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Está al lado de la mesa - prepositions
Lesson to introduce prepositions. Includes opportunities for group activities as well as games and written tasks.

Qué Vas A Hacer? - WORKSHEET
Worksheet to re-inforce formation of the near future tense. Pupils translate sentences then using the help sheet (page 2) write some sentences of their own using the near future tense. Compliments lesson of same title.

Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
Consolidation lesson which incorporates a listening activity / survey to practice speaking skills / storyboard activity. Starter activity worksheet also included filling in missing vowels.

Que vas a comer manana? - LESSON/FUTURE TENSE/FOOD
Lesson to revise near future tense linked to the topic of food and drink. Includes group translation activities and homework questions.

Cómo Vas Al Instituto?
Lesson to introduce / revise modes of transport linked into the topic of school. Opportunities for speaking work as well as translation exercise and worksheet.

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire? - WORKSHEET
Worksheet linked to the topic of free time and hobbies. Looks at using infinitive verbs to talk about likes and preferences. Pupils identify the infinitive verbs then complete the sentences with the correct verb. Translation sentences to finish using j'aime and je n'aime pas.

Las Reglas / Normas
Lesson introducing school rules and infinitive phrases such as se debe, está prohibido etc. Worksheets differentiated for target grade C, B and A and Quiz Quiz Trade / Speed date activity cards also included.

Los Trabajos
Revision of jobs for KS4. Powerpoint to complement Edexcel text book. Worksheets with gap fill activities as well as translation exercises. Starter match up activity excellent done in pairs or groups.

Lesson to revise using the preterite tense linked to food and drink. Looks at formation of the preterite tense and includes group translation activities, gap fill exercise and homework questions.

Dans Ma Ville - LESSON
Lesson introducing / re-capping places in a town. Re-inforces sentence structure and includes lots of opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities to consolidate.

Les Parties du Corps
Nice worksheet to consolidate parts of the body in French. Pupils translate the words into English then label the picture.

Re-cap on clothes and colours to talk about what we wear. Variety of activities including: Game of splat (2 pupils at board, teacher says item of clothing in English, first one to find it in Spanish and 'splat&' the board wins); vocabulary test; revision of colours; stroop colours activity; explanation of adjectival endings; translation activities; describe a celebrity; quiz.

¿Ayudas en casa? / Las Tareas
Lesson about chores. Includes AfL and differentiated Success Criteria. Mini whiteboard activities, group work and recap on future tense. Worksheet and speed date / quiz quiz trade activity included.

Le Passé Composé Avec ETRE
Lesson revising the perfect tense with AVOIR and introducing the perfect tense with ETRE. Opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities.

Qué deportes haces?
Follow on lesson to sports which re-caps time and helps pupils to consolidate the use of JUGAR and HACER with sports. Also looks at describing what others do using the third person singular.

Common verbs conjugated in the present tense with the Spanish flag as a background. These look great when printed in colour and stuck around the classroom and can be adapted / added to as appropriate.

Prepositions - WORKSHEET
Worksheet to compliment Powerpoint on items of furniture in a bedroom and prepositions (Dans Ma Chambre + Prepositions).

Nice cultural lesson on Paris - includes identify the monument activity, quiz, jot thoughts activity and an IT based research activity.

Feliz Navidad
Christmas lesson for KS3 which introduces topic related vocabulary. Includes wordsearch, Christmas Card task and peer assessment.