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Inspirational young people

Inspirational young people

A unit of work exploring the lives of a selection of young role models. two lessons on each of the following are included: Amanda Gorman Anne Frank Marcus Rashford Malala Yousafzai Greta Thunberg Emma Watson Designed for Year 7 pupils writing about role models. An optional assessment plan is included which can be done as either a written report or a class presentation.
Poetry about school Year 6/7

Poetry about school Year 6/7

A mini-unit comprising five poems with the theme of school: First day at school by Roger McGough Coming late by Barrie Wade Timetable by Kate Clanchy The school in August by Philip Larkin Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg Ideal for Year 7 students settling into high school or Year 6 pupils preparing to make the big leap. Copies of all poems are included.
A Midsummer Night's Dream KS3

A Midsummer Night's Dream KS3

14 lessons making a full scheme of learning around key scenes from Shakespeare’s comedy. Designed for Year 7 mixed ability classes, but easily adapted for years 6 or 8, this unit tracks key scenes in the relationship between Hermia and Lysander. An assessment, writing a letter in character from Hermia to Lysander’s aunt, is included as are all of the extracts which also contain translations of key phrases. A complete scheme of work in one place!
An Inspector Calls Revision Mats

An Inspector Calls Revision Mats

A complete set of revision mats for your students to complete. Designed for home-learning, each mat has a key extract from the text with a range of questions to explore meaning and character development. No teaching or text books are required to access this incredible revision resource. There are 18 revision mats included within this bundle. Perfect for homework or in class revision lessons.
Spoken Language Endorsement planning

Spoken Language Endorsement planning

Want to give your KS4 students a meaningful home study task? This simple power point and planning sheet allows pupils to prepare their EDUQAS Spoken Language Endorsement speech at home during lockdown. No teaching or other input required. Links to examplar material are included. It might be pointless but they have to pass it. this resource makes it simples!
Gothic Horror creative writing SOW KS3

Gothic Horror creative writing SOW KS3

A complete unit of work exploring Gothic Horror. Beginning with extracts from classic texts such as Frankenstein and Dracula, this unit covers a range of Gothic poetry and Gothic fiction. Modern texts such as Twilight are included and the pupils are provided with a variety of stimuli for creating their own Gothic stories. Designed for a high-flying Year 9 class, a complete unit of work with all supporting resources and an assessment is included in this pack.
Crime and Punishment SOW KS3

Crime and Punishment SOW KS3

A complete scheme of work comprising 13 lessons plus an assessment (a letter expressing views on capital punishment). Designed for Year 8, this unit covers how crime and punishment has changed in Britain over the last 500 years. Your pupils will discover how Anglo-Saxon laws developed, how peasants were maimed for minor offences and how the death violent teenagers are treated in modern day America. topical issues such as the death penalty and children's rights are explored throughout this fully resourced scheme. A drama lesson based on Of Mice and Men is included but requires previous study of the text. Everything you need for a full half-term in one resource!
War Poetry KS3

War Poetry KS3

A complete unit of work comprising 24 individual lessons and included assessment points. Beginning with The Charge of the Light Brigade and moving chronologically forwards to explore poems of WWI, WWII and the Cold War, this unit is designed for KS3 students and includes a variety of poems from classics by Wilfred Owen to modern poets. Themes covered include the Holocaust and the threat of Nuclear War. Everything you need to teach this unit is included. The scheme has been taught to a number of Year 8 classes and is ready to go!
Social Media and Technology SOW KS3

Social Media and Technology SOW KS3

A scheme of work comprising 13 complete lessons plus an assessment. This unit is designed for Year 7-8 pupils and explores a variety of complex issues around social media such as fake news, cyber-bullying and gaming addictions. One main power point guides you through the scheme whilst all additional handout materials are included. Fear MOMO no more!
WJEC Poetry Anthology Recap and Recall revision starters

WJEC Poetry Anthology Recap and Recall revision starters

18 quick starter activities to recap and recall prior learning. 18 slides; one for each poem in the anthology. each slide has five quick questions based on one of the poems. A really simple warm-up activity to help embed prior learning ahead of the exams! Example slide content for The Manhunt: The Manhunt is written from the perspective of a woman called _________ When the soldier returns, their relationship is p______ The bullet inside him is described as a _______ of metal She describes his mind as an _____ ____ At the end, she feels she comes _______to knowing him.
WJEC Poetry Anthology Revision and quick teaching sheets

WJEC Poetry Anthology Revision and quick teaching sheets

18 handouts: one of each poem in the anthology. Pupils absent when you taught one of the poems? Pupil joined from another class with gaps in learning? Need some quick revision materials? 18 handouts that can be used to deliver key quotes, contextual background and develop knowledge of each of the the poems in the GCSE anthology. I designed these resources as three classes had merged into one and they had all studied different poems in varying depth. Each sheet has three sections: Section One has the most important annotations as well as key vocabulary and contextual background where appropriate. Perfect for pupils who need to quickly catch up. Section Two has deeper questions for pupils to explore the main themes/ ideas behind the poems. Section Three is an exam style comparison question. The pupils can start on whichever task they want to whilst you’re free to circulate. This resource also makes a really good revision booklet for your pupils.
SPaG home work for the year

SPaG home work for the year

SPaG home work for the year! Three home work schemes for Years 7,8 and 9. With a mixture of themed spelling tests, punctuation challenges and proof reading exercises, this fortnightly programme sets your home work for you and is easy to assess. Each year ppt has a home page, calendar dates (that will need updating as per your own school timetable) and approximately 18 SPaG home work challenges. Two ppts are included for each year group: one is to email to all the students in yoru group; the other is for you to quickly test/ peer assess the pupils. The ppts are easily edited (the spelling tests link in to the schemes of work at our school) and have clear mark schemes for the pupils to peer/ self assess . Perfect for fortnightly starter tests (approx 15 min’s for pupils to complete-swap-mark-feedback) and you won’t have any parents nagging you for more home work! No marking, no stress, no complaints. SIK!
Poetry from other cultures KS3

Poetry from other cultures KS3

A complete unit of work exploring poetry from other cultures. Designed for top set Year 7s, but easily adapted for Years 6-8, this unit covers a selection of well known, modern poems including Search for my Tongue, Island Man, Limbo, Nothing’s Changed and Half-caste. Most of the poems covered have featured in past years GCSE papers (allowing you to tick the stretch and challenge sections on your lesson plans) but have been made accessible to KS3 pupils through the detailed discussion points and smaller chunked activities. 12 poems and full resources as well as an assessment is included in this resource pack.
Narrative writing KS3

Narrative writing KS3

Designed for a top set Year 7 class, this unit of work consists of 14 hour long lessons and an assessment. Covering the range of creative writing skills from punctuation to planning and narrative hooks to characterisation, this unit is designed to engage and inspire pupils to develop their own story writing skills. Extracts from Harry Potter, Treasure Island and Boy are included as stimulii for creative young minds. This resource bundle has all you need for a full half term and is easily adapted for Year 6 or 8 pupils.
Of Mice and Men KS3 SOL

Of Mice and Men KS3 SOL

A comprehensive scheme of work exploring the classis story of George and Lennie’s pursuit of the American Dream. Designed for KS3 students (and linked to the new EDUQAS GCSE), this scheme begins by exploring the historical context before following the adventures of the two men. The different characters and themes are all explored throughout 11 hour long lessons culminating in a book review assessment. A great unit ready to go!
Marketplace lesson on Victorian children

Marketplace lesson on Victorian children

A fully planned marketplace lesson that’s fun and makes Victorian England interesting. Did you know that at some Victorian schools, girls were allowed to walk in twos, but not in threes? Five factsheets on schools, poverty, home life, rich children and child labour. Split your class into five groups and let them discover these shocking facts before sitting back whilst they team each other. Great as an introduction to Dickens or pre 19th C literature. Also perfect for History classes!
Boy by Roald Dahl

Boy by Roald Dahl

A set of 15 lessons exploring Boy for KS3 classes. Lesson 15 is a writing assessment (book review). Each power point is fully editable to adapt for your classes. Designed for Year 7 middle ability but easily adapted for Year 6/8 classes.
WJEC EDUQAS Poetry Anthology

WJEC EDUQAS Poetry Anthology

Are you looking for a complete scheme of work? Do you want background notes on every poet and every poem? Do you want fully annotated poems? If so; you’ve just found it! In this bundle you have: 16 individual resources exploring each poem 16 revision posters for your classroom a recap on poetic terminology a selection of sample exam questions Everything you need to deliver this anthology to your students in one place!
Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy

Designed for students studying the EDUQAS/ edexcel GCSE syllabus, this resource begins with a discussion about traditional Valentine’s gifts and a debate about what love is. Moving on to the poet’s background, the resource focuses on the contrasts between the positive and negative sides of love in Duffy’s poem, a full annotation of the poem is included. Everything you need to teach this poem in one place!
Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes

Designed for students studying the EDUQAS GCSE, this resource explores Ted Hughes’ iconic poem about a hawk surveying all it could kill. Video links to hawks in action and images of a hawk mid hunt begin the lesson. Background information and a selection of interpretations of this poem are offered along with a full annotation. One resource with everything you need to teach this poem.