This lessons is the third lesson on converting fractions to decimals and look at the method of short division. It includes reasoning, problem solving and varied fluency.
This year 6 lesson is converting fractions to percentages. It follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths scheme. It includes the C-P-A approach and has varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This powerpoint presentation is on the difference between conceptual and procedural variation in maths. It shows different examples of how maths can be varied to build conceptual understanding and how to vary questions so that children become more fluent in their calculations.
This lesson follows the White Rose Guidance and Power maths. This lesson is looking at identifying shapes with the same area and is for year 6. It includes varied fluency, reasoning, problem soving and a great depth task (dong nao jin)
This resource is a lesson on finding the perimeter or rectilinear and compound shapes for year 5. It has varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This is the first lesson on finding the area of a triangle by making the triangle a rectangle or by estimation. It includes varied fluency, reasoning, problem solving and a great depth task.
This is the second lesson on finding the area of a triangle. It look at making each triangle into a rectangle, finding the area of that rectangle and then dividing the area by 2. It includes varied fluency, reasoning, problem solving and a greater depth task.
These three lessons are on finding the area of a triangle. They follow the White Rose guidance and Power Maths. They include varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning for a year 6 class.
This is a letter from Emily (Street Child) after she got left at Rosie and Judd’s work place. It describe how she is feeling and what has happened to her. It include a range of punctuation and is aimed at upper KS2
This is the second lesson on 10,000s, 1,000s, 100s, 10s and 1s. It follows the Power maths and White Rose guidance. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This resource is the first lesson on place value for year 5. It looks at numbers to 10,000 and follows the Mastery White Rose Guidance. It build conceptual understanding through the CPA approach and has varied fluency, reasoning, problem solving and a greater depth task.
This is a KS2 reading comprehension resource on the ancient Egyptians. It is a non-fiction text with a range of questions. It includes three weeks worth of comprehension questions with the text.
This is two weeks of reading comprehension for upper KS2. It includes 10 worksheets that follow SATs style questions and the Boom’s Taxonomy questions.