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Mastery Curriculum Resources for science

Average Rating3.97
(based on 130 reviews)

The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.




The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.
CB1g Edexcel 9-1- Enzyme theory prior to core practical - lesson 14

CB1g Edexcel 9-1- Enzyme theory prior to core practical - lesson 14

Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). This lesson pushes the basics of enzyme activity (denaturing, optimum pH, temperature, substrate concentration) It leads to a differentiated activity to help understanding for mid and high ability. The lesson concludes with an annotated exam question from the 2017 GCSE How Science Works questions. There is an exit tick plenary.
CB4c Edexcel 9-1- Classification - Lesson 4

CB4c Edexcel 9-1- Classification - Lesson 4

The lesson starts be getting students to make associations between different organisms. There is then a teacher lead (all within the presentation) discussion about the use of 5 kingdoms and the move to the 3 domains. This is then assessed via a deep diagnostic hinge question that direct learning to the students weaker area. The lesson finished on an Edexcel specific exam question with the opportunity to review the answers, this is recorded in the exit ticket tracker.
Stem cell - Edexcel 9-1 New Edexcel GCSE - Cells and Control: Lesson 5 - stem cell theory and ethics

Stem cell - Edexcel 9-1 New Edexcel GCSE - Cells and Control: Lesson 5 - stem cell theory and ethics

Cells and Control. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic two of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). The lesson start by looking the theory of stem cells. This is assessed by a hinge point question followed by an extended differentiated task. The second part of the lesson looks at the ethics and difficulties of stem cells. This is build around a silent debate. Both the first and second lesson conclude with an exit ticket.
CB1a- revision- microscopes

CB1a- revision- microscopes

This is a revision resource that covers CB1a microscopes. The resource looks at comparing electrons and light microscopes, magnification and image size. There are short quizzes that summerise the learning and a worksheet and exam question to review the topic.
CB1e Edexcel 9-1: Digestive enzyme (higher lesson)

CB1e Edexcel 9-1: Digestive enzyme (higher lesson)

Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). The lesson is a very challenging theory lesson based around enzymes. The lesson starts with looking at the enzymes and where in the body enzymes function. The pupils demonstrate their learning through a problem based learning activity where they look at case studies of enzyme deficiencies in patients. There is an exit ticket to finish.
CB1c Edexcel 9-1: cell specialisation

CB1c Edexcel 9-1: cell specialisation

Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). The lesson starts with a presentation focus to ensure the students show pride in their work. It then moves in to introduce the main cells of the lesson: cilliated epithelial, sperm and egg. After a brief introduction to these there is a ten minute Kagan activity where students can gather information about the cell before sharing with their group. This rolls into a true or false hinge point question to direct learning via differentiated association squares. The learners solidify their understanding with a Cloze activity before finishing with an exit ticket
CB5 Revision booklet

CB5 Revision booklet

This is a revision resource that encourages independence and learning of key outcomes. This would take a couple of lessons to complete as there are multiple tasks to improve understanding.
Meiosis - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 3 Meiosis

Meiosis - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 3 Meiosis

Topic three lesson three focuses on Meiosis . The lesson starts with an key word to definition starter. The lesson moves onto a open discussion and a video. Understanding is assessed via a hinge point question and a bronze (cloze), silver (cloze) or gold task (structured open) is allocated to evidence differentiation and give the students the most appropriate task. The lesson gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge with a step by step labelled diagram before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
CB4b Edexcel 9-1- Antibiotic Resistance - Lesson 2

CB4b Edexcel 9-1- Antibiotic Resistance - Lesson 2

The lesson starts by reviewing the WHO concerns on antibiotic resistance before looking at how it works. After students see this they prepare a storyboard on antibiotic resistance. Students then attempt an outcome differentiated worksheet before a 3 mark exam question and review of that to end the lesson.
CB4a-d: feedback and revision.

CB4a-d: feedback and revision.

This lesson looks a reviewing the understanding of the students, where understanding is weak the students are directed to a customised resource with some introduction and demonstrate activity. if students have a good understanding of all areas there is an extension task of exam questions. Topic reviewed: CB4a: human evolution CB4b: Darwin's theory CB4c: classification CB4d: selective breeding ** This is not a stand alone resource but should be purchased with ScienceMastery's other CB4 resources.
Genetic inheritence - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 5 Genetic inheritence

Genetic inheritence - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 5 Genetic inheritence

Topic three lesson five focuses on inheritance. The lesson starts with a key word association. The lesson moves onto look at the most basic variation, male or female, and gives the students the opportunity to make their own observations of a punnet square. The learning journey then looks at cystic fibrosis as a case study to inheritance; both the symptoms and prognosis are discussed. Students then look at pedigree analysis and answer questions regarding it. The main demonstrate activity is differentiated and led by a hinge point question, the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
CB2 revision booklet

CB2 revision booklet

This is a revision resource that encourages independence and learning of key outcomes. This would take a couple of lessons to complete as there are multiple tasks to improve understanding.
Limit of proportionality (Hooke's Law)  - Lesson 9 Forces and Energy

Limit of proportionality (Hooke's Law) - Lesson 9 Forces and Energy

This a core concept for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE physics. This lesson is aimed at year 8-9 however could be made course specific. The lesson starts be acting on any feedback from the previous lesson before establishing the learning outcomes for the lesson. The teacher demonstrate the limit of proportionality with the spring and masses, there is space on the ppt for the results to be recorded and a graph drawn showing the elastic limit. students then rank their confidence before selecting a differentiated gold or silver task. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
CB1bii: plant and animal cells

CB1bii: plant and animal cells

Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). The lesson requires microscopes and slides, it focuses on making comparisons between plant and animal cells and assesses this in a 6 mark question, this is to be self-assessed with and mark scheme (foundation and higher lessons attached as a formative feedback activity. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
New Edexcel GCSE: Lesson 12- Food tests (higher only)

New Edexcel GCSE: Lesson 12- Food tests (higher only)

Over arching concepts in biology. The lesson is part of a series of lessons that cover topic one of the new GCSE (to be sat in 2017). This is a practical lesson looking at different food test, this is largely problem led. The lesson is built around the idea of obesity in the west and the causes for that. This is a higher tier only lesson. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Alleles - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 4 Alleles

Alleles - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 4 Alleles

Topic three lesson four focuses on Alleles. The lesson starts with a review of previous learning. The lesson moves onto an independent research task to help embed meta-cognitive regulation, this is the discussed via teacher and slides to ensure pupils have understood. Understanding is assessed via a hinge point question and a bronze (mini lesson), silver (structured task) or gold task (structured open) is allocated to evidence differentiation and give the students the most appropriate task. students then get to see and exam question which is modelled on the board before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
CC16-17 revision booklet

CC16-17 revision booklet

This is a revision resource that encourages independence and learning of key outcomes. This would take a couple of lessons to complete as there are multiple tasks to improve understanding.