Convert terminating decimals into fractions- Starts with discuss how to convert between terminating decimals and fractions, followed by a series of questions and answers, based on the convertion of decials. If you have time 5min there is an add on oral activity, to discuss how to convert recurring decimals to fractions. Another free resource from
Comparing fractions- Starts with discuss how to compare simple mixednumber fractions and fractions, followed by a series of questions and answers, based on the comparison of fractions. Also find the fraction closest to 1. If you have time 5min there is an add on activity, to solve a problem using simple fractions at the sweet shop. Another free resource from
20 random inverse operstion/missing link multiplication questions from the 12x tables, with answers slide. A 3 min worksheet ideal as a starter activity or mental maths test.
solving problems with a calculator to convert amounts for travelling problem. Ideal starter activity. 10min activity. Another free resource from