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Mastery Curriculum Resources for science

Average Rating3.97
(based on 130 reviews)

The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.




The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.
The three Domains of Life - Edexcel new GCSE 2016

The three Domains of Life - Edexcel new GCSE 2016

The lesson looks at a difficult and new concept of the Edexcel (1-9) GCSE 2016, the three domains of life. This lesson utilises teacher led learning and video based learning to cover the preferences of the student. The learning is assessed with a hinge point question into a differentiated task. The lessons concludes with an exit ticket.
Forces and Energy Lesson 3- identifying forces : A David Didau recommended resource

Forces and Energy Lesson 3- identifying forces : A David Didau recommended resource

This Ofsted Outstanding format is a great way to engage student is self assessment rather than the meaningless and superficial marking that arbitrarily occurs 3-4 times per term. Make formative assessment count! The lesson start by a think - pair - share activity to engage student in what it mean to be successful. The lesson then explains what a 6 mark question is in the new GCSE. There is then a hinge question which assesses prior understanding and differentiated the question for the next task. The students can then use the success criteria to attempt a GCSE style 6 mark question. After that the class reviews some of the lower level question model answers against the mark scheme and give them a medal (WWW) and a mission (EBI). The student then mark their own answers against the corresponding mark scheme giving themselves a medal and mission. The lesson concludes with them redrafting their own answer to include the improvements.
Forces and Energy Learning Outcomes and Knowledge organiser

Forces and Energy Learning Outcomes and Knowledge organiser

This resource is not a stand alone resource rather should be purchased with any of The 'Forces and Energy' resources by razeitlin. The year 7 and year 8 learning outcome sheets feature all learning outcomes for the 6.5 week term. Aligned with the learning outcomes is space to record exit ticket scores, these scores are used to provide formative feedback to both the pupils and the teacher and reduce the need to extensive marking as the exit tickets are diagnostic of understanding. Next to the Exit ticket score is place for a RAGing of learning, this allows the students to customise their revision and feedback. The colour of the learning outcome related to the colour on the knowledge organiser, this allows student to take accountability for their own learning and progress as the knowledge organiser aims to close the feedback loop. The Knowledge organiser has questions on the reverse of it, again colour coded to the learning outcomes to make progress accessible.
Communicable diseases - independent activity and exam question

Communicable diseases - independent activity and exam question

The lesson starts with a gcse biology question looking at the prevalence of TB and HIV. The learning outcomes are then reviewed before the students attempt an independent research task looking at five communicable diseases and answering questions that lead to an understanding of the learning outcome. Their understanding is assessed by matching question and answer card sort, included were in the download, there is a higher order question two push the top end of students. The lesson concludes with a 10 mark exam question which students record in an exit ticket tracker and rank their learning outcomes. There is a model answer to the ten mark exam question included to ensure consistency for the students.
Health and disease - what it means to be healthy and what disease is

Health and disease - what it means to be healthy and what disease is

The lesson starts by engaging the students in what it means to be healthy before to learning outcomes are discussed. The lesson moves to look at the WHO definition of help with memory trigger pictures to help students make associations. After this a graph is interpreted that helps establish the correlation between wealth and health, there are questions to guide thinking and HOTS questions to stretch able students. Definitions of communicable and non-communicable disease are reviewed with students before a work sheet and a further HOTS questions stretch learning and demonstrate understanding the lesson concludes with an exam question and model answer.
Osmosis, diffusion and active transport

Osmosis, diffusion and active transport

The lesson make much use of AFL and directs students to the most appropriate task. The lessons starts by describing different situations that diffusion takes place in. The understanding is then assessed by a hinge question with differentiated task as the outcome for this. The lesson moves on to discuss osmosis before assessing understanding and directing students to the most appropriate task. Active transport is reviewed before learning is concluded with an exit ticket.
Biology - Osmosis, diffusion and active transport

Biology - Osmosis, diffusion and active transport

This is a whole lesson that includes worksheets and a presentation. Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of Biology. This lessons focuses on osmosis and diffusion with the addition of active transport. There are multiple opportunities for differentiation already built in in a bronze, silver gold format. There are two hinge point questions that offer a really good AFL opportunity. The lesson requires potassium permanganate and a deodorant can.
Biology - Magnification and scale - Lesson 8

Biology - Magnification and scale - Lesson 8

Whole lesson including presentation and tasks. Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one Biology. The lesson is a maths for biology focused lesson which involved a series of calculations for magnification (3 levels of differentiation) followed by a hinge point question leading into a series of calculations on scale and perceived size. The demonstrate activity is a student choice of difficulty to solve a biological problem. The lesson concluded with an exit ticket.
Biology - Microscope technology (Light vs electron)

Biology - Microscope technology (Light vs electron)

This is a whole lesson including tasks and presentation. Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). There is a focus on a creature called Demodex, a parasite that lives in 17% of the populations skin pores. The lesson stresses the differences an advantages and disadvantages of light vs electron microscopes. The lesson features a hinge question to determine students ability which leads into a Cloze activity for lower ability students or an open ended research task for the higher ability.
Microscopes - magnification and scale

Microscopes - magnification and scale

The lesson is a maths for biology focused lesson which involved a series of calculations for magnification (3 levels of differentiation) followed by a hinge point question leading into a series of calculations on scale and perceived size. The demonstrate activity is a student choice of difficulty to solve a biological problem. The lesson concluded with an exit ticket.
The theory of Enzymes

The theory of Enzymes

This lesson pushes the basics of enzyme activity (denaturing, optimum pH, temperature, substrate concentration) It leads to a differentiated activity to help understanding for mid and high ability. The lesson concludes with an annotated exam question. There is an exit tick plenary.
The importance of Modelling for students.

The importance of Modelling for students.

This was a CPD session on the importance of modelling for the students. The presentation focuses on a case study that I ran over three lessons using model answers rather than personalised feedback. The CPD session also includes the evidence for it.
Edexcel CB6 - lessons condensed  + literacy intervention.

Edexcel CB6 - lessons condensed + literacy intervention.

4 Resources
With the time constraints we have left here is CB6 in two lessons. This does not cover the higher content but will ensure the basics are understood. I have included a more detailed plant cell adaptations lesson and a literacy intervention I am trialing with some success.
Digestive enzymes- problem based learning

Digestive enzymes- problem based learning

Enzymes higher level lesson based around nutrition (written by Nutrition major) The lesson start with a key word match up to overcome difficulties in language. This is followed by a video with questions to provide an active watch for the students. The lesson assesses learning via a hinge point question and the students move on to attempt a differentiated task. The task looks at various illnesses induced by enzyme deficiency, there are corresponding question to assess the understanding. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Year 6 - particles (chemistry) 2 x lessons and SOW map

Year 6 - particles (chemistry) 2 x lessons and SOW map

3 Resources
On the Wasted Years report recommendations the lessons in the scheme of work look at preparing Year 6 students for secondary science. It is written by a secondary science teacher for the cross phase development program being run 2016-17. The spec is based on the interim assessment framework. Admin - lesson map and IAF Lesson 1 - states of matter Lesson 2 - cooling curve experiment Lesson 3 - dissolving
Top 3 resources from razeitlin

Top 3 resources from razeitlin

3 Resources
Here are my 3 top selling resources in one discounted purchase. 1. Microscope technology is my best selling resource and focuses on the awe and wonder of microbiology by focusing on the species Demodex. 2. Magnification and scale is a highly differentiated lesson to compensate for students variation in mathematical ability, the lesson utilises hinge point questions to direct learning. 3. Osmosis and diffusion is a lesson that tackles difficult concepts in 3 chunks to make it achievable
CB8 Edexcel 9-1 - Transport and exchange in animals

CB8 Edexcel 9-1 - Transport and exchange in animals

5 Resources
The bundle is made up of 4 lessons and a learning outcome sheet where student log progress they have made. Lessons include: CB8a: Exchange and lungs CB8b: Circulatory system CB8c: Heart CB8d: Respiration The lessons are big and a few of them could run over two.