Careers/PSHE programme. The lesson includes the Ppt with links to suggested videos, discussion points and food for thought. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary survey on Microsoft Forms to introduce the themes of the lesson and the final slide includes additional reading, sources and information. This lesson will also support Gatsby Benchmark 3 “Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil”.
This resource is designed to build student’s understanding of what Hate Crime is, why it happens and how to deal with it. As well as an introductory quiz on Forms to get students thinking (link in teaching notes) there is a Ppt presentation and headline discussion worksheet. The presentation ends with a plenary which can be adapted to use with smaller groups or for individuals to feedback on their understanding.
This lesson looks at the issue of knife crime, clarifying what this actually means, how it affects people and what steps you an take, while allowing opportunities for discussion. The lesson is wholly adaptable to your time slot and the teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey to get the discussion started. The final slide includes links to further reading and sources, so you may wish to share this with students.
This lesson is inspired by Stephen Lawrence Day in April and includes 2 other lessons for free to accompany it. This lesson includes opportunities for discussion around equality, dreams and aspirations, community awareness and careers and is accompanied by a lesson on Hate Crime and on Kindness. All the lessons are researched and the sources are credited in the Notes with each slide or in the final slide, which includes useful links for students.
This lesson highlights the importance of regular check-ups and highlights the oral health issues faced in the UK today and how regular check-ups can aid prevention. There are opportunities for discussion and a links to suggested video content. With university and leaving home in mind, it underlines the different charging systems across the UK and underlines the value of being up to date with checks before leaving full time education and of registering with a dentist at university. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a quiz on Forms on current dental statistics. The lesson also gives opportunities to discuss the other health issues which dentists can detect.
This is part of our Health Issues package.
Assembly/ PSHE/ Personal Development/ Careers session for KS4/ KS5 students, reflecting on last year and on setting targets for this year. Includes ppt, student sheet and comprehensive teacher notes as well as entry and exit quiz to measure progress. Considers why resolutions often fail and teaches students how to set meaningful and achievable targets and get into good academic habits.
This lesson leads a discussion on vaccines, where they originated and why and what their role is in modern life. It raises questions around fears over vaccines and where to find reliable information, while also looking at the benefits of new vaccines against some of the world’s biggest killers. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Forms to start students off about thinking about the topic and there are various suggested videos and discussion points, as well as the NHS advice to students going to college or university.
Throughout life everyone experiences grief at one time or another, but that doesn’t mean we are ready for it or know how to deal with it. This lesson allows students to talk about the causes of grief, the emotions it brings up and the variety of reactions people can go through. It also allows students to consider how they can support others and what to do if they are struggling themselves.
The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary survey on Microsoft Forms and the case study in the PowerPoint is also included as a printable.
This is part of our Dealing with… series, so please explore which other lessons you may find useful.
This lesson is part of our series on Women’s Health and is designed to raise awareness of a little-discussed topic, highlighting the importance of awareness for all. It looks at what symptoms are involved, the value of support and sources of help. It also introduces the idea of the impact on the workplace and the value of support there, bearing in mind that students will be going into workplaces in the future, managing teams and being part of the decision-making, so gives the opportunity to discuss menopause policy in the workplace.
The lesson includes a powerpoint, discussion sheet and teaching notes, which include a link to duplicate an introductory survey on Microsoft Forms.
This lesson includes:
Powerpoint presentation
Teaching notes, which include a link to duplicate a prelimanary survey on Microsoft Forms
Case Studies sheet
This lesson is designed to help students to think about what deaf awareness means and to build understanding of the challenges around deafness. It could fit with Deaf Awareness Week in May or at any point in your PSHE/Lifeskills programme. There are various opportunities for discussion and some suggested video links to support the discussions.
This lesson looks at the issues surrounding women’s health, the importance of being able to talk about it and introduces some of the main conditions to consider. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Microsoft Forms to ascertain understanding and appreciation of the subject before the lesson. There are various opportunities for discussion, including whether it is important for men to consider issues with women’s health, working on reducing stigma, equality and more.
While it would work well as a stand-alone PHSE/Life skills lesson, it would work well with our other Women’s Health and Men’s Health bundles.
This resource/lesson looks at the trillion dollar maritime industry and the vital role it plays for the UK economy, the importance of being an island nation, helping students to consider what possibilities are available in this area, where to find out more and to get them thinking about the subject.
The Teaching Notes include a link to a survey on Forms to duplicate to get students thinking about the topic in advance.
While it could fit with World Maritime Day on 30 September, it could also fit at any time in your careers programme and could link with having a speaker from the industry or with World Oceans Day. Links to further reading about maritime careers is included on the final slide.
This resource is designed to coincide with World Rivers Day in September, but in recognition that this is a busy time of year could fit in with other parts of your Careers/PSHE programme. It deals with looking at careers and job sectors based around rivers and opening students up to the idea of considering their work environment and that jobs they may have considered can be applied in multiple settings. It includes teaching notes with a link to duplicate a short preliminary survey on Forms, a printable bingo card to link to the presentation on jobs and job sectors and a printable Exit Ticket to check understanding.
This lesson links to Human Rights Day on 10 December and helps students to find out more about the history and the future of the move to ensure Human Rights around the world. There are numerous opportunities for discussion and the teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on forms to begin to get students thinking about the topic.
This lesson could be used for World Financial Planning Day on 4 October or more generally in your sixth form/college scheme to introduce the idea of Financial Planning . The teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey on Microsoft Forms to ascertain students’ knowledge and understanding in this area, which could be very useful towards planning future lessons. This lesson looks at the importance of financial planning, considering when to start, whether it is best to save or pay off loans, a brief introduction to ISAs, finding out more about savings accounts. It includes various discussion points and an activity on Needs V Wants to help students consider what their priorities are.
It could be followed up by more detailed lessons on individual points or input from bank/building society or financial adviser on particular areas of interest.
This presentation is designed to coincide with Global Entrepreneurship Week, but could also be used as part of your careers programme and could be an ideal precursor to welcoming a talk from a local entrepreneur. It involves students researching a chosen entrepreneur, so they will require access to the internet. The teaching notes include a link to a preliminary quiz and there are printable worksheets to support discussion and research activities. The teaching notes and Ppt also include suggestions of further activities or links to share with students.
This lesson is inspired by the Movember movement, but deals with men’s health issues which warrant discussion at any point in the calendar, i.e. prostate and testicular cancer, mental health issues and suicide prevention. The teaching notes include a link to a preliminary survey and the penultimate slide ends on a plenary to measure understanding. The presentation includes points for discussion and suggests links to videos which would support discussions. The quiz sheet allows students to note their findings as they go along, as there is quite a lot of information to take in in this lesson. THe final slide includes links to further information.